Title: The Albanian Forestry Project AFP
1The Albanian Forestry Project (AFP)
- Experience with Community based Forest Management
2Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementQuick Overview over Albania
3Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementThe Albanian Forestry Project in Brief
- Funding IDA US 8.0Italian Loan US
8.5Italian Grant US 2.5Swiss TF US
0.5WB exec. US19.5FAO TA US 2.5Albania US
2.1Total US 24.1 - Communal ComponentInitial US 2.3Now US 4.3
- Duration 1997-2002 (6 years)
- Close Collaboration with USAID Private Forestry
Development Program (APFDP)
4Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementDegradation of Forests and Pastures
- Forest area 1 million haPasture area 0.4
million ha - Strong degradation of forests starting end of
80ies. Deforestation by 15 between
1988-1993Causes of deterioration - Uncontrolled wood cutting and grazing
- Collapse of control mechanisms during transition
phase - Privatization of agricultural land family plots
too small - Increase of livestock numbers for additional
income generation - Illegal logging for commercial purposes
5Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementImportant Political Decisions on NR
- Transfer of certain forests and pastures for
usufruct and management by communes ca. 250,000
ha of state forests and pastures - about 250 out of 315 communes are eligible
- Privatization of agricultural land
- Increased financial autonomy and management by
communes - Change of paradigm for Forest Administration
(DGFP) Extension services, assistance to Communes
6Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementObjectives of the AFP
- 3 Main Objectives
- Restore degraded State-owned forest and pasture
areas and promote their sustainable use - Promote the conservation of natural forest
ecosystems - Promote steps towards market economy in the
forestry/pasture sector
7Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementApproach and Rationale
Improved State Forest Management
Institutional Development
Management of Communal Forest and Pasture Areas
Forest Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance
8Experience With Community Based Forest
ManagementObjectives of the Communal Forest
- Support of two major policy objectives of GOA
- Empowering local governments
- Achieving sustainable increase in productivity of
forest and pasture areas - Through
- Silvo-pastoral management of communal lands in 30
selected communes based on tests in 3 communes - Supportive activities staff, GIS, studies
9Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementThe Concept of Participatory
Management of Natural Resources (1)
- Note Component is of experimental nature
participatory management of NR at communal level
has been unknown in Albania. Population and
administration not prepared for implementation - Approach
- Selection of interested Communes (30)
- Identification of forest and pasture areas to be
transferred. Mapping of areas and internal
borders. GIS entrance. Close collaboration with
USAID Project
10Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementThe Concept of Participatory
Management of Natural Resources (2)
- Continued
- 3. Identification of user groups in each Commune
(User Associations) - 4. Development of a 10 year silvo-pastoral
management plan by communal authority and user
groups - 5. Transfer of forest to Commune on basis of a
10-year lease - 6. Support to implementation of Mgt. Plan.
Contract between State-Communes-User Groups.
Block grants financial contribution by user
groups. - 7. Development and establishment of a
re-investment mechanism
11Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementMenu for possible investment
activities(Block Grants US 30,000)
- Rehabilitation and improvement of forests
- Reforestation of degraded forests
- Improvement of shrub and degraded oak vegetation
through coppicing and temporary protection from
livestock - Rehabilitation and improvement of pastures
- Increase of fodder supply through planting of
forage trees - Organized utilization of pastures (rotation
- Temporary closing, fencing and planting live
hedges - Establishing of livestock water wells
12Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementDoes the Project Achieve Goals?
- Achievements far beyond expectations!
- Approach widely accepted and repeated at national
level - GOA followed suggestion of the Project to
establish a new Directorate for Communal Forests
and Pastures - Forest service decentralized and communal
services strengthened (specialized communal
foresters - Additional 60 Communes included in the project
- Budget for communal component drastically
increased (from US 2.2 to more than 4.0 million)
13Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementDo villagers accept the project ?
- In general villagers are responsive to the
project some facts - There is a high degree of community participation
in project activities - 30-40 of families participate in User Groups
- Interventions have been protected, high survival
rate of seedlings - Actors are in general participatory and inclusive
- Opportunity for paid labor income is highly
appreciated - Interest to participate is very in-homogenous
14Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementDo villagers accept the project ?
- More than 1300 ha of communal forests have been
improved and 112 ha have been replanted - DGFP reports that the communal forestry program
has contributed to reducing illegal logging. - The program is highly relevant for the
development of the rural sector and for the fight
against poverty in Albania.
15Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementPerceived problems affecting
sustainability (1)
- Despite positive results there are a number of
critical issues to be considered - Farmers complain that funds provided for each
commune are not sufficient to rehabilitate
communal pastures and forests. - Pastures and forests are too degraded to produce
immediate revenues. - 20 of all families are not able to pay fees for
using fire wood in the village area. Associations
have therefore difficulties to replenish revenue
16Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementPerceived problems affecting
sustainability (2)
- There are problems with families which do not
participate in the program and extend instead
number of grazing animals. - Associations need support in marketing of
non-timber products. The market for medicinal
plants is monopolized - Communal forestry management plans are complex
and technical and are not prepared in a fully
participatory manner. - District forest officers are reluctant to fully
advise and support associations and are still not
convinced of the usefulness of the transfer of
user-rights to communes.
17Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementForecast Risks for long-term project
- Possible chain reaction Many farmers hope,
through participation, to receive back their
traditional family land. This could mark the
starting point for forest restitution - Farmers think that trees planted are free of
tariffs - Problem of refused land persists and sharpens.
They are outside project reach - Tensions between old and new villagers
18Experience with Community based Forest
ManagementSzenario for Development of
Land-Ownership in Albania
- before 45 45- 95 now future?