Title: Online Student Support Online Student Support
1Online Student Support Online Student Support
- Shawnee Community College
- Thursday, April 10, 2008
- Patrice Hess, Director of Organizational Learning
- Illinois Central College
- phess_at_icc.edu 309-694-5295
2Distance Ed History by Mode
- External/Site-Based (Chautauqua, NY 1874)
- Correspondence (Shorthand by Mail)
- Radio
- Television (Broadcast Cable)
- Television (Two-Way Interactive)
- Electronic Media (Video Tape, CD-ROM, DVD)
- Correspondence (Web-Based)
- Online (Asynchronous and Synchronous)
- Hybrid
3- Extended Degree (celebrating 25 years in 2003, 30
in 2008!) - 1978-79, 14 students admitted (correspondence
format) - 1980 Distance learning newsletter, 24-hour
answering service - 1982 computer added for program administration,
toll-free number for students - 1984 teleconferencing
- 1991 faculty communicate with students via email
- 1992 library databases available online, a fax
machine is purchased
4- Extended Degree (celebrating 25 years in 2003, 30
in 2008!) - 1994 first interactive television class,
computer-mediated (print with email and chat),
program home web page - 1998 online courses
- 2000 online payment
- 2002 virtual student advisory board, new program
website - 2003 virtual graduation site (post office, gifts,
alumni relations)
5Origin of Transparency
- Which came first?
- DL students
- DL services
- ICC Website redesign in 2001, online degree
accreditation - Future Students
- Current Students
- Virtual Students
- Today
- Future Students
- Current Students
6What is Student Services?
- Western Cooperative for Educational
Telecommunications (WCET) - 2000-2002, Beyond the Administrative Core
Creating Web-Based Student Services for Online
Learners - Kansas State University (KS), Kapiolani
Community College (HI), and Regis University
(CO) and SCT (Banner) - U.S. Department of Educations Fund for the
Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) - Learning Anytime Anyplace Partnership (LAAP)
program - Guidelines to put student services online
general direction recommended steps
8From WCET one student a curriculumThe
Student-Centered Experience
- Customer Service initiatives?
- Not just for the Me-lennials who TXT
- Also for old people (like me) who ATM or have
gotten accustomed to on-demand service and
support - If not Customer Service try using
Student-Centered or Student Centeredness
9Relationships vs. Transactions
- The computer knows my name perhaps a better
experience than some in-person experiences!
10Relationships vs. Transactions
- My iGoogle page knows when its raining.
- Many portals have widgets for news and weather.
11Student-Centered Experience Design Elements
- Self-Service
- Personalized
- Interactive
- Just-in-Time
- Push and Pull
- Lifelong or as long as the student wants
12Its Online
- This doesnt mean stop printing it, convert it to
a PDF and link it to a web page - Review, revise and reformat the information or
message for effective, efficient and appealing
online delivery - Effective reformats
- Quick source guide or checklist
- Desktop video
- Interactive tutorial or simulation
- Forms linked to email submissions
13Process orientation from student perspective, not
organizational structure
- From a students perspective or with the HELP of
students, examine your application to
graduation processes - Are there policies that need to be changed to be
more effective delivered online? - Are process steps that can be eliminated?
- Is a paper audit required?
- Are signatures necessary?
- Does everyone, regardless of organizational
structure, understand the process?
14Process orientation from student perspective, not
organizational structure
- Step 2 Process Map
- Instructions
- Map the process with as much detail as possible.
- Use yellow post-it note squares for process
steps. If the step is decision point use a
different (non-yellow) colored post-it note. - Use arrows and lines to direct the flow.
15Think click not brick.
- Innovation in Student Services
- p. 229
16How Do We Know Its Working?
- Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Student to
design services - Feedback
- Community College Survey of Student Engagement
(CCSSE) - Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI)
- Proprietary Measures (data mining, departmental
surveys, emails, verbatim) - Commitment to use data and feedback to
continuously improve
17What Every DL Student Needs
- Tools information to make an informed decision
about engaging in a distance learning course - Readiness assessment, formal or informal
- Course requirements, instructor expectations
- Hardware and software requirements
- Understanding of rigor and time commitment
- Support services technical academic
- Plan B
18How Every Faculty or Faculty Developer Can Help
- 100 Things Every Online Student Ought to Know
(Christ and Ganey, 2007) - 89 Things to Embed in the First 10 Days of an
Online Class - The Business of Online Learning Syllabi,
Calendars, Policies and Procedures - Illinois Online Network Quality Course Initiative
- ICC Course Recognition Program Rubric
- Accuracy of content
- Teach the content, not the mode increased
support for web-supported or web-enhanced - Usernames and Passwords
- Proctoring, other activities requiring
out-of-area supervision or engagement - Online testing integrity, technical difficulties
20ChallengeAccuracy of content
- Information is outdated
- Links are broken
- New information is required
21Potential SolutionAccuracy of content
- Employ a cybrarian
- Automated library services time limits,
authentication - A real person
- Merriam-Webster Online Word of the Day December
06, 2006 - cybrarian \sye-BRAIR-ee-un\ noun a person
whose job is to find, collect, and manage
information that is available on the World Wide
Web - Example Sentence The library provided an e-mail
address to submit inquiries to the cybrarian.
22ChallengeTeach the Content Not the Mode
- Correspondence how to use the mail
- Radio how to tune a station
- Broadcast TV how to turn the channel
- Interactive TV how to make friends with the
proctor and avoid the classroom camera - Online, hybrid and web-supported how to use a
computer, navigate the web, install hardware and
software, prepare files in various formats,
troubleshoot and learn the content
23Potential SolutionsProvide Resources Trained
- Support websites with tip sheets and tutorials
- Links to other websites with links and tutorials
- On-site learning resource centers and labs with
trained personnel
24ChallengeUsernames and Passwords
- Multiple passwords expiring at various times
- Network and email
- eServices/PeopleSoft
- Blackboard
25Potential SolutionsPortals
- Generation 4 Web Portal High Tech/High Touch
Positive experience relationship - Single sign-on
- Decision making guides and personalized
recommendations to find and filter web content - Proactive communication, coaching, mentoring,
reminders - Connections to other community members
- Synchronous interaction
26ChallengeProctoring, out-of-area engagement
- Proctored testing
- Face-to-face conference, meeting or seminar
- Engagement in cultural event or activity in local
college area
27Potential SolutionsProctoring, out-of-area
- Document expectations in course schedules, online
course catalogs, course web pages - Encourage faculty to provide detailed course
information in pre-course communication - Work with student, faculty and support staff to
coordinate suitable substitution
28ChallengeTesting integrity, technical
- Students are not the ones doing the work,
completing the test - Browsers are not compatible with course
management systems - Wrong button or back button is clicked
accidentally - Computers fail
- Internet services fail
29Potential SolutionsTesting integrity, technical
- Encourage use of multiple types of evaluation,
not just online testing - Provide detailed but flexible conditions of
testing - Instructions for what to do and what not to do
- Time limit
- Allowance of one reset per term
- Explanation of alternative testing formats if
primary online mode fails
- History of Distance Learning
- Evolution of Online Student Services (or Student
Services Online?) - Student-Centered Relationships
- Student-Oriented Processes
- Assessment for Continuous Improvement
- Collaboration with Faculty Support Staff
- Challenges Potential Solutions
31WCET Learning Anywhere Anytime Partnership
Lessons Learned/Philosophy
- It's about people, not technology
- It's time to end the silos
- The user is king
- Internal consistency and integrity are vital
- Technology should enable new services, not define
them - Developing decentralized services means focusing
on the commonalities while respecting the
differences - There will never be enough time or money
32Questions, Responses Comments
- Shawnee Community College
- Thursday, April 10, 2008
- Patrice Hess, Director of Organizational Learning
- Illinois Central College
- phess_at_icc.edu 309-694-5295
- Burnett, D. J and Oblinger, D. G. (2002).
Innovation in Student Services Planning Models
for Blending High Touch/High Tech. IBM Society
for College and University Planning - Watkins, R. and Corry, M. (2008). E-Learning
Companion, 2nd edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. - Christ, F. L. and Ganey, Jr., L. R. (2007). 100
Things Every Online Student Ought to Know.
Cambridge Stratford Study Skills Institute. - Wahlstrom, C., Williams, B. K. and Shea, P.
(2003). The Successful Distance Learning Student.
Thomson Wadsworth.
34Web ResourcesAlso see slide citations.
- The Business of Online Learning
biCalendarsPoliciesProcedures_FSI2005.pdf - 89 Things http//www.icc.edu/innovation/PDFS/bl
ackboard/89Things_Online20Course.pdf - ICC Course Recognition Rubric
p - ION QOCI Rubric http//www.ion.uillinois.edu/in