Title: Flexible Spending Accounts
1Flexible Spending Accounts
- San Mateo County
- Paul Hackleman
2What is a Healthcare FSA?
- Allows Participants to Recover Out-of-Pocket
Payments for Healthcare - Accounts Are Funded from the Participants
Pre-Tax Payroll Deductions
3How Do FSAs Work?
- Participant Determines Payroll Deduction
- Employer Takes Deductions to Fund Selected FSA
Accounts - Participant Submits Eligible Claims and
Documentation to Mangrove Employer Services for
4How Do FSAs Work?
- Mangrove Reviews / Processes Claims
- Mails / Directly Deposits Bi-Weekly Check
- Use of Debit Card
- County pays for first two cards
- Additional cards are 5 each.
- Quarterly Statements
- 24 hour online access to FSA account up to the
minute information
5How Will FSAs Benefit You?
- Pre-Tax Payroll Deductions Reduce Your Taxable
Income - Increases Your Spendable Income Since Services
Are Paid For from Pre-Tax Dollars
6A True Pre-Tax Deduction
- Contributions are tax free including
- Federal
- State
7Example - 60,000 Income
8Who is Eligible?
- Regular Employees 20 Hours per Week
- Participation Begins
- Current Employees January 1 (enroll during open
enrollment) - New Employees First of a Month Following 28
Days of Employment
9Reimbursement Account
- Reimburses Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Expenses
- Incurred by Employee, Spouse, or Dependents
- Benefit Is Pre-Funded By Your Employer
10How Much Can I Contribute?
- Healthcare Account
- Minimum 25 per year
- Maximum 5,000 annually
11What are Eligible Expenses?
- Incurred for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,
treatment, or prevention of disease, and for
treatments affecting any part or function of the
body - Incurred within the plan year
- Expenses to promote general health are generally
not deductible
12Eligible Healthcare Expenses
- Anesthetist
- Chiropractor
- Dental
- Glasses Contacts
- Eye Exams
- Hospitalization
- Laboratory
- Fees/Co-Pays for
- Physician
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Surgery
- X-Rays
- Diagnostic
- Acupuncture
- Ambulance
13Eligible Healthcare Expenses
- Fees/Co-Pays for
- Vaccines
- Artificial Teeth
- Birth Control Pills
- Modifications to home or car due to
disabilities - Guide Dog cost and maintenance
- Fertility Treatments
- Nursing Services
- Medical monitoring and testing devices
- Psychoanalysis
- Travel Expenses _at_ 22 cents per mile
- Lodging 50 per person (100 per day max.)
- Smoking Cessation
14Eligible Healthcare Expenses
- Fees/Co-Pays for
- Prescriptions
- Hearing Aids Batteries
- Nursing
- Obstetrician
- Sterilization
- Limb/Breast Reconstruction
- Nursing Home
- Orthopedic Shoes
- Orthodontic
- Therapy for Drug/Alcohol Addiction
- Tuition for Learning Disabled
- Lasik Surgery
- Over-the counter drugs
15Over-The-Counter Drugs
- Revenue Ruling 2003-102 (9/3/03)
- Product must
- Be for medical care
- Satisfy definition of eligible expense
- Cannot be merely beneficial to health. (Vitamins
/ Supplements excluded) - Be medicine or drugs (no toiletries / cosmetics)
- Be documented by receipts showing name and type
of product purchased
16Ineligible Expenses
- Unless Prescribed By Physician and Documented -
requires letter of medical necessity from
physician - Smoking Cessation Programs
- Lamaze Classes
- Exercise Equipment
- Cosmetic Services
- Weight Loss Programs
17Ineligible Expenses
- Estimated Expenses
- Premiums for Insurance Benefits
- Already Pre-Tax
- Expenses Paid By An Insurance Company or
Submitted to Spouses Employer Sponsored FSA - Expenses incurred prior to the start date of the
FSA plan or incurred after your termination
from the FSA plan.
18Termination of Employment
- Once an employee terminates employment
- No more incurred expenses are eligible
- Need to submit receipts within 60 days
- Importance of Planning
- Retirement / Termination
- Calculation of contribution
19Benny? Makes Them EASY to Use!
Introducing The Benny? Debit Visa? Cardfor All
Your Qualified FSA Expenses
20Benny Debit Card
- Other than for approved co-pays, receipts may be
required - Letter will be sent in 30 days from transaction
if receipts are required. - If receipts are required and not received in 60
days letter is sent and the card is turned off
and purchase may be deemed ineligible.
21How Does It Work?
- At the time of payment for prescription or office
And, payment is automatically deducted from your
FSA account.
Then, save your receipts in an envelope.
Its that EASY!
22Benny Debit Card
- For Current Participants
- A new card will not be sent
- If enroll dependent one additional card at no
charge - Active January 1, 2008 New Balance
23Benny Debit Card
- No required receipts for co-pays
- Doctors offices
- Pharmacies
- Hospitals
- Co-pay amount must match your health plan.
Copies of receipts should be kept.
24Benny Debit Card
- Can be used at the following as long as they
accept Visa - Doctors office
- Pharmacy
- Hospital
- Dentist
- Vision provider
25Benny Debit Card
- Two cards will be received at no cost to you.
- If additional cards cost.
- You Need to ACTIVATE and SIGN the Cards
- To activate call the number on the sticker on the
Card or log onto www.benefitone.com - Each eligible user signs his or her name.
26Benny Debit Card
- Improvements over Prior Debit Card
- More Automatic Adjudication
- Data Matching
- Retrospective Files
- Recurring Expenses
- Enhanced Co-pay Matching System
27Plan Rules
- Expenses Must Be Incurred (Services Rendered)
While An Active Participant - Funds Left In the Account at the End of the Plan
Year Are Forfeited - Run Out Period (90 days)
- Reduction in Taxable Income May Result in Reduced
Social Security Benefits
28Plan Rules
- Cannot Change Deduction Unless You Experience a
Family Status Change (must be reported within 30
days of the event) - Marriage or Divorce
- Birth or Adoption
- Death of Spouse/Dependent
- Change in Employment Status of Spouse or Self
- Involuntary Change in Medical or Dental Coverage
- FMLA or Non-FMLA Leave
29How Do I Enroll?
- Complete the Estimated Expenses Worksheet
- Return a Completed Election Form to Human
Resources - Pony HRD-133 - Current Participants Re-enrollment Process
30The Better You Plan The More You Will Save!