Technical Paper Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technical Paper Writing


Technical paper is a concise report of your project work carried out as a part of M.Sc. ... gives the expansions for acronyms or short names used in the paper. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Technical Paper Writing

Technical Paper Writing
  • Compiled by
  • Dr. S.N. Sridhara
  • Professor and Head, Dept. of Mech and AE

What is a Technical Paper ?
  • Technical paper is a concise report of your
    project work carried out as a part of M.Sc.
  • It must represent the essence of your work and
    must be complete in all terms making it an
    independent self-explanatory report.

Why a Technical Paper ?
  • It is an opportunity for the students to practice
    writing a concise technical paper using the
    results originated from a technical project work
  • The selected papers will be published in the
    in-house technical journal, SASTECH Journal a
    pride for the student
  • SASTECH Journal will be the jump board for your
    paper to get published in conferences and journals

What is the size of a Technical Paper ?
  • Limit your paper to eight pages in A4 inclusive
    of figures, references and the main text.
  • For publishing requirement, limit the paper to
    four, six or eight pages in total.
  • It is really challenging to prepare a concise
    report reflecting all your efforts of complete
    project work which would have been carried out
    for six months or more.
  • Page 210x297 mm, Margins Top, Bottom 25.4 mm,
    Inside 36mm, Outside 18 mm, (mirror margins)
    Gutter 0 mm, Header 12.7 mm, Footer 12.7 mm

What is the structure of Technical Paper ?
  • The paper shall contain
  • The title, the authors name and affiliation.
  • Abstract, Keywords,
  • Nomenclature
  • Abbreviations
  • Text sections Introduction, Literature Review,
    Problem Evolving/Definition, Methodology/Simulatio
    n/Solution Procedure, Validation Studies, Results
    and Discussions, Conclusions

Title, Authors Names and Affiliation
  • The Title must be self explanatory and complete
    by itself. (TNR, 20, bold, Title Case, centered)
  • The first author is the student himself, second
    author is the internal guide and the third author
    is the industrial guide (TNR, 12, centered)
  • Affiliation the designation, department and
    office affiliation (TNR, 9, centered)

  • Abstract should be around 250 words with three
    paragraphs first paragraph giving the
    introduction, second paragraph describing the
    methodology adopted and the third paragraph
    discussing the main results and conclusions.
    (word Astract in TNR, italics, 12, justified
    text in TNR, 9, justified)
  • Abstract must be self explanatory and complete by
    itself. Since it represents everything contained
    in the paper, great care must be taken to choose
    appropriate words and phrases.

Key Words
  • Key words are used to facilitate electronic
    search by other researchers.
  • Since the words in the Title are already included
    in the search, you can choose other important
    words and phrases, which would attract
    researchers to pin pointedly select your paper
    for further reference. The keywords may be
    limited to six in number.
  • Caption Key Words in TNR, 9, bold, title-case
    words in TNR, 9

Structure of the Paper
  • The section including Title, Authors name
    affiliation, Abstract and keywords will be
    printed in full width of the page.
  • (width 156 mm)
  • Remaining text including figures will be printed
    in double column format.
  • (width 71.6 mm, spacing12.7 mm)
  • In special case, wherein figures/tables cannot be
    accommodated within a single column, they can be
    placed in single column format but placed at the
    beginning or end of the page.

  • Nomenclature includes the explanation for all the
    symbols used in the paper. The symbols must be
    listed in the alphabetical order capitals first
    and lower case letters next lastly the Greek and
    special symbols. Include the units as well.
  • Abbreviations gives the expansions for acronyms
    or short names used in the paper.
  • The title Nomenclature and Abbreviation in TNR,
    9, bold the symbols and text in TNR 9

Text Sections
  • The main text shall contain the sections like
    Introduction, Problem definition, Methodology,
    Design/Simulation, Solution Procedure, Validation
    Studies, Results and Discussions and Conclusions.
  • Continuity must be established between
    paragraphs, sections and subsections.
  • Main-headings in CAPS case, TNR, 10, Bold and
    numbered sequentially
  • Sub-headings in TITLE case, TNR, 10, Bold and
    numbered sequentially
  • Text in TNR, 9

Text Sections (Contd..)
  • The proportions for each section are roughly as
    shown below
  • Introduction about 1,000 words
  • Problem Definition about 75 words
  • Methodology/simulation/solution procedure
    about 1000 words,
  • Validation studies/Results and discussions
    about 2000 words
  • Conclusions about 100-150 words (preferably
    in bulleted formats)

Main Text
  • Section Introduction
  • In this section, give a general introduction to
    the topic within two or three sentences and then
    discuss the developments (literature) and
    identify the need for the study undertaken and
    finally mention the work carried out in the
    current study in brief.
  • Problem definition/formulation can be included
    as the final paragraph in this section.

Main Text (contd..)
  • Section Methodology/Simulation/Solution
  • This section explains the methodology or
    solution procedure followed in the study without
    ambiguity. All the technical details must be
    included. Figures and tables may be used to make
    the explanation easier to understand.
  • On the whole the reader must be given the
    complete information so that he/she can
    reconstruct or re-do the entire study.

Main Text (contd..)
  • Section Validation studies
  • In case of simulations, it is preferable that
    validation studies are carried out to prove the
    credentials of your study.
  • Validation studies include the repetition of
    work reported in the literature, using the
    methodology/tool used in the study.
  • Clearly bring out the similarities or
    differences in the results derived and reported.
    Give suitable explanations for the differences
    found if any.

Main Text (contd..)
  • Section Results and Discussions
  • This section describes the output of your
  • Record all important results derived and support
    them with proper scientific and technical notes.
  • Use the graphs, tables and mathematical models to
    describe the results.
  • Comparisons of the results obtained and bringing
    connectivity to the published literature would
    increase the gravity of the result.

Main Text (contd..)
  • Section Conclusions
  • Conclusion is not a summary of the work, but a
    listing of major outcomes derived from the
  • Therefore do not state as what has been done in
    your work, instead bring out the outcome of the
    results and discussions in terms of statements.
  • Many a time, the abstract and conclusions are
    referred for a quick assessment of the usefulness
    of the paper by the readers. Hence these sections
    must be written with upmost importance.

  • Tables are used to display a collection of data
    in any section of the paper. The tables must be
    prepared so that they are self explanatory with
    proper titles.
  • Tables must be constructed using the table-tool
    available in MS-Word only. Do not include image
    of tables created in other applications. Tables
    must be numbered sequentially.
  • The font for table text TNR, 9, centered
  • The caption in the table columns TNR, 9, bold,
  • The title of the table TNR, 9, bold, centered
  • Include the units of measurements in the table
    text wherever the variable list is used.

Tables (Contd..)
  • In case the tables cannot be accommodated in the
    space within single column of two-column format,
    place the table in full page width (with single
    column format for the whole page) at the
    beginning or end of the page.

  • Figures must be self-explanatory and proper
    caption must be given at the bottom of the
  • A graph, picture, copy of photograph are all
    considered as figures.
  • The graphs and contour plots are required in
    black and white mode and not in colour mode.
  • The centred symbols, curves, values on the axes
    shown in the graph must be distinct, legible and
    readable in the size it is printed.

Figures (Contd..)
  • Figures must be clear and the texts in the
    figures must be readable with minimum font size
    of 9 in TNR or equivalent.
  • All the symbols used in the graph must be labeled
    either within the frame of the picture or in the
    caption of the figure.
  • The axes of the graph must be labeled and
    quantified. The units of the quantities used must
    be mentioned.

Figures (Contd..)
  • Figures must be labeled in TNR, 9, bold, centered
  • Avoid figures extending beyond the column width
    of the two-column format
  • In case the figure cannot be accommodated within
    the single column of two-column format, place it
    with single-column format wide across the page in
    the beginning of the page as is done in case of
  • The graphs must contain the axis label with units
    for the axes the label and the number must be
    readable with minimum font size of 9 in TNR or

Figures (Contd..)
  • All figures and tables must be cited in the text.
  • Avoid snapshots of windows, poor images and
    big-in-size pictures. The text and numerals if
    any in the picture must be of readable size.

  • All equations must be typed using Equation
    Editor/Math type and must be numbered
  • Put the equation numbers right justified and
    within the brackets, for ex (1)

  • References must appear in the reference list in
    the order of appearance in the paper. Each
    reference must be cited at least once in the text
    of the paper. An example for citing a paper in
    the text is shown in the following example.
  • .The independent research works carried out by
    many investigators 1, 4-8 have shown the impact
    of dynamic forces and couples on the stability of
    the vehicle

References (Contd..)
  • Include references at the end of the paper. The
    referencing style for journal papers, conference
    papers, textbooks and websites are shown in the
    next slide.

References (Contd..)
  • 1 N. Dombrowski and W. R. Johns (1963), The
    Aerodynamic Instability and Disintegration of
    Viscous Liquid Sheets, Chem. Eng. Sci., vol. 18,
    pp. 203-220.
  • 2 N.A.Chigier (1991), The Physics of
    Atomization, Proceedings of Fifth International
    Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray
    Systems, July 15-18, 1991.
  • 3 Whitfield A and Baines N C(1990), Design of
    Radial Turbomachines, Longman Scientific
    Technical, New York.
  • 4 (browsed on 12th Dec 2007).
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