Title: Blood and Body Fluid Exposure An Algorithm
1Blood and Body Fluid ExposureAn Algorithm
Surgical Specimen
Assess and clean wound with soap and water /-
antiseptic or if mucous membrane ie. eyes, use an
eyewash station followed by 3 to 6 liters of
normal saline in the clinic or ER
If an autopsy case, obtain blood from the cadaver
(1 to2 red top tubes for serum). Ask someone
else to do this for you, if possible.
Go to respective clinic or ER immediately
depending on which site you are working and
depending on whether during regular clinic hours
or after hours. (See table on p. 3) Make sure the
staff arranges for possible testing of the
source patient for HIV and Hep B C If cannot
reach anyone or when in doubt, call Barry Handy
_at_ 448-5630 (office) or 533-5262 (pager)
Revised on Aug 05, 2006
2See Barry Handy or his asst. at the Univ. Health
Svcs office on the same day or the following
business day, if incident occurred after hours.
910 Madison Ave. Suite 922 between 8 am to 5 pm
M-F He will f/u blood work and any treatment if
- Fill out at least 3 forms and turn in within 24
hours or by the next business day, if incident
occurred after hours. - Incident report(s)
- University of Tennessee Report of an Occurrence
Accident/Incident - UT Memphis Uniform Blood and Body Fluid Exposure
Report - UT Memphis Uniform Needlestick and Sharp Object
Injury Report - Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce
Development, Employers First Report of Work
Injury or Illness (if occurred at Trumbull Labs) - Supervisors Report of Employee Accident
- Accident Report State of Tennessee Division of
Claims Administration This particular form is
mandatory and very important to turn in to Ms.
Karen Weatherly within 24 hours or by the next
business day at office phone no. 448-5577.