Title: Dr. Nelson Kraucak - Life Family Practice Center
1Dr. Nelson Kraucak Works with a Team of Talented,
Experienced Physicians at Life Family Practice
2Nelson Kraucak is a Florida based family practice
physician who specializes in the field of
holistic medicine combined with traditional
medical techniques very knowledgeable in his
chosen field, and has more than 20 years
experience, Dr. Karucak holds advanced
certificates issued by the American Board of
Holistic Medicine, International Board of
Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine, Heavy Metal
Detoxification, and Immuno Modulation.
3As a Fellow of the American Academy of Family
Practice, Dr. Nelson Kraucak is a compassionate
and sympathetic physician who takes the time to
understand his patients' medical concerns. Life
family Practice Center, the first combined
anti-aging, holistic and family clinic in central
Florida, was established by Dr. Nelson Kraucak in
1995. Dr. Kraucak has staffed this
4center with a medical team consisting of
experienced and highly skilled physicians
including James F. Coy, MD, and Aaron Perry,
Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM). Life Family
Practice Center is well known for providing
traditional medical practices along with
alternative, holistic and natural healing that
have been experiencing greater popularity
recently because of their rediscovered
5The skilled physicians and medical professionals
at Life Family Center also provide preventive
care including routine checkups, health-risk
assessments, immunization and screening tests,
and personalized counseling on achieving and
maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Other special
services offered by the Center include Amino Acid
Injections, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Chelation
Therapy, Neural Therapy, DMSO, Rapid EDTA and
many more.
6About Life Family Practice Center
Life Family Practice Center was founded in 1995
and since then has been treating people from all
walks of life who are seeking the life-enriching
benefits of alternative, holistic and natural
healing. Its convenient location in the heart of
The Villages in sunny Lady Lake, Florida makes
Life Family Practice Center very accessible to
its thousands of patients, who
7come from across the continental US and many
international regions. Life Family Practice
Center is committed to encourage and enhance the
body's innate mechanisms to heal and achieve
homeostasis for optimum health by introducing and
using natural approaches with innovative and
cutting-edge technology. For more information on
the services of The Life Family Center and Dr.
Nelson Kraucak, please visit http//www.lifefamily