Title: What's HUD and what's its function
1- Whats HUD Whats Its Function?
- Learn about HUD, how it functions, HUD homes.
2What Are HUD Homes?
- A HUD home is a residence backed by a
- (FHA) Federal Housing Administration-
- insured mortgage that has ended in
- foreclosure.
- Once HUD steps in and acquires the
- property, they then put it up for sale.
- Anyone may purchase a HUD home
- as long as they can pay for it in cash
- or secure a loan.
3Whats HUD?
- HUD stands for the United States
- Department of Housing and Urban
- Development.
- HUD oversees lending companies
- to make sure first time homebuyers
- minorities are able to afford cheap
- homes.
4What is HUD?
- HUD works with other organizations
- like the (FHA) Federal Housing Authority,
- Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, who
- issue subsidies for public housing
- home loans for the purchase of HUD
- homes.
- HUD Offers stability and growth to urban
- communities.
5Brief History of HUD
- The Federal Housing Administration
- (FHA) was created under the National
- Housing Act of 1934.
- The National Housing Act of 1934 was
- passed to make mortgages and housing
- more affordable in the U.S. under The
- New Deal
6Brief History of HUD
- The United States Housing Authority
- (USHA) was created by the U.S. Congress,
- making 500,000,000 available for loans
- for families with low incomes.
- The Housing Act of 1937 was passed,
- eradicating substandard housing
- allowing the government to pay subsidies
- for low-income families.
7Brief History of HUD
- President Truman enacted The
- Housing Act of 1949, increasing
- authorization for the FHA, providing
- federal funding for many more public
- housing units, urban renewal projects
- in U.S. cities, funding for rural
- homeowners.
- In 1965, three organizations merged
- into one to become what we now
- know as HUD.
8HUDs Functions
- HUD is responsible for creating and enforcing
programs and policies that help Americans with
low incomes obtain affordable, safe, decent,
livable housing. - The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
provides numerous functions services to ensure
fair equitable lending practices, especially in
urban areas.
9HUDs Functions
- HUD helps individuals and families
- secure safe, decent housing at
- affordable rates.
- HUD helps low-income individuals
- families purchase their own, cheap
- homes with as little as 100 down.
10HUDs Grants Programs
- HUD awards competitive home
- improvement, safety, community
- development grants.
- Some grant categories include
- Chronic Homelessness
- Community Development
- Housing-related Health Hazards
11Foreclosed Homes
- Homes go into foreclosure when the
- home owner defaults on their mortgage
- loan they are unable to keep up with the
- payments.
- The home owner may be severely
- behind on their mortgage payments
- or completely unable to make payments
- due to job loss, illness, death, or some
- other unfortunate event.
12Buying A Foreclosed Home
- Buying foreclosed homes is the best way to
purchase a home well below its market value. - Getting into a foreclosed home can save the buyer
tens of thousands of dollars.
13Buying A Foreclosed Home
- With the current state of the foreclosure crisis
in the U.S., finding a foreclosed home to buy is
not at all difficult to do. - Homes that are in foreclosure and up for sale is
public information that may be obtained at the
county clerks office, the local newspaper, or
even via the Internet.
14Buying A Foreclosed Home
- A foreclosed home may be in excellent
- condition or it may need some work
- done to rehab it and bring it up to code.
- The laws affecting foreclosed homes
- vary from state-to-state.
15Buying A Foreclosed Home
- Buying a foreclosed home is
- a great way to become a home owner,
- for first time buyers, low-income families,
- or an individual who wants to purchase
- a cheap home.
- Make sure, when buying a foreclosed
- home, that you are not required to
- catch up on any payments owed by
- the previous owner.
16Government Foreclosures
- Government foreclosures are
- another excellent option when
- seeking cheap homes for sale.
- These properties are sold to the
- public and have been foreclosed
- by government agencies.
17Government Foreclosures
- Government foreclosures occur
- when the government seizes a
- property.
- These properties often go up for
- sale at auction to the highest bidder.
18Government Foreclosures
- Homes that are in government foreclosure
- may be purchased at a much lower cost
- than their appraised value, so the buyer
- saves money.
- Government foreclosure properties are
- often available for purchase at government
- auctions.
- These homes usually sell quickly.
19Lets Review
- HUD guarantees fair equitable lending
- for Americans with low incomes minority
- populations.
- Stability, growth development of urban
- centers is a main goal of HUD.
- HUD oversees the major lending
- companies, making sure first time
- homebuyers can afford cheap homes that
- are decent, safe, livable.
20For more Information
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