Solving Games: Nash Equilibrium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Solving Games: Nash Equilibrium


... Perfect ... strategy profile is a subgame-perfect equilibrium of a game G if ... Games with Perfect Information. Games with Uncertain Outcomes involve a new ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Solving Games: Nash Equilibrium

Solving Games Nash Equilibrium
  • Solution Concept a methodology for predicting
    player behavior.
  • Nash Equilibrium - a collection of strategies one
    for each player, such that every player's
    strategy is optimal given that the other players
    use their equilibrium strategy.

Backward Induction
  • 1. Start at terminal nodes of the game, and trace
    back to its parent.
  • 2. Find optimal decision for that player at that
    decision node by comparing payoffs the player
    receives from each terminal node. Record this
    choice, it is part of the players optimal
  • 3. Prune from the game tree all the branches that
    originated from 1. Attach to each of these new
    terminal nodes the payoffs received when the
    optimal action is taken at this node.
  • 4. A new game tree exists and is smaller than the
    original, if there are no decision nodes, you
    are done.
  • 5. If there are decision nodes, apply 1 thru 4
    until no decision nodes are left.
  • 6. For each player collect the optimal decisions
    at every node. This collection constitutes that
    player's optimal strategy in the game.

Backwards Induction, cont.
  • Review the software game in 5.1 Use backwards
    induction to determine both players optimal
  • Is this a Nash Equilibrium? Yes.
  • Why? All backwards induction solutions are Nash

Threats Credible vs. Incredible
  • Inability to make enforceable commitment, not no
    communication drive the above results.
  • Suppose Microcorp tells Macrosoft it will always
    clone the software no matter what advertising
    campaign Macrosoft employs. This is a Threat.
  • A threat occurs when one player attempts to get
    other players to believe it will employ a
    specific strategy.
  • Given this threat, Macrosoft would be wise to
    ignore this threat, because it is not credible.
  • A threat by a player is not credible unless it is
    in the player's own interest to carry out the
    threat when given the option. Threats that are
    not credible are ignored.

Threats, cont.
  • A binding threat is one in which a player can not
    back down.
  • FIGURE 5.2 gives a binding threat game tree.
    Note Idle is dropped for simplicity.
  • What is Macrosofts optimal strategy?MA only if
    Microcorp threatens EMA, EWOM and WOM for
    all other strategies
  • Note There is a relationship between credible
    threats and Nash equilibrium. If Macrosoft
    believes that Microcorp will employ ENTERMA,
    ENTERWOM, then Macrosoft should play WOM. It is
    also true that if Microcorp believes that
    Macrosoft plays WOM it should play ENTERMA,
    ENTERWOM, which is a Nash Equilibrium. Yet it
    is a Nash equilibrium that relies on an
    incredible threat.

  • A subgame is essentially a smaller game within a
    larger game with two special properties.
  • Once the players begin playing a subgame, they
    continue playing the subgame for the rest of the
  • The players all know when they are playing the
  • A subgame has one initial node, the subroot.

Subgames, cont.
  • The subgame Gs of the game GT is a game
    constructed as follows
  • Gs has the same players as GT, although some of
    these players may not make any moves in Gs
  • The initial node of Gs is a subroot of GT, and
    the game tree of Gs consists of this subroot, all
    its successor nodes, and the branches between
  • The information sets of Gs consist of those
    information sets of GT that contain a decision
    node of Gs.
  • The payoffs of each player at the terminal nodes
    of Gs are identical to the payoffs in GT at the
    same terminal nodes.
  • These four conditions say that the set of
    players, order of play, set of possible actions
    and the information sets in the original game are
    preserved in the subgame.

Subgames, cont.
  • This definition implies that every game is a
    subgame of itself.
  • FIGURE 5.3 How many subgames exist? Four.
  • Playing any subgame is common knowledge to the
    players. Thus rational behavior for the players
    in the overall game should also appear rational
    when viewed from the perspective of this subgame.
    a Nash equilibrium that involves an incredible
    threat by Microcorp to enter no matter what
    advertising strategy Macrosoft uses.
  • The subgame in Figure 5.3 at D2 has only one Nash
    equilibrium which Microcorp chooses Stay Out.
  • Yet the strategy profile selects Microcorp to
  • It is this non-optimality in the subgame which
    makes the threat incredible.

Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium
  • A Nash equilibrium strategy that remains a Nash
    equilibrium when applied to any subgame is
  • A strategy profile is a subgame-perfect
    equilibrium of a game G if this strategy profile
    is also a Nash equilibrium for every subgame of
  • In games of perfect information, subgame-perfect
    equilibria are those found via backwards
  • Backwards induction eliminates all the incredible
    threats, and all actions are a Nash equilibrium,
    and subgame-perfect equilibrium.

Games with Perfect Information
  • Games with Uncertain Outcomes involve a new
    player, Nature. When we come across an example
    of a game with Nature, we will return to the
    details of this type of game.
  • Games with Perfect Information and Continuous
  • How much output should I produce?
  • How much advertising should I purchase?
  • The Stackleberg Duopoly

Chapter Eleven Nash Equilibrium II
  • Modeling Simultaneous-Move Games
  • Review Figure 11.1
  • The model appears sequential.
  • Since the decision nodes for Rusty are in the
    same information set, the model is simultaneous.
  • Remember, simultaneous is not a reference to
    chronological time, but rather the fact that each
    player does not know the other players move
    before she/he makes her/his move.
  • Hence, Figure 11.2 is equivalent to Figure 11.1

Dominant and Dominated Strategies
  • Payoff matrix a matrix that displays the
    payoffs to each player for every possible
    combination of strategies the players could
    choose. Review Table 11.4
  • Dominant Strategy a strategy that is always
    strictly better than every other strategy for
    that player regardless of the strategies chosen
    by the other players.
  • Dominated Strategy a strategy that is always
    strictly worse than some other strategy for that
    player regardless of the strategies chosen by the
    other players.

Weakly Dominate Strategies
  • Weakly dominant strategy - a strategy that is
    always equal to or better than every other
    strategy for that player regardless of the
    strategies chosen by the other players.
  • Weakly Dominated Strategy a strategy that is
    always equal to or worse than some other strategy
    for that player regardless of the strategies
    chosen by the other players.

Prisoners Dilemma
  • Scenario Two people are arrested for a crime
  • The elements of the game
  • The players Prisoner One, Prisoner Two
  • The strategies Confess, Dont Confess
  • The payoffs
  • Are on the following slide (payoffs read 1,2)

Prisoners Dilemma, cont.
  • Prisoner 2
  • Confess Dont Confess
  • Confess 2 years, 2 years 0 years, 10 years
  • Prisoner 1
  • Dont Confess 10 year, 0 years 5 years, 5
  • Dominant strategy equilibrium In this game, the
    dominant strategy for each prisoner is to
    confess. So the outcome of the game is that they
    each get two years.
  • This illustrates the prisoners dilemma games in
    which the equilibrium of the game is not the
    outcome the players would choose if they could
    perfectly cooperate.

The Advertising Game
  • Scenario Two firms are determining how much to
  • The elements of the game
  • The players Firm 1, Firm 2
  • The strategies
  • High advertising, low advertising

Advertising Game, Cont.
  • The payoffs Are as follows (payoffs read 1,2)
  • Firm 2
  • High Low
  • High 40,40 100, 10
  • Firm 1
  • Low 10, 100 60,60
  • Dominant strategy equilibrium In this game, the
    dominant strategy for firm 1 and firm 2 is high.
    So the outcome of the game is 40,40.
  • Again, this is an example of the prisoners
    dilemma. The equilibrium of the game is not the
    outcome the players would choose if they could

More Prisoner Dilemmas
  • Industrial Organization Examples
  • Cruise Ship Lines and the move towards glorious
    excess. Royal Caribbean offers a cruise with an
    18 hole miniature golf course. Princess Cruises
    has a ship with three lounges, a wedding chapel,
    and a virtual reality theater.
  • Owners of professional sports teams and the
    bidding on professional athletes.
  • Non-IO Examples
  • Politicians and spending on campaigns.
  • Worker effort in teams. The incentive exists to
    shirk, a strategy that if followed by all
    workers, reduces the productivity of the team.
    More on shirking later.

Iterated Dominant Strategies
  • What if a dominant strategy does not exist?
  • We can still solve the game by iterating towards
    a solution.
  • The solution is reached by eliminating all
    strategies that are strictly dominated.

Example of Iterated Dominance
  • Down is Firm 1, Across is Firm 2

Alternative Solution Strategies
  • Nash Equilibrium - a strategy combination in
    which no player has an incentive to change his
    strategy, holding constant the strategies of the
    other players.
  • Joint Profit Maximization This is the objective
    of a cartel.
  • Cut-Throat A strategy where one seeks to
    minimize the return to her/his opponent.
  • How does the previous game change when we change
    the objectives of the players?
  • This is one of the advantages of game theory. We
    do not have to assume profit maximization. We
    still need to be able to identify the objectives
    of the players.

A Lack of Dominance
  • Down is Player 1, Across is Player 2

A Lack of Dominance, cont.
  • Given these payoffs, is there a dominant or
    dominated strategy?
  • If 1 chooses A, 2 will choose C
  • If 1 chooses B, 2 will choose B
  • If 1 chooses C, 2 will choose A
  • Likewise
  • If 2 chooses A, 1 will choose A
  • If 2 chooses B, 1 will choose B
  • If 2 chooses C, 1 will choose C
  • Therefore, no dominant or dominated strategy
    exists. Is there a Nash equilibrium?
  • What if player 1 chose C, and player 2 chose A,
    is this a Nash Equilibrium?
  • No, if player 2 chose A, player 1 would want A.
  • Only when both choose B, or both happy with the
    choice, therefore this is a Nash equilibrium.

Mixed Strategy
  • Pure Strategy is a rule that tells the player
    what action to take at each information set in
    the game.
  • Mixed strategy allows players to choose randomly
    between the actions available to the player at
    every information set. Thus a player consists of
    a probability distribution over the set of pure
  • Examples of mixed strategy games
  • Play calling in sports
  • To shirk or not to shirk

The Shirking Game
  • Scenario A worker is hired but does not wish to
    work. The firm will not pay the worker if there
    is no work, but the firm cannot directly observe
    the workers effort level or output.
  • Players The worker, the firm
  • Strategy Work or not work, monitor or not
  • Payoffs Work pays 100, but the workers
    reservation wage is 40
  • Worker can produce 200 in revenue, but it costs
    80 to monitor

The Shirking Game, Cont.
  • There is no dominant strategy, or iterated
    dominant strategy.
  • There is also no clear Nash Equilibrium. In
    other words, no combination of actions makes both
    sides happy given what the other side has chosen.
  • There are many mixed strategies. The worker could
    work with probability (p) of 0.7, 0.6. 0.25,
    etc... The same is true for the firm. Which
    mixed strategy should they choose?
  • If the worker is most likely to shirk, the firm
    should monitor. Likewise, if the firm is more
    likely to monitor, the worker should work. In
    any scenario, no Nash equilibrium will be found.
    The key is to find a strategy that makes the
    opponent indifferent to his/her potential
  • A person is indifferent when the expected return
    from action A equals the expected return form
    action B.

Solving the Shirking Game
  • How much should the firm monitor?
  • E(work) 60p 60(1-p) 60
  • E(shirk) 0p 100(1-p) 100 - 100p
  • 100 - 100p 60
  • 40 100p
  • p .40
  • The worker is indifferent when the probability of
    monitoring is 40 and the probability of not
    monitoring is 60.
  • How much should the worker work?
  • E(monitor) 20p -80(1-p) 100p - 80
  • E(Not monitor) 100p -100(1-p) 200p - 100
  • 100p -80 200p - 100
  • 20 100p
  • p .2
  • The firm is indifferent when the probability of
    working is 20 and the probability of not working
    is 80.
  • How does the cost of monitoring and the workers
    reservation wage impact behavior?

Existence of Nash Equilibrium
  • Every game with a finite number of players, each
    of whom has a finite number of pure strategies,
    possesses at least one Nash equilibrium, possibly
    in mixed strategies
  • Final Note If the players have continuous
    strategies (as opposed to finite strategies) a
    pure strategy can be found with a reaction

The Football Game
  • Scenario A game has come down to a final play.
    The 49ers are on the 2 yard line with 5 seconds
    to go. The current score is 20-16, with the
    Raiders in the lead. The 49ers have two choices,
    run or pass. The Raiders have two choices, defend
    against the run or defend against the passes.
  • Players 49ers, Raiders
  • Strategy Play Pass or Run, Defend Pass or Run
  • Payoffs Probability of success given choices

The Football Game, cont.
  • There is no dominant strategy, or iterated
    dominant strategy.
  • There is also no clear Nash Equilibrium. In
    other words, no combination of actions makes both
    sides happy given what the other side has chosen.
  • Hence this is a mixed strategy game.
  • Remember, a person is indifferent when the
    expected return from action A equals the expected
    return form action B.

Solving the Football Game
  • Should the 49ers run or pass?
  • E(D run) 70p 20(1-p) 2050p
  • E(D pass) 30p 80(1-p) 8050p
  • 20 50p 80 50p
  • 100p 60
  • p .60
  • The Raiders are indifferent when the 49ers run
    60 and pass 40 of the time.
  • Should the Raiders defend the run or pass?
  • E(run) 30p 70(1-p) 70 40p
  • E(pass) 80p 20(1-p) 60p 20
  • 70 40p 60p 20
  • 50 100p
  • p .5
  • The 49ers are indifferent when the Raiders defend
    the run 50 of the time.

Who will win the game?
  • The probability that the 49ers will win the game
    the Nash Equilibrium strategies are adopted
  • 0.6 0.5 30 0.6 0.5 70 0.4 0.5 80
    0.4 0.5 20 50
  • The 49ers have a 50 chance of winning this game
    when each team adopts their equilibrium

The Football Game, new payoffs.
  • How does changing the expected payoffs alter the
    probabilities that each team will take each
  • The 49ers have a very good chance of scoring if
    they pass, and the Raiders play run defense.
  • Outcome of the game
  • 49ers will run with a probability of 4/7
  • Raiders will play the run with a probability of

Who will win the game now?
  • The probability that the 49ers will win the game
    the Nash Equilibrium strategies are adopted
  • 4/7 2/7 40 3/7 2/7 90 4/7 5/7 70
    3/7 5/7 50 61.4
  • The 49ers have a 61.4 chance of winning this
    game when each team adopts their equilibrium

The Voting Game
  • Non-intuitive game theory voting paradoxes
  • Scenario Three economist need to decide how much
    math to require for economics majors. The
    options are
  • 1) require no math
  • 2) require one semester calculus
  • 3) require two semesters calculus
  • Preferences of each professor Dr. Vaitheswaran
    (V) LMH
  • Dr. Berri (B) MHL
  • Dr. Wu (W) HLM
  • V is the chair of the committee, and V has the
    power to break any ties. Voting will be done
    simultaneously by secret ballot.
  • Naive voting Professors ignore that it is a game
    and simply vote their preferences.
  • Outcome V breaks the tie as the chair and the
    students at Coe have no math requirement.

The Voting Game, Cont.
  • On the left are the outcome of the game, given
    each possible combination of votes for B and W,
    and each vote for V.
  • The outcome in bold is the preferred outcome for
  • V has a weakly dominant strategy (L). In three
    instances, Vs vote would be irrelevant,
    therefore V would not have a preference. In
    every other instance, V would maximize his
    utility by voting (L). From this we can
    conclude that V will vote (L).

The Voting Game, Cont.
  • Voting for (L) is weakly dominated by (H) and
    (M), since this is the least of Bs preferences.
  • Therefore, B will not choose (L), and we can
    eliminate this option.

The Voting Game, Cont.
  • For W, (M) is weakly dominated by (H) and (L).
    Given this, W will choose (H) in every instance,
    so (H) is weakly dominant.
  • The outcome of the game then is as follows
  • V will vote L
  • W will vote H
  • B will vote H
  • The students at Coe will thus have a high math
    requirement, exactly the opposite
  • of what the chair wants.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
  • Scenario Three gunfighters in a gun fight. The
    winner gets the gold.
  • Players Good is the fastest, Bad is the second
    fastest, and Ugly is the slowest at firing a gun.
  • Each gunfighter only gets one shot, if he is not
    killed by a faster person. The winner gets the
    gold. If two people survive, the two agree to
    split the gold.
  • All three gunfighters know the skill level of
    their opponents.
  • Potential Actions Shoot at one of the remaining

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, cont.
  • Ugly has a dominant strategy. If Ugly aims at
    Good, he is always better off than when he aims
    at Bad.
  • Bad has the same dominant strategy. Aiming at
    Good results in a higher payoff than aiming at
  • Hence, in this game, the fastest gunfighter is
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