Biology of Competition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biology of Competition


Question; Why are we so quick to blame. the zebra mussel? ... The role of interspecific competition in the formation of communities was ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biology of Competition

Biology of Competition
  • Reading Smith and Smith, Chapter 14

Question Why are we so quick to blame the zebra
  • 19th century ecologists documented that closely
    related species living in the same general area
    seem to prefer slightly different habitats.
  • The role of interspecific competition in the
    formation of communities was suspected-after all,
    there seemed to be no reason why small
    differences in environment would prevent either
    species from growing on both types of habitat.
  • Tansleys (1917) common garden experiment
  • worked with 2 closely related bedstraw, Gallium
    saxatile and G. sylvestre.
  • Planted each alone in both types of habitat, then
    planted both together in each type of habitat.

Result- Each species competes best on its
own type of soil. G. saxatile-acid soil G.
sylvestre- calcareous soil. Tansleys
study illustrates competition as a valid
mechanism for organizing communities
  • Competition is the use of a resource by one
    organism that reduces the availability of that
    resource to other organisms.
  • Competition is thought to be ubiquitous in
    nature, both as an agent of natural selection and
    a factor structuring communities.
  • For competition occur
  • both organisms must use a common resource that is
    important to their survivorship and reproduction
  • that resource must be limited-use by one
    individual must decrease what is available to
    others in a meaningful way

  • Not a limiting resource, example-Oxygen is
    essential to the metabolism of most animals, yet
    in terrestrial environments, the use of oxygen by
    individuals of one species does not significantly
    depress the amount of oxygen available to other
    species (or other individuals of the same
    species)- although essential for animal life,
    oxygen diffuses too fast/regenerates too fast to
    become an important limiting resource.
  • Some possible limiting resources-
  • plants-light, water, nutrients, space,
  • animals-prey, nesting sites, territories, water,
    host organisms, space (sessile organisms), mates
    (intraspecific only)

Limiting resources, example-within the
appropriate intertidal region, space is a very
important limiting resource. Once it is used up,
individuals can only settle and grow at the
expense of others
  • Intraspecific Competition Competition among
    members of the same species for an important,
    limiting resource
  • Interspecific Competition Competition among
    members of different species for an important,
    limiting resource

Types of Competition
  • Exploitation Competition-one species denies
    another access to a resource simply by consuming
    it first.
  • Interference Competition-one species actively
    inhibits the foraging, survival, or reproduction
    of the other species
  • I.e., chemical, behavioral
  • Preemptive Competition-one species denies another
    access simply by getting there first.
  • Also, overgrowth competition
  • territoriality

Consequences of Competition
  • Coexistence
  • Exclusion of one species

  • The phenomenon of competitive exclusion was first
    documented experimentally by the Russian
    biologist C. F. Gause.
  • Gauses experiment is now quite famous
  • P. caudatum is larger than P. aurellia, but has a
    slower reproductive rate. Both species consume
    bacteria via a funnel lined with cilia.
  • Gause grew each species alone, in a culture where
    a fixed amount of food (bacteria) was added each
  • He then grew the two species together.

His result was the exclusion of P. caudatum by P.
aurellia. He hypothesized that the two species
compete for the same food-ultimately P. aurellia
is ultimately able to multiply under conditions
where P. caudatum can no longer gain enough
energy to divide. This is called competitive
  • Gauses experiment was tremendously influential.
    Based on this, and other experiments, ecologists
    arrived at the competitive exclusion principle,
    which is now firmly established.
  • Two species cannot exist on the same limiting
    resource indefinitely-ultimately, even a slight
    reproductive advantage to one of them will result
    in their displacing the other.
  • In terms of the niche-if the niches of two
    species overlap completely, only the superior
    competitor can survive.
  • Ironically, this experiment gives different
    results, depending upon which strains of
    Paramecium are used-some strains coexist,
    presumably by partitioning the limiting resource

Example of Competitive Exclusion
  • Aphytis vs. Aphytis
  • The California red scale insect attacks citrus
  • It is a serious economic pest in Southern
    California, and has evolved resistance to
  • Adults live under waxy sheaths, and are protected
    from many generalist predators as well

  • Parasitoids of the genus Aphytis attack scale
  • Aphytis chrysomphai was accidentally introduced
    to CA.
  • Despite imposing severe mortality, it did not
    control the population-especially in dry valleys.
  • A linganensis was introduced from China in 1950.
  • It replaced A. chrysomphai within a decade-its
    higher reproductive rate may have been a factor.
  • In interior valleys, scale insects were still a
  • Cold temps kill A. linganensis.

Example of Coexistence via Niche Partitioning
  • A cold tolerant species, A. melinus was
    introduced from Pakistan in 1957
  • A. melinus quickly spread throughout the valleys,
    but did not displace A.linganensis from coastal
  • The two species coexist today, providing very
    good protection against red scale-they have
    partitioned the habitat based on winter

The Lotka-Volterra Model of Competition
  • The Lotka-Volterra model of competition starts
    with the logistic equation, and adds a term to
    account for interspecific competition as well as
    the intraspecific competition inherent in the
    original model.
  • It has some interesting dynamics, and makes
    predictions about the conditions necessary for
    species to coexist.

  • ThusdN1/dtr1N1(K1-N1-a12N2)
  • dN2/dtr2N2(K2-N2 -a21N1)
  • where
  • N1Population of Species 1
  • N2Population of Species 2
  • K1Carrying Capacity of Species 1
  • K2Carrying Capacity of Species 2
  • a12Effect of Species 2 on Species 1
  • a21Effect of Species 1 on Species 2

The presence of an interspecific competitor
lowers the equilibrium density of a species
below its original carrying capacity
  • Consider the populations of two species plotted
    on the X and Y axes respectively.
  • For the species on the X axis, (Sp 1) a diagonal
    line can be drawn. This is an isocline.
  • To the right of it, species 1 will decrease in
    number, to the left of it, species 1 will
    increase in number.

Interspecific competition alone stops growth of
species 1
Some combination of the two stops
population growth of species 1
Intraspecific competition alone stops population
growth of sp 1
  • Likewise, for the species on the Y axis (Sp 2),
    an isocline can be drawn.
  • Above it, species 2 will decrease in number,
    below it, species 2 will increase in number.

  • Notice, this particular pair of isoclines, there
    is one area where species 1 increases and species
    2 decreases, and one area where the reverse is

  • Thus, a stable equilibrium exists where the two
    species can coexist

In all these cases, interspecific competition is
less severe than intraspecific competition
I.e., K1/a12K2 and K2/a21K1
  • If the reverse is true-I.e., interspecific
    competition is more severe than intraspecific
    competition, then the equilibrium is
    unstable-only 1 species survives, but it can be
    either one

  • Or, the contest can be totally unequal. If the
    isocline of 1 species lies above the isocline of
    the other, then that species wins-it excludes the

  • Alhough somewhat abstract, and very simple, the
    Lotka-Volterra model makes interesting
    predictions-some of which are testable.
  • In theory, both alpha and K are measurable.

  • Case 4

  • Case 3

  • In cases where one competitor excludes the other,
    the dominant competitor should be the species
    that can grow under conditions where the limiting
    resource is too scarce for the other species to
  • -e.g.-it is not the species with the higher r
    that wins, it is the species with the higher
    isocline based on carrying capacity.

Case 2
Laboratory Experiments
  • Competition has been studied in laboratory
    experiments on a wide variety of plants, animals,
    and protists.
  • For practical reasons, these experiments have
    been carried out in small, simple environments,
    and on small, r-selected organisms (the kind
    least likely to suffer high levels of competition
    under natural conditions)

Tribolium Competition
  • Thomas park worked on competition in two closely
    related species of flour beetles, Tribolium
    castaneum and Tribolium confusum.
  • Both species infest stored flour products.
  • This is a very challenging environment, with
    unlimited carbohydrates, but limited protein and
    extremely limited moisture.

  • When cultures were started with equal numbers of
    founders from each species
  • T. castaneum always displaced T. confusum under
    moister, or warmer conditions.
  • T. confusum always displaced T. castaneum under
    colder, or drier conditions.
  • Under intermediate conditions, the outcome could
    not be predicted-only 1 species persisted, but it
    could be either one.
  • Park referred to this as the indeterminate zone.
  • Other experiments showed that an intercellular
    parasite, Wolbacchia sp., could reverse the
    outcome of competition.

(No Transcript)
Starting number was also important if cultures
were started with unequal numbers of beetles, it
pre- disposed that species to outcompete the
  • In the case of flour beetles, both species
    compete strongly for moisture, and one of the
    most important mechanisms for competition is egg
  • The larvae of both species eat the eggs of their
    own species, as well as the other.
  • This is a form of interference competition which
    exerts very strong interspecific and
    intraspecific effects.
  • Different strains differ in their propensity for
    cannibalism-and thus differ in competitive
  • kin selection on some strains has actually
    decreased cannibalism-decreasing their
    competitive ability in mixed cultures

Field Experiments on Competition
  • Some of the best studies of competition have been
    field studies. These are conducted under more
    natural conditions, with actual populations of
    wild animals.
  • Although much more representative of the
    evolutionary processes that actually occur in
    nature, field studies of competition have their
    own drawbacks.
  • They are difficult to replicate-weather, local
    conditions, and genetic features of the
    populations in question might influence the
  • Philosophical issues-nobody sets out to look for
    the absence of something-there might be a
    selection bias toward choosing scenarios where
    competition is especially intense.

  • Geko vs. Geko in an Aircraft Hangar Cage Match
  • Many species of nocturnal gekos eat essentially
    the same insect prey.
  • In Polynesia, introduced, sexual species of geko
    tend to displace the native, parthogenic species.

  • Petren and Case studied competition among native
    and introduced gekos in aircraft hangars on Oahu,
    left over from WWII.
  • These aircraft hangars were quite similar-in some
    ways they were as close as possible to
    experimental replicates.
  • Different hangars were fitted with arrays of
    lights (gekos forage for insects near lights at
    night) and barriers, to create variable amounts
    of environmental complexity
  • simple hangars-one fixed light source, few
  • complex hangars-many light sources, many
  • Researchers measured the behavior, and the body
    condition of the gekos.

  • In the absence of habitat structure, their niches
    overlap a great deal, and the house geko
    Hemidactylus frenatus outcompetes the others.
  • When habitats are structured by vegetation,
    rocks, etc., space (and the food within) is
    partitioned, and interspecific competition is
    reduced enough to allow possible coexistence

H. frenatus
H. mabouia
Predation and Competition
  • The presence of predators can have enormous
    potential effects on the outcome of competition.
  • This effect is best known from the experiments of
    Paine et al., who studied intertidal communities
    in California.
  • Rocky coasts in California harbor an enormous
    number of plant and animal species, including
    mussels, gooseneck barnacles, barnacles, limpets,
    chitons,and various algae, all of which compete
    for space
  • The starfish, Pisaster sp. is the dominant

  • Paine chose 2 areas
  • in one area, 8m long and 2 m deep, he removed all
    sea stars
  • in the other area (the control), he did not
    remove sea stars.

Pisaster ochreus
Mytillus sp. mussels
  • Result-in the sea star removal area, the number
    of species decreased rapidly, till eventually a
    single species of mussel dominated-the number of
    invertebrate species dropped from 15 to 8, and
    most of the rock surface was covered with mussels.

Competition, Niche Breadth and Evolution
  • Competition is thought to be an important force
    in organizing biological communities, and an
    important cause of natural selection.
  • In the assembly of natural communities, only
    groups of competing species that can coexist by
    resource partitioning can coexist-sometimes this
    coexistence is mediated by a predator.
  • The addition of a new species may cause a series
    of extinctions, as competitive relationships
    differ, and food sources for higher trophic
    levels disappear.
  • In evolutionary terms, many pairs of conspecifics
    are expected to have evolved to minimize
    interspecific competition.

An example of niche partitioning Mojave Desert
  • Body Size
  • Size differences between closely related
    sympatric species have been implicated as being
    necessary for coexistence
  • In the "assembly" of communities, the most likely
    species to coexist will generally differ in body
    size, and thus exploit different
  • There may be a definite limit on how similar two
    competitors can be and still avoid competitive
  • character displacement in average mouthpart sizes
    is often about 1.3, and the length ratio of 1.3
    has been suggested as a crude estimate of just
    how different two species must be to coexist

  • Pianka and others have studied assemblages of
    lizard species.
  • Most lizards are generalized predators, and
    lizards of similar size might be expected to
    compete for the same prey.
  • The comparative method was used-this is common in
    evolutionary biology-an actual group of
    already-extant lizards is compared with the
    expectations of theory, as an implied experiment.

  • 24 species of Australian Varanus were estimated
    for head length.

Australia's largest lizard, Varanus giganteus (2
meters long).
Varanus brevicata
  • Ratios of larger/smaller for all possible pairs
    of species were computed (N 276) and a
    cumulative frequency distribution assembled.
  • This represents a null model of expected size
    ratios against which distributions of ratios in
    observed assemblages can be compared.
  • In real assemblages, there are many more high
    Hutchinsonian ratios than expected in random
    subsamples drawn from the species pool of all
    Australian varanids
  • Such high Hutchinsonian ratios suggest that
    either size assortment or character displacement
    has resulted in extant assemblages that differ in

Australian Varanids
Character Displacement and Ecological Release
  • Character displacement is an evolutionary
    response to competition.
  • Populations of a species with an interspecific
    competitor often tend to evolve in such a way as
    to be different in their resource utilization.
  • Some evolutionary biologists think of competition
    as a transient phenomenon -evolution tends to
    lead to its disappearance, although ecological
    studies tend to indicate that there is plenty of
    competition going on right now.
  • The opposite of character displacement is called
    ecological release-in an isolated environment
    with no competitors, a species will frequently
    evolve a broader range of resource use than

Ecological Release on Islands
  • Evidence for ecological release comes from
    studies on so-called "incomplete" biotas, such as
    islands, where all of the usual species are not
  • Those species that invade such areas often expand
    their niches and exploit new habitats and
    resources that are normally exploited by other
    species on areas with more complete faunas.

  • On the island of Bermuda, considerably fewer
    species of land birds occur than on the mainland,
    with the three most abundant being the cardinal,
    catbird, and white-eyed vireo.
  • Crowell found that, compared with the mainland,
    these three species are much more abundant on
    Bermuda and that they occur in a wider range of
  • In addition, all three have somewhat different
    feeding habits on the island, and one species at
    least (the vireo) employs a greater variety of
    foraging techniques.

Bermudan Birds
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