Title: Genetics of Viruses
1Genetics of Viruses Bacteria
2Chapter 18 - Microbial Models Genetics of
Viruses and BacteriaKey Concepts
- Most viruses consist of a genome enclosed in a
protein shell - Viruses can reproduce only within a host cell
3Phage Reproduction
- Phages exhibit two reproductive cycles Lytic
4- Animal viruses are diverse in their modes of
infection and replication - Viroids and Prions are infectious agents even
simpler than viruses
5Genetics of Bacteria
- Short generation time for bacteria facilitates
adaptation to changing environment. - Genetic recombination produces new bacterial
strains. - Control of gene expression enables individual
bacteria to adjust their metabolism to
6Most Viruses.
- Viruses are infectious particles consisting only
of viral genes enclosed in a shell of proteins.
7Viral Genomes
- Viral Genomes double-stranded DNA
single-stranded DNA double-stranded
RNAsingle-stranded RNA. - A virus is called either a RNA or a DNA virus
8- Viral genome is either circular or linear.
- Smallest has four genes, the largest several
9Viral Morphology
- Capsids are proteins that enclose a viral genome.
- Protein subunits called capsomeres make the
capsid. - Viral envelopes are membranes that cloak capsids.
- Viruses that infect bacteria are called
bacteriophages or phages.
11(No Transcript)
12T4 Phage injecting its DNA into E. coli to take
over its genetic machinery
Tail Fiber
13Viruses Only Reproduce Within a Host Cell
- Viruses areobligate (no choice)intracellular
(inside cell)parasites (at expense of host - What is an obligate lactophilus, endoparasite?
- Lack enzymes for metabolism and have no ribosomes
or other equipment for making their own proteins.
15Host Range for Viruses
- Viruses are host specific.
- Lock-and-Key fit between virus and host
cell.e.g. HIV binds to a specific receptor on
certain white blood cells.
16- A viral infection begins when the genome of a
virus makes its way into a cell where it
commandeers its host, reprogramming the cell to
copy viral genes and manufacture capsomeres (Fig.
17Viral Reproduction Cycle (DNA) Play CD2 Figure
Entry into cell DNA uncoating
Viral DNA
1. Replication
Capsid proteins
Self-Assembly Exit
- DNA viruses use the DNA polymerases of host cells
to synthesize new genomes along templates
provided by the viral DNA - The cycle is complete when the 100s or 1000s of
viruses emerge from the cell...sometimes the cell
survives, sometimes it is destroyed (next topic).
19Phages Exhibit Two Reproductive Cycles Lytic
- A reproductive cycle that culminates in death of
the host cell is a lytic cycle. - Lytic cycle this refers to the last part of the
infection when the bacterium lyses (breaks open)
to release phages. - Viruses that depend on this cycle to reproduce
are called virulent viruses.
20- Bacteria have restriction enzymes that recognize
cut up foreign DNA. - Natural selection favors phage DNA resistant to
these enzymes.
21Figure 18.4 Lytic Cycle of Phage T4 - Play CD
22- Lysogenic Cycle reproduces viral genome without
destroying the host. - Viruses using both lytic and lysogenic cycle in
bacteria are temperate viruses.
23??Phage Lysogenic and Lytic Reproductive Cycles
- Phage DNA circularizes and can either use the
lytic cycle or viral genome to enter a specific
site in the bacterial chromosome (prophage).
24Lysogenic Lytic Cycles of Phage Lambda (similar
to T4, but no tail)
Figure 18.5
25- Some prophages can alter bacterial phenotype to
produce toxins that cause disease - Diphtheria
- Botulism
- Scarlet fever
26Animal Viruses (See Table 18.1)
- RNA viruses called retroviruses have unique
enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which can
transcribe DNA from the RNA template. - The new DNA integrates as a provirus into a
chromosome in the cell nucleus, where RNA
polymerase transcribes viral DNA into RNA.
27- This RNA serves as mRNA for protein synthesis and
codes for new viral genomes. HIV is a
28Animal Viruses Grouped by Nucleic Acid Type
(Table 18.1)
- Class I dsDNA
- Papovavirus-Papilloma (warts, cervical cancer)
polyoma (tumors in certain animal). - Adenovirus-Respiratory diseases some tumors in
29Class I dsDNA
- Herpesvirus-Herpes simplex (cold sores) Herpes
simplex II (genital sores) varicella zoster
(chicken pox, shingles) Epstein-Barr virus
(mononucleosis, lymphoma). - Poxvirus-smallpox cowpox vaccinia
30Class II. ssDNA
31Class III. dsRNA (reovirus)
32Class IV. ssRNA (serve as mRNA)
- Picornavirus-poliovirus, rhinovirus (cold)
enteric (intestinal) viruses - Togavirus-Rubella yellow fever encephalitis
33Class V. ssRNA (template for mRNA)
- Rhabdovirus-rabies
- Paramyxovirus-measles mumps
- Orthomyxovirus-influenza
34Class VI. ssRNA (template for DNA synthesis
- RNA tumor viruses (e.g. leukemia)
- HIV (AIDS virus)
35Life Cycle of HIVA Retrovirus (Play CD)
Figure 18.7
White blood cell
RNA for translation Genome of next gen.
Capsid assembly
36From Where or What do Emerging Viruses Arise
(e.g. AIDS, hantavirus, Ebola, influenza)?
- An existing virus can evolve and cause disease in
an individual who had developed immunity to the
ancestral virus (influenza viruses evolve are
maintained in birds then infect us by an insect
bite, etc.).
37- An existing virus can spread from one host
species to another (e.g. monkeypox)
38- An existing virus can disseminate from a small
population to become more widespread (e.g.
hantvirus, AIDS).
39Viroids and Prions Are Infectious Agents Even
Simpler than Viruses
- Viroids are molecules of naked RNA that are
similar to introns that can catalyze their own
incision from larger RNA molecule (escaped
40Nobel Prize (1997)Stanley Prusiner
- Prions are defective proteins that cause diseases
like scrapie in sheep and degenerative diseases
of the nervous system of humans, and most
recently, mad-cow disease in Britain. - Prions catalyze conversion of normal protein to
prion protein. - Stay tuned...
41Genetics of Bacteria
- Short generation time of bacteria facilitates
their adaptation to changing environments. - See Figure 1810
42Genetic Recombination Produces New Bacterial
- Recombination is the combining of genetic
material from two individuals into the genome of
a single individual via three processes - Transformation
- Transduction
- Conjugation.
43Detecting Genetic Recombination in Bacteria
44- Transformation is the alteration of bacterial
cells genotype by uptake of naked, foreign DNA
from the surrounding environment, which replaces
native alleles. - Similar to crossing over in eukaryotic meiosis.
45- Taking up naked, foreign DNA by bacteria is
intentional as surface proteins recognize and
transport DNA from closely related species.
46- E. coli dont take up DNA normally, but placing
calcium in the medium stimulates them to do so. - This technique is used in biotechnology to
introduce foreign genes into bacteria, which then
make molecules like insulin and growth
hormone...more on this in Chapter 20.
47- In transduction, phages transfer bacterial genes
from one host cell to another via two forms. - Basically, a defective phage transfers the DNA
from one bacterium to another where the new
replaces the homologous region, similar to
crossing over (see Fig. 18.12).
48- Conjugation is the direct transfer of genetic
material between two bacterial cells that are
temporarily joined, with DNA going only from one
to another. A special plasmid makes this
49- So transformation, transduction and conjugation
produce new bacterial strains and understanding
these processes has been important in the
development of biotechnology. - Transferring DNA from one organism to another,
then exploiting the new organism.
- Plasmid is a small, circular DNA that is separate
from the bacterial chromosome. - Plasmids can reversibly incorporate into the
cells chromosome to be an episome. - ??phage is also an episome.
51- Plasmid genes can confer advantages for survival
in stressful environments. - For example, R Plasmids confer bacterial
resistance to antibiotics and with natural
selection we see more and more resistant
bacterial strains that are difficult to treat.
52- Transposons can carry resistance or other factors
from one organism to another, and unlike all
forms of genetic shuffling, they are not
site-specific. - So new genes may show up in places where they
have never been before (read about this more ).
- When a group of task-specific polypeptides are
required, frequently a single promoter serves all
genes as a transcriptional unit on a single
54- Transcription gives rise to one mRNA for all the
genes that is punctuated with start and stop
codons along the way.
55- A single switch can control the entire cluster of
functionally-related genes. - The switch is called an operator and it regulates
access to of RNA polymerase.
56Operon Operation
- The entire stretch of DNA, promoter, operator and
structural gene is called the OPERON. see Figs.
18.19, 18.19 18.20 for details on how the
operon operates.
57Figure 18.18
58Figure 18.19
59Figure 18.20
- Molecular genetics is founded on the study of
viruses and bacteria, so these microbial models
have been the springboard for the development of