Title: Roboform Review
1Roboform Review
2- Roboform
- Roboform is a password management program.
- All you have to remember is your one Roboform
password and Roboform remembers all of your other
website and Windows usernames and passwords for
you, making it a breeze to login to any website.
3- It also utilizes one-click form filling.
- You just fill out Roboforms Identity form to
start with and then this program will fill out
all of your future registration and checkout
forms for you. - Roboform data is protected by military grade AES
256 encryption, with additional security options
available. - The free version remembers up to 10 logins and 2
identities and the Pro version is unlimited.
4- You can synchronize and backup your information
between multiple computers with their online
service. - Roboform is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux,
or Windows USB drives. - There are also apps for the iPhone, Blackberry,
and Android mobile phones. - Roboforms cross browser support gives you the
ability to use IE, Firefox, Chrome, and more,
making your web browsing even more convenient.
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