Title: Our Class Book On Penguins
1Our Class Book On Penguins
Mrs. Johnsons First Grade Class January 2003
2Penguins eat fish. Penguins are birds. Penguins
have orange beaks and feet. Penguins slide on the
ice. Treyvonne
3Penguins have orange beaks and feet. Seals,
Killer Whales, and sea gulls hunt penguin and
penguin eggs.
4Penguins feed their babies. Their daddies watch
them. Jaylon
5 Penguins eat fish and they swim in the
6Penguins waddle. Seals, Killer Whales and sea
gulls hunt penguins and penguins eggs.Ashley
7Penguins are birds.Jameisha
8Penguins are birds.The Emperor penguin is the
tallest. Sheldon
9The penguins swim in the water. Seals, Killer
Whales, and sea gulls hunt penguins and
penguin eggs. Tyriq
10Seals, Killer Whales, and gulls hunt penguins
and penguin eggs.Jordan
11Penguins slide on the snow and ice. Penguins eat
12Penguins eat fish.Marquel
13The Emperor penguin is taller than the other
penguins. Penguins are birds.Isaiah
14They swim in the water. Penguins eat fish. Tori
15They swim in the water. Seals, Killer Whales, and
sea gulls hunt penguins and penguin eggs. Darius
16They swim in the water. Damion
17The parents throw up food into the baby chicks
mouth to feed them when penguins are first born.
They are gray. Wallace
18Penguins can swim.William