Title: Pension Funding Reform
1Pension Funding Reform
- SOA/CCA Employee Benefits Spring Meeting
- May 19, 2006
Tonya Manning, FSA, EA Aon Consulting Brian
Donohue, FSA, EA CCA strategies
2History of Pension Funding Rules
3Trends in Pension Funding Rules
- Movement toward solvency - PBGC perspective
- PBGC has amassed a 23 billion deficit
- Current funding rules are to blame
- Could increase substantially if additional
airline or auto companies fail -
4Trends in Pension Funding Rules
- Reduced discretion in assumptions
- Interest rates
- Mortality (updated table may add 2-5 to
liability) - Further restrictions for at risk plans
5Trends in Pension Funding Rules
- Less smoothing / more transparency and
volatility - Interest rates
- Assets
- Amortization
6Trends in Pension Funding Rules
- Protection against significant underfunding
- Limitations on credit balances
- Benefit based restrictions (benefit
improvements, lump sums, accruals) - At risk classification
7- The more things change,
- the more they remaininsane.
Michael Fry and T. Lewis Over the Hedge, 05-09-04
8The Political Context
- Budget deficit
- Consideration of legislative costs
- Partisan standoffs
- Philosophical differences
- 2006 midterm elections
- Senate vs. House perspectives
9Other Agenda Priorities
- Appropriations
- Immigration
- Iraq
- Tax bill
10Pension Environment
11- Even God cannot change the past.
Agathon (448 BC 400 BC)
12Pension Reform
- This is the 800 lb. gorilla
- Congressional state-of-play
- Conference Committee try to reconcile
House/Senate bills - Progress still slow
- Numerous points of conflict
- Still hoping to complete by Memorial Day
- No action means back to 30-year Treas., not
corporate bonds
13Common Elements in Both Bills
- Existing funding rules scrapped
- PBGC premiums raised substantially
- Spending reconciliation bill raised flat-rate
premiums - Lump-sum benefits calculation changed
- Deduction limits increased
- Additional reporting and disclosure mandated
14Major Changes Under Discussion
- New funding target
- Yield curve
- Credit balances
- Limitations on at-risk plans
- Use of company credit ratings
- Lump sums, amendments, new accruals
- Impact on payment of nonqualified deferred
compensation - Smoothing of assets and liabilities to minimize
15Other Major Changes Under Discussion
- Hybrid plans retroactive and/or prospective
relief - Conversion rules
- New rules for multiemployer plans
- Funding relief for airlines
- Effective date 2007 or 2008?
- Transition rules
16Other Bill Provisions
- EGTRRA permanence
- 401(k) auto enrollment and investment selection
- FSA rollovers
- Investment advice
17Areas of Significant Controversy
- Credit ratings for at risk plans
- Degree of smoothing
- Recognition/use of credit balances
- Transition duration
- Hybrids
- Retroactive re existing plans
- Prior conversions
- New conversion mandates
- Plans in litigation
- Costs of EGTRRA and FSA rollover provisions
18- If we dont change direction soon, well end up
where were going.
Professor Irwin Corey (1914 -)
19Pension Reform- Stepping Off
20Yield Curve
21How Steep is Steep?
22Pension Reform Other Items that Smooth the
- Solid asset returns lessen impact of reduced
asset smoothing - Phase-in of
- interest rate changes (3 years)
- 100 funding target (0-5 years)
- mortality changes (3-5 yearsmaybe)
23Pension Reform Funding-based Benefit
- lt 80 funded
- No benefit improvements
- restriction applies to pay increases under House
bill - Restrictions on credit balance
- No lump sums (House bill)
- lt 60 funded
- Restrictions on lump sums (Senate bill, limited
to 50 of total or PBGC guarantee) - At risk classification (House bill)
- All accruals cease
- Presumption of underfunding
- Accelerated valuation needed to remove
restrictions - Accelerated valuation needed to avoid
presumptive deterioration (House bill) - Assets reduced by credit balance in calculating
funded ratio (House) - Incentive to burn credit balance
24Pension Reform At-Risk Plans
- Definition of At Risk
- Plans lt 60 funded (House bill)
- Employers in poor financial health lt 93 funded
(Senate bill) - Required assumptions
- Conservative retirement and turnover assumptions
- Loads to estimate annuity purchase rate
- Transition and phase-in
- Multi-year phase-in with no impact before 2009
25Pension Reform New Minimum Lump Sum
- Based on corporate bond yield curve
- House
- 3-segment, unsmoothed yield curve
- 5-year phase-in, 2007-2011
- Mortality follows funding rules (unisex)
- Senate
- Full yield curve with 3-month smoothing
- 4-year phase-in, 2007-2010
- Impact
- Lower required lump sums (5 or more) for
younger participants - Older employees may be a couple lower or higher
26Pension Reform PBGC Premiums
- 30 headcount premium for 2006
- Indexed to national average wage after 2006
- Liability measure for variable premium
- Reflects At risk status
- No asset or interest rate smoothing
- Vested benefits only (House bill)
27Pension Reform- Plain Vanilla Example
- Assumed return on assets 8.00
- Liability discount rate 5.75
- If asset return exceeds discount rate
- the plan will attain full funding in less than 7
years - ultimately, funding will run somewhat below the
"target normal cost."
28- "I guess that it's true
- for me and for you
- that time changes everything
Johnny Cash Time Changes Everything