Title: Bikes for the World Presentation
2Remember YOUR old friend?
3It provided your first taste of Freedom
4Your first taste of Independence
5Just think what your old friend could do in
countries where an empty water bottle
is considered a treasure.
6Where the only ball a child knows
is made from discarded, bunched up plastic
grocery bags
7Where there is little to do but to sit
for the opportunity to change.
8I used to be a proud fisherman
9I lost everything in the tsunami
10Now that I have a bicycle
I can sell fish
11and coconuts
12I am a Midwife.
I look after 450 pregnant women.
13I visit 10 houses a day.
With a bicycle,
I could double, perhaps even triple, that number.
14With the help of my bicycle,
I can carry four, maybe five times more coal,
food, water grain.
15In Ghana,
a bicycle turns a 2 hour walk to school
into a 25 minute ride.
16In Guatemala,
someone who previously could not carry their
wares to a market
now has a way.
17It provides jobs
to those who would normally have none.
18Farmers can transport extra corn for their fields.
19In Zambia,
field care specialist Elizabeth Noonga can now
reach 8 families suffering with AIDS
instead of her normal 2.
20A father can walk one hour a day instead of seven
21In Namibia
it means the difference between life and
22Bikes empower people
to change their lives
23You can take something that we,
who are extraordinarily spoiled,
would throw away
24 and turn it into something that can
change someones life.
25In the very poorest
countries of the World.
26 27Income opportunity CAN increase.
Nutrition life CAN improve.
28All because people have wheels are no longer
29Think about what your life would be like
without a car
30You get the Picture.
31It has been said that you can give a child a fish
and they will eat for a day
32But, if you teach a child to fish
they will eat for a lifetime.
33They ask for the opportunity
Help provide them with the means.
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38Help give them the opportunity
39It could have made
such a difference
Change the World
41Theyre counting on us.
42The task ahead of you
is never as great as the power behind you, my
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