Title: Common Review Initiative _____
1Common Review Initiative_____
- Mike Hawkes, ECMC
- Brent Dove, USA Funds
- Penny Hagan, MOHELA
2CRI A One-Year Update
- Mike Hawkes
- Educational Credit Management Corporation
3CRI Concept
- Guarantors are combining resources to conduct a
single review of large lenders and servicers - These CRI reviews will go toward meeting the
requirements of 682.410(c)(1) for each
participating CRI guarantor
4CRI Goals
- Improve the quality of lender program reviews
conducted by guarantors (including non-CRI
reviews) - Reduce redundancy of reviews by guarantors
5CRI Approval
- In March, ED approved CRI as a pilot project.
- Pilot runs from January 1, 2004 through December
31, 2005. - Working on measurements of effectiveness to
evaluate whether CRI should be permanent
6Participating CRI Guarantors
- 33 guarantors have signed CRI participation
agreements - Non-participants currently are
- Alaska
- CSAC/EdFund
- New Hampshire
- North Carolina
7CRI Administration
- Formed a CRI Council meets monthly via
conference call - Formally adopted a CRI review guide and workbooks
for attribute testing - Adopted an administrative guide
8CRI Leadership
- Leaders are
- Aaron Cook NELA Chair for 2004-05
- Rick Buckingham USA Funds Chair for 2006-07
- Jim Elvekrog Great Lakes Secretary
- Carol Lindsey TG Treasurer
9CRI On-site Reviews
- CRI review teams have conducted five on-site
reviews in 2004 - CFS/Suntech
- Wells Fargo
102005 CRI Reviews
- Edfinancial Services
- Nelnet
- Sallie Mae
- Educaid
- Citicorp
- Regions Bank
- Potential for two additional reviews
11CRI Training
- October 26-27 face-to-face meeting
- Topics on agenda included
- Review scheduling and preparation
- Workbook review and practice
- Preparing and sending the report
- IDEA software potential
- CRI website
12CRI Web Presence
- Public Site
- www.nchelp.org
- Click on Initiatives
- Select Common Review Initiative
13CRI Public Site
14CRI Private Site
- Private site
- Facilitate review team preparation
- Storage of review files, workpapers
- Security for each folder customized
15CRI Private Site
16CRI Private Site
17CRI Private Site
18CRI Private Site
- Mike Hawkes
- 804-267-7101
- mhawkes_at_ecmc.org
20CRI A Reviewers Perspective_____
21Review Scheduling
- Contact lender/servicer to confirm dates are
acceptable - Contact team members to ensure no conflicts exist
- Contact ED lead reviewer
- Obtain list of required reviews from CRI Review
Scheduling Lender Selection Workgroup
22Review Planning
- Contact guarantors with required reviews
- Ensure list of lender codes is correct
- Request error rate percentages for NSLDS
- At least 75 days before the review, contact the
lender/servicer - Verify review dates
- Collect contact information
- Send and discuss electronic questionnaire
23Engagement Letter
- List all guarantor names and corresponding code
in body of letter - Specify period of review scope
- Include list of data elements to be provided
- Attach list of lender codes to be reviewed
- Specify a need by date for data elements
24Engagement Letter
- Send 60 days before on-site review
- Send courtesy copy of letter to all lenders for
which the CRI review is being conducted at the
servicer - Send courtesy copy of letter to ED lead reviewer
25Engagement Letter
- Questionnaire
- Sample copies of due diligence notices
- Copies of audits and program reviews completed
within last two federal fiscal years - Data file containing all data elements
26Data File
- Borrower name and SSN
- Lender ID
- Servicer ID
- Guarantor ID
- Unique loan ID
- Guarantee date
- Loan type
- Subsidy indicator
27Data File
- Loan period begin and end dates
- 1st disbursement date and amount
- Current loan status
- Loan status date
- Cancellation date and amount
- Refund date and amount
- Out-of-school date
28Data File
- Interest rate
- Current principal balance
- Capitalized interest balance
- Deferment begin and end dates
- Forbearance begin and end dates
- Date entered repayment
29Data File
- Total payments
- Days delinquent
- Claim paid date
- Loan purchase date
- Loan sale date
- Loan transfer date
30School as Lender
- Send letter to school, requesting the following
documentation - Organizational chart
- Financial statements
- Description of how I SA payments were used for
need-based grant programs
31Random Samples
- Run servicers data files through IDEA software
to select a random sample - A sample of 179 accounts is selected for each CRI
chapter - At least 30 days before the review, send a core
sample of 29 accounts for each testing area
32On-site Review
- Entrance conference
- Remain in constant contact with lender/servicer
staff - Attend scheduled meetings
- Exit conference
33CRI Chapters
- Chapter 1 - Origination and Disbursement
- Chapter 2 Conversion to Repayment
- Chapter 3 - Deferments
- Chapter 4 Forbearances
- Chapter 5 Collection and Claims
34CRI Chapters
- Chapter 6 Payment Application Rate Changes
- Chapter 8 Credit Bureau Reporting
- Chapter 9 Purchase/Sale/Transfer
- Chapter 10 Consolidation Loans
- Chapter 11 NSLDS Reporting
35CRI Chapter 1Origination and Disbursement
- Verify each loan is supported by valid prom note
- Verify correct interest rate determined
- Verify lender provided required disclosure info
- Verify lender obtained credit history for PLUS
credit check
36CRI Chapter 1Origination and Disbursement
- Verify PLUS checks made co-payable
- Verify proper negotiation/consummation
- Verify proper reissue of disbursement
- Verify proper late disbursement
- Verify cancellations/refunds applied correctly
37CRI Chapter 2Conversion to Repayment
- Review written procedures for conversion to
repayment - Verify out-of-school date
- Verify borrower provided timely with complete
repayment information - Verify timely conversion
- Verify repayment terms correct
38CRI Chapter 3Deferments
- Review deferment forms to ensure compliance
- Review written procedures
- Verify borrowers eligibility for specific
deferment - Verify length of deferment is appropriate
39CRI Chapter 3Deferments
- Verify maximum number of months for deferment
type not exceeded - Verify proper interest accrual
- Verify lender reported deferment to the guarantor
- Verify next payment due date timely
40CRI Chapter 4Forbearances
- Review forbearance forms to ensure compliance
- Review written procedures
- Verify request documented and processed timely
- Verify length of forbearance documented
41CRI Chapter 4Forbearances
- Verify signed forbearance agreement obtained
- Verify borrower eligible for forbearance type
granted - Verify timely resumption of payments
42CRI Chapter 5Due Diligence/Cure/Claim
- Review written procedures for collection due
diligence - Review due diligence letter language
- Verify actual dates of phone calls selected from
servicing history - Verify timeliness of due diligence letters and
phone calls - Verify skiptracing initiated timely
43CRI Chapter 6Payment Application Rate Changes
- Review procedures for allocating payments between
principal, interest, etc. - Determine how partial payments and prepayments
are handled
44CRI Chapter 6Payment Application Rate Changes
- Determine procedure for handling credit balances
and write-offs of small balances - Verify current interest rate is correct
- Verify correct calculation of capitalized
45CRI Chapter 8Credit Bureau Reporting
- Verify that lender/servicer reported FFEL loan
amounts within 90 days of disbursement - Verify correct outstanding balance reported
- Verify delinquency status reported
- Verify payment in full reported
46CRI Chapter 9Purchase/Sale/Transfer
- Review borrower notification to ensure proper
information indicated - Review written procedures for processing
purchases/sales/transfers - Verify borrower notified timely
- Verify guarantor notified timely
47CRI Chapter 10Consolidation Loans
- Verify all required forms completed accurately
- Verify that LVC completed by holder of each loan
consolidated - Verify weighted average of interest rates
properly calculated - Verify length of repayment period correctly
calculated - Verify first payment due date set timely
48CRI Chapter 11NSLDS Reporting
- Verify current loan status matches lender history
- Verify outstanding principal balance amount
matches lender history - Verify outstanding principal balance date is
accurate - Review written procedures for NSLDS reporting
- Review submission error summary reports
- Review unreported loan rates
49Report Writing and ReviewClose-out
- Lender/servicer given two weeks to resolve
preliminary findings discussed at exit conference - Reviewer will compile draft report after
servicers response is received
50Report Writing and ReviewClose-out
- 45 days after servicers response deadline,
program review report will be sent - Lender/servicer has 30 days to respond to report
and each subsequent response - Closing letter will be sent to lender/servicer
- Brent Dove317-806-1257bdove_at_usafunds.org
52CRI A Servicers Perspective_____
53CRI Concept
- What we call Progress is the exchange of one
nuisance for another nuisance. - Havelock Ellis
54Recommended Servicer Review Preparation
- Data selection
- Staff
- System
- Documents
- Reviewer working environment
55Data Selection
- Discuss system options/limitations
- Understand the requested criteria
- Understand the reasoning behind the requested
criteria - Provide data for selections well in advance
56Staff Preparation
- Questionnaire
- Experience
- Availability
- Entrance Conference
- Exit Conference
- Discuss system needs
- Assist reviewer in understanding proprietary
system utilization - Assist reviewer in extracting information from
the system
- Discuss document needs
- Discuss document layout/design
- Have all documents ready for reviewer upon arrival
59Working Environment
- Clean, well lit, ample space, communication
capabilities - Adequate technical accommodation
- Access to necessary systems
60Helpful Hints
- Communicate
- Cooperate
- Clarify
61Exit Conference
- Attendees
- General discussion of process
- Discussion of collected information
- Discussion of additional needs (if any)
62Post Review
- Continue communication with CRI lead
- Do not hesitate to plead a case
- Retain copies of all pertinent documents
- Response required for CRI and DE
- DE Letter of Appeal (if necessary)
- Discuss response with appropriate staff
- Provide response within outlined timeframe
- Closing letter final response from CRI team
- Penny Hagan
- 636-532-0600 x3362
- Penny_at_mohela.com
65Thank you for joining us!Please be sure to
complete your conference evaluation form!
- Mike Hawkes, ECMC
- Brent Dove, USA Funds
- Penny Hagan, MOHELA