Title: Andrew Wall Birthday
1- Fat Diddy Productions Presents
- A Clemencia (the mommie) Film
2Mi MUÑECO my little doll
Viewer discretion is advised!
3Andrew Wallaka Andrew Wally aka Pinky
4What can you say about Andrew?
- From an early age people expected big things from
5He was a sweet baby!everyone say Awwwwwhhhhh!
6Always the athlete!
7Growing up he loved certain things
like medieval times
he LOVED Barney
and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
8From an early age dressing up was important to
9but Halloween could be a challenge
10He achieves!
11(No Transcript)
12His cousin Eddie is like a brother to him
13Somehow all of this led to growing his hair long
14And on to his lady friends
15But it also led to other issues
16not to mention
The roller coaster problem!!!
17As he grew as a young man, his friendships grew
as well
18Senior year included football
19and prom
20Then came graduation
21And on to Tallahassee
22Then came the infamous hair cut
23and the Delts
24Its hard for him to meet girls
25but theyre not Andrews TRUE girl
26He is mommys little boy!
27Hes always around family
28and family trips
29(No Transcript)
30Andrew on your 21st birthday
- We are so proud of who you are!!!
- now go out and use your REAL ID!