Title: PerksCard
1PerksCard Reviews Indicate That Several Localized
Discount Schemes Are Offered By the Company
2PerksCard Network is one of the leading
organizations that offer exceptional services to
medium to large sized employers. It has served
many organizations such as hospitals, fortune
500, school districts, universities and
government agencies.
3PerksCard reviews highlight that the services
provided to the clients are admired and approved
by clients and many authorities for being
exceptionally efficient and flexible. The company
has designed a localized discount scheme and
voluntary benefit programs which could further be
distributed among employees of a company.
4Additional benefits offered by the company
according to PerksCard Reviews include special
promotions through featured partners, an online
mall that provides vast number of businesses and
categories for employees and members to choose
from, and a full menu of voluntary benefits,
insurance, rewards, points and lifestyle
5PerksCard reviews indicate that it aims at
helping medium to large sized organizations with
strength of 500 to 500,000 employees of more.
With it, the employees have the opportunity to
save on things as the members are served with
several employee sponsored saving programs.
Clients can save on daily need basis things like
gym memberships, movie tickets, mini vacations,
dining opportunities etc.
6PerksCard reviews indicate that the company is
successfully based at six different locations
across US. It was founded in 1988 and since then
it has served its members with unsurpassed
services and opportunities. Besides, it is known
for offering excellent co-branded affinity cards
in and across US and the concept has alsao been
implemented in about 1000 major corporations,
colleges, alumni associations and affinity groups
7PerksCard reviews also indicate that with the
excellent services offered by the firm, many
cardholders had been able to benefit from it. The
reviews indicate that it has always aimed to help
medium to large sized organizations with a total
strength of 500 to 500,000 employees or more. The
members are served with several employee
sponsored saving programs and with it the
employees get the opportunity to save on things.
8For more information about PerksCard Network,
visit www.perkscard.com