Title: David Silipigno's First Business Venture
1National Finance Corp. Was First Business Venture
Of David Silipigno
2David Silipigno is a very popular businessman and
a great philanthropist of Saratoga Springs. David
stepped into business at the young age of 19
years. His first business venture was National
Finance Corp (NFC) which was based on call center
dealings. His smart decisions and hard work made
NFC a very successful company.
3The company opened the gates of vast
opportunities for the youth of Saratoga Springs.
By the time David Silipigno reached his mid 20s,
he was already having more than 600 employees
working for him. His first business venture
helped him a lot in gaining experience and
knowledge. This encouraged him to start many
other businesses.
4David Silipigno is a multitalented entrepreneur
who has a good knowledge of different fields of
business. He was also the founder and/or lead
consultant of five different area businesses
including First Guarantee Mortgage, Saratoga
Venture Capital, Principal Commercial, Industry
Partners Title and Saratoga Studios.
5Apart from being a very experienced and
successful businessman, David Silipigno is also a
very generous person. He also involves himself in
various philanthropic deeds. David Silipigno
believes in working for the betterment of weaker
sections of the society especially children.
According to him children are the future of
nation, hence there is a strong need to save the
childhood of deprived children and give them
positive environment to develop.
6To work for this cause he initiated a foundation
called David B. Silipigno Foundation. The
foundation works very hard to help poor and
deprived children of society. The firm has
successfully improved the lives of many young
children by giving them proper opportunities to
learn and grow in a positive environment. The
foundation also supports many other community
based organizations which work to help and assist
the at-risk kids by providing positive social and
emotional support.
7David B. Silipigno Foundation is also closely
associated with many reputed organizations like
Arthritis Foundation, Catholic Charities,
Saratoga Center for Family, Mental Health
Foundation, YMCA of Saratoga etc. David Silipigno
has also been awarded several times for his
outstanding business abilities and great
humanitarian deeds.