Title: Honesty & Integrity in the Southwest Auction Industr
1Honesty Integrity in the Southwest Auction
Industryby Deb Weidenhamer,President CEO
2Honest Integrity
- Are you a regular attendee of Southwest auctions
or an owner or employee of an auction company? - Are you concerned with honesty and integrity in
the Southwest auction industry? - Then you have come to the right place.
3Doing What is Right When No One is Looking
- My seven-year-old nephew Baylor recently received
a gift of marbles. He had never played marbles
before so he asked his uncle to teach him how to
play. The technique of thumb placement and proper
marble shooting were reviewed and it was decided
that for every three chances Baylor took at the
game his uncle would take one. The game
progressed nicely and Baylor began to master art
of shooting of marbles. Baylor insisted that it
was now time for the two to compete as equals
taking alternating turns. He didn't need any
extra help to win the game. -
- When the game was over, Baylor asked his
grandmother for three pieces of candy and was
told he could only have two. With a look of
disappointment on his face he took his two
candies and walked away. Trying to be a hero, I
slipped him an extra candy when his grandmother
wasn't looking. He quietly walked back to the
candy dish, lifted the lid and replaced the extra
candy. There was no fanfare, he didn't explain
his actions or make sure someone was watching him
do the right thing -- he just returned what
wasn't rightfully his. - As I watched the process it reminded me that
integrity isn't something we talk about it is
something we do even when no one else is looking.
4Integrity in the Southwest Auction Industry
- As auctioneers, we often tell our clients about
our honesty and integrity. We even reference it
in our advertising. - But the question comes do we do the right thing
when no one is watching? - Does integrity come to us as naturally as it came
to this little boy?
5Integrity in the Southwest Auction Industry
- With the beginning of a new year and changing
times in our world, it is time to reexamine our
Southwest auction practice and remind ourselves
to anchor our businesses on virtue and honor. - When we make a proposal to a Southwest auction
client, we may be able to offer better service, a
larger buyer base for merchandise and
technological advantages - but does any of it
matter if we don't conduct a Southwest auction
with integrity?
6Choose a Reputable Southwest Auction House
- My seven-year-old nephew, Baylor reminded me that
it is not about who may be watching you it is
about keeping an eye on yourself. May our future
be full of challenges that we all meet head-on,
in a manner that would make a seven-year-old
proud. - If you are considering conducting business with a
Southwest auction house, be sure to choose a
Southwest auction house that values honesty and
integrity and will do the right thing when no one
is watching.
7About the Author
- Deb Weidenhamer is President of Auctions Systems
Auctioneers Appraisers, Inc., based in Phoenix,
Arizona. They specialize in auctions and
professional appraisals. Visit us at
or call 800-801-8880 for more information about
our Southwest auction company.