People become infected with pinworms by ingesting
eggs or contacting contaminated bedding, food, or
other items.
The pinworms hatch in the small intestine and
adults mature in the large intestine.
4Worldwide, infections are most common in school
or preschool age children. Approximately 40
million people are infected.
Female worms exit the anus at night and lay eggs.
This leads to intense itching and sometimes
infection in the anal area. Sleep is often
Pinworm egg
5Pinworms may be spotted upon inspection of the
anal area. A sample is often collected by
pressing a piece of tape to the skin around the
Oral medications will kill pinworms. Washing
hands, keeping fingernails short and clean, and
washing sheets will control infestation.
Hookworm larvae penetrate the skin, usually
through the bottom of a bare foot.
They move to the lungs, enter the airways, and
are swallowed. They develop into adults in the
small intestine.
7Hookworms attach themselves to the lining of the
small intestines with hooks.
Females lay thousands of eggs every daythese are
passed in the feces.
8Symptoms include irritation at the site of skin
penetration. Later, a person may have mild
diarrhea or cramps. They may become anemic (not
have enough blood) from all the worms
Hookworms can live in the human body for up to 10
9Oral medications are more than 99 effective if
given twice a day for three days.
Sanitation, wearing shoes, and limiting swimming
and washing with untreated water will reduce risk
of infection.
Over 900 million people are infected worldwide.
Infection is RARE in the U.S.
People become infected with guinea worm by
drinking contaminated water.
Inside the body, worms mature and grow as long as
3 feet.
11After mating, males die and female worms begin to
move through the body.
They end up near the surface of the skin, usually
the lower limbs. The worms cause swelling and
painful, blistering sores.
Guinea worm disease only occurs in Africa. About
100,000 people are infected every year.
12Too soothe burning, sufferers tend to go to water
where blisters burst, allowing the worm to emerge
and release millions of larvae!
The worm, the largest parasite to affect humans,
can be surgically removed over many weeks by
winding it around a small stick and pulling it
out a tiny bit at a time.
Man is infected with Ascaris worm after
swallowing eggs from the soil that get on the
Young worms leave the intestines and travel
through the body to the lungs.
The worms go up the air passages to the mouth,
are swallowed, and return to the intestines to
14Ascaris is essentially a childrens disease in
the U.S., but a high percentage of adults in many
other countries are infected.
Ascaris is the largest roundworm, ranging from a
few inches long to a foot. The female can lay as
many as 200,000 eggs a day in the intestines of a
15People infected with Ascaris may have mild
stomach pains and diarrhea. In the lungs, worms
cause wheezing, congestion, and coughing. In the
intestines, they cause violent abdominal pain.
16An estimated 650 million people are infected
Drugs are available to easily rid a person of an
Ascaris worm infection.
Good sanitary practices will prevent infection.
People develop Elephantiasis when they are bitten
by an infected mosquito.
Larvae spread through the bloodstream (often for
years). As they accumulate, they block
circulation and cause fluid to build up in the
surrounding tissues.
18Visible signs of infection include excessively
enlarged arms, legs, genitalia, and breasts.
Recovery is possible and surgery sometimes helps,
but any elephantiasis that develops is permanent.
19The worm currently affects 120 million people in
73 countries throughout the tropics and
subtropics of Asia, Africa, India, and parts of
Central and South America.
You cannot get infected with Elephantiasis in the
20LOA LOA African Eye Worm Disease
People can become infected with the larvae of the
African Eye Worm after being bitten by an
infected mango fly.
21As adults, the worms move through the body,
causing painful swelling. The worms often appear
around the eye where they can be easily seen.
Adult worms can live at least 15 years.
22There are no drugs to kill the adult worm. They
can be easily removed by a minor surgery.
Loa Loa is confined to the rainforest and swamp
areas of West Africa.
Trichinosis is contracted by eating raw or
undercooked meat with cysts (usually pork).
Cysts hatch in the intestines and grow into adult
Adult worms invade muscles including the tongue,
heart and diaphragm. They can also go to the
lungs and brain.
24Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramps,
diarrhea, fever, and muscle pain when chewing,
breathing, or using large muscles.
There is no treatment if the worms are in the
Meat tested by the USDA is safe. Eating wild
animals puts a person at risk. About 40 new
cases are reported each year in the U.S.