Title: A Service Paradigm for Reconfigurable Agents
1A Service Paradigm for Reconfigurable Agents
- Gary Holness, Deepak KaruppiahSubramanya Uppala,
Roderic GrupenChandu Ravela
Laboratory for Perceptual RoboticsDepartment of
Computer ScienceUniversity of MassachusettsAmher
st, MA 01002USA
- Robotic Agent Physiology
- The general idea of The Service Model
- Sensor/Motor Service
- Tracking Example
- Future Directions
3Robotic Agent physiology
- Sensors/Motors interface to computational
resource running an algorithm
- Progress guided by objective function
- Custom device protocols for sensors and motors
- Upgrading sensory motor suite means integrating
new protocols
4Service Paradigm
- Add assembler which knows agent structure
- Add computation at the site of sensors and
- Offer all pieces as tethered or non-tethered
services across the network
- Services deliver code or can reach across the net
as a proxy. The proxy hides protocol details.
5Service Paradigm contd
Computational Resource
- Fault tolerance and adaptation through
- Resources necessary to accomplish a task can be
swapped in/out based on quality metrics
- Can perform lazy loading of algorithms to meet
finite computational budgets
- Our example swaps in/out sensory-motor resources
6Sensor Service
Host/Embedded System
public interface Sensor extends Device
DeviceRegistration reportFeature(Type type,
long duration, long period,
RemoteEventListener target)
throws LeaseDeniedException,
7Motor Service
Host/Embedded System
public interface Actuator extends Device
DeviceRegistration actuate(ControlRef ref,
long duration, long period,
RemoteEventListener target)
throws LeaseDeniedException, RemoteException
8Higher level services
This construction is recursive
A higher level service gets its raw information
from another service These services can be tether
ed or non-tethered At each level you can add comp
9Tracking Example
- Agent assembled by user (UI) at run time
- Redundant camera services for panoramic and
pan-tilt-zoom. Higher level services extract
headings from features.
- Motor service for asserting position references
on pan-tilt-zoom camera
- Triangulation algorithm aggregates two heading
sensors and a motor service
- Objective function rates resources based on
liveness and reachability.
- Aquires and releases resources as it goes.
10Future Directions
- Services for audio and mobile robots
- Downloadable mechanized assembly process which
learns which assemblages are most successful and
makes them persistent
- Load multiple versions of an algorithm
(precision, energy, time optimal) and learn a
policy for loading
- Switching among feature types and adjusting
periods from the registration token
- Very long running (weeks vs. days) experiments
- Activity maps and learning the activity in a room