Title: Reconstructing BPS Geometries from 4 SYM
1Reconstructing ½ BPS Geometries from ? 4 SYM
- Samuel E. Vázquez
- Physics Department, University of California at
Santa Barbara
Based on S.E.V hep-th/0612014 Work in progress
with Sean Hartnoll (KITP) See also D.
Berenstein, D. H. Correa S.E.V hep-th/0502172
D. Berenstein, D. H. Correa, S.E.V
- We want a non-perturbative definition of Quantum
Gravity - String Theory itself will be emergent from such a
theory - Example AdS/CFT
- Want to study how gravity and String Theory
emerges from a large N, SU(N) QFT - Problem strong/weak coupling duality
- Solution investigate BPS or near-BPS states
(protected by SUSY) - In particular, how do we reconstruct physical
information such as distances in space-time?
3Plan of Talk
- Review ½ BPS states on SUGRA
- Probe Strings on ½ BPS geometries and large spin
limits (SU(2) sector) - SU(2) sector of SYM and probe strings
- Matrix Quantum Mechanics and Random Matrix Theory
- Reconstructing spacetime metrics
- Using boundary to boundary geodesics (work in
progress) - Again. Random Matrix Theory
- Probing spacetime singularities?
- Conclusions
4½ BPS Geometries
- Preserve 16 supersymmetries and have R x SO(4) x
SO(4) isometries. (Lin, Lunin, Maldacena, 2004)
5SU(2) Probe Strings
- At first, we will focus on an SU(2) sector which
correspond to strings that live inside the
droplets and rotate on an S1 ? S3 fiber.
6SU(2) Probe Strings
- Write Polyakov action in momentum space (M.
Kruczenski, A.V. Ryzhov, and A.A. Tseytlin)
- A and B implement the Virasoro constraints
- Use constraints directly in the action
- Can systematically eliminate time derivatives in
favor of spatial derivatives
7SU(2) Probe Strings
- Pick a gauge in the Polyakov action, where the
angular momentum in ? is distributed uniformly
along string.
- Take the limit L ?? with ?/L2 fixed can show that the Polyakov action becomes,
Example S3
Unit disk distribution
8Dual Gauge Theory
- SU(2) Scalar Sector of ? 4 SYM on R x S3
String States with two angular momenta on
(asymp.) S5
States with two UR(1) ? SU(4) charges
String sees a reduced R x S3 geometry
- Hamiltonian in the SU(2) sector
One loop truncation
10Coherent States
Random Matrix Model!
11Closed Strings on R x S3
- Single-trace states Single string state
- In the large N limit the Hamiltonian only acts
on nearest neighbors.
12Closed Strings on R x S3
- The Hamiltonian is (periodic boundary cond.)
13Emergent World Sheet
- Action for coherent states
14D-branes on S5
- Consider Heavy states with E JZ ? p N
15Open Strings on D-branes
Z exchange
16Open Strings on D-branes
- In coherent states, and taking the L ?? limit
- At large ?, these terms localize the ends of the
open string on the Giant Graviton just like in
String Theory!
17Emergent ½ BPS Geometries
- The Hamiltonian
- has a very degenerate ground state any function
of (say) Z only
- Some heavy" ground states behave classically in
the large N limit - Example
18Emergent ½ BPS Geometries
- Normalization in terms of eigenvalues of Z
19Emergent ½ BPS Geometries
- At large N, we have a Landscape of constant
density droplets on the complex plane
20(Closed) Probe String
- Probe string state
- where, in the large N limit
21(Closed) Probe String
- Define the following operators
- Assuming that ?n are holomorphic, one finds an
interesting algebraic structure (large N)
22(Closed) Probe String
- One can show that, in the large N limit, the
Hamiltonian in this basis becomes (
), (hep-th/0612014)
- Representation of the Algebra assume ?n(Z) is a
polynomial of degree n. They will obey a
recursion relation
23(Closed) Probe String
Determined by the algebra
- Note that cross terms in H will not preserve
boson number (can also be visualized as
dynamical spin chain)
24Classical Limit
- In this representation, the coherent states are
- Action (in the large angular momentum limit)
- Circular Droplet (?(z) 0) recover usual
bosonic lattice
Normalized only inside unit disk
- Elliptical Droplet (?(z) t2 z2 z2/2 )
Chebyshev Polynomials of Second Kind
Normalizable only inside ellipse
- Hypotrochoid (?(z) a z3) One can solve the
algebra perturbatively around a 0.
28String Theory Interpretation
- We discover that the full metric on the droplet
can be reconstructed from the orthogonal
- All cases match perfectly with SUGRA result
29String Theory Interpretation
- Chen, Correa and Silva (hep-th/0703068) have
generalized the procedure for concentric rings,
which correspond to geometries with different
Penrose Limits in the space-time, correspond to
strings traveling close to the edges
Their energies can be matched with the spectrum
of the one loop Hamiltonian (in the BMN limit)
30Outside the Droplet
- One would like to learn how to probe the ½ BPS
geometries outside the droplets. - Original motivation look for signatures of the
time-like singularity of the Superstar (the
droplet is the singularity!)
- Options
- Use different reduced sectors such as SL(2),
SU(1,1), etc. (difficult combinatorics!!) - Analyze analytic structure of boundary
correlation functions causal structure of
spacetime - Used in the context of Black Holes Kraus,
Ooguri, Shenker, etc.
31Basic Idea
geodesic length
- Expect poles and zeroes when diverges
(geodesic is almost null)
- Can match with a geodesic calculation (Hubeny,
Liu and Rangamani 2006)
32Time Dilation
- For non-singular geometries one generically
expect a time dilation in the arrival of null
geodesics (Hubeny, Liu and Rangamani 2006)
Naked singularity
Time delay
?t ? ? as gedesics approach singularity
?t (AdS)
33For ½ BPS geometries
- Naively, we expect that if we use ½ BPS probes
such as Tr Zn on ½ BPS backgrounds, the result
will still be protected by SUSY.
- We believe that ½ BPS states are dual to zero
modes of Z(t,?) on S3. For example (elliptical
34For ½ BPS geometries
- So perhaps we should calculate,
- where
Drops out because
35For ½ BPS geometries
- One can show that in the free field theory
- where
36For ½ BPS geometries
- We can shift integration variables Z X ? , Y
X - ? , and then (in principle) integrate out
?. For example, for elliptical droplet (?
exp?/2 Tr(Z2)) we can explicitly do integration
Convergence Conditions
37Partial Results
- For AdS (? 0) we get that the singularities are
at (as expected)
- For (? ? 0) we find the same singularities plus
some others that do not quite agree with the
geodesic calculations.
- It seems that the BPS correlation functions are
- Free field and one-loop calculations in ? 4 SYM
permit the extraction of highly non-trivial
geometric information for ½ BPS backgrounds. - We can reconstruct the metric inside the
droplets in terms of orthogonal matrix
polynomials. - These are constructed from an interesting algebra
- Sigma model of a probe string has the form of a
dynamical bosonic lattice. - One can also try to probe the causal structure of
the backgrounds by studying poles of correlation
functions in ? 4 SYM on R x S3. (free field
theory) - Discrepancy?