Title: Termite Control: Real Answers, Right Now - Slug-a-Bug
1Termite Control Real Answers, Right
- Call Today To Schedule Your Free Termite
2Are Termites Really A Serious Problem?
- Termites are absolutely one of the most serious
problems youll face as a homeowner. Termites do
over 1.5 billion in property damage every single
year. Most often, but the time you discover them,
the damage is already done. Termite control can
help save your home.
3Why Are Termites Commonly Discovered In the
- March through May are prime termite infestation
discovery months thanks to swarmers. Warmer
temperatures and rainfall trigger this occurrence.
- Swarmers are those termites that leave the colony
in order to find new breeding grounds. - Discovery of winged termites inside your home is
almost always an indicator of a deeper
4How Do I Know If I Have a Problem?
- If you find winged termites inside your house,
you certainly have a problem. Look for them
around the base of the foundation, or in the
porch or patio area. Mud tubes are also an
indication of their presence. If you notice
these, contact a termite control expert and
schedule a termite inspection immediately.
5Can I Handle Treatment On My Own?
- Treating your house on your own may initially
save you some money, but treating for termite
infestations requires some special skills you may
not have. A knowledge of your homes construction
is a must, and using specialized equipment will
also be necessary to stop any potential
infestation from reoccurring.
6Do They Have To Treat The Whole House?
- Spot termite treatments is almost always
ineffective. - Termites are tenacious and ongoing termite
treatments are an absolute must for best results.
7Are the chemicals safe?
- The chemicals used to treat termites are tested
extensively by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency to ensure the safety of your family and
your pets. If you have any concerns because of
preexisting health conditions, you should contact
your doctor and let your pest management
professional know of your condition.
8Will the termites return?
- Its always possible for termites to return, even
if youve chosen the right termite service.
However, reputable companies, like Slug-A-Bug
will return to retreat the problem at no extra
9Schedule a free evaluation
- Slug-A-Bug is the largest independently owned
pest control company in Brevard County, we offer
the solutions you need to protect your home from
termite infestations, ants, outdoor pests, bed
bugs and many other kinds of pests. - For more information on Slug-A-Bug, visit