Title: Let's learn with YouTube! YouTube
1Welcome! From Everyone!
2Since we were together last Fall, we hope youve
beeneffectively multi-tasking . . .
3and perhaps like us, figuring out where the time
has gone.
4- Whatever youve been working on, getting done and
thinking about - we hope youve been
- collaborating and sharing with
5 each other
6So, lets not delay
7YouTube http//www.youtube.com/watch?v dGCJ46vyR
8- You know some about whats happening in this
Region - what are other 36
- learning communities
- across the state doing?
9Attending Learning Institutes!
NW _at_ BGSU
NE _at_ KSU
C _at_ OSU
SW_at_ MU
10Topics being addressed in Innovation Grants
- Sakai CLE ePorts
- SRS - clickers
- Tech Integration
- Second Life stats, science, math, culture
- Mobile learning
- Institutional Assessment
- ADDIE instructional design
- Teaching online
- Podcasting
- ePortfolios
- Student Assessment
- Nursing simulations
- Tablet PCs writing
- Using PDAs
- Assistive Technology
- Online pedagogy
11PLCs are working to improvecourses such as
- Chemistry 161
- Human Geography
- Christian Education
- Advanced Expository Prose
- Freshman Comp
- Ed Psychology
- 1st Year Experience
- Improving Technical writing
- Womens Studies
- Algebra
- Leadership Course
- Technical Writing
- Education Business
- Early Childhood
- Child Health
- Statistics
12Youre using resources in the LCI Wiki right?
13Are you finding helpful colleagues in NING?
- How many of you have been in NING?
- once?
- 5 times?
- 10 times?
14Ending the reinventing the wheel syndrome . . .
finding others?
- Adjunct Support
- Bb-WebCT Merge (moderated)
- Creating Engaging Learning Spaces (moderated)
- Instructional Design (moderated)
- OLN Collaboration Suite
- OLN-Student News
- Podcasting (moderated)
- Second Life (moderated)
- Teaching 100 Online (moderated)
16OLNs Resource of the Day
- Link to it from
- upper right
- corner of the
- OLN website
- Also, receive
- via RSS or
- email
17FINDING Seminars, Conferences and Webinars in
Ohios online calendar?
18Free one hour Webinars on timely and important
topics and technologies. 3 more this year (dont
forget about the archives!) - Web Based
Student Services - Blogs and Wikis in an
Integrated Curriculum - Creating Hybrid Courses
19About the Teaching and Learning EXPO
- May 19 -- Columbus -- Renaissance Hotel
Showcase your learning! Share what youve been
doing and creating! Connect with each
other! Build on your successes!
20Each Learning Community can tell the world what
youre doing via
21We will help you add your digital knowledge and
other resources into ELA
22New Innovation Grants RFP!
Learning Outcomes
30 grants will be available, 6 per Region
23Thank you for all that you do! (and keep doing
- We look forward to seeing your entire Learning
Community on May 19th at the - Teaching and Learning
- EXPO !