Title: An Iowan Called Mt. Fuji
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2An Iowan called Mt. Fuji
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4Did you know?
Japan is roughly the same size as California, but
only 13 of the land is useable/livable? In
other words, 127 million Japanese live in an area
thats about the size of Los Angeles County
(which has 8.8 million people in an area of 4000
square miles). Wow!
5Tokyo is the largest city in the world with the
population of 34,400,000
6 Land of the Rising Sun
Week 1 and 3
7 Tokyo those first days
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20 The Fish Market
21Now this is a big saw . . .
22. . . to cut a big fish.!
23And shrimp as big as my hand.
24A bounty full of weird fish.
25A bounty full of weird vegetables.
26 Land of the Rising Sun
Week 2
27 Chiryu City, Aichi
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29High School in Japan
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37 Buddhist Temples
Senso-ji temple
Incense smoke
The Great Buddha (Daibutsu)
A Buddhist monk-in-training
38 Shinto Shrines
39The Top Three Things I Learned About Japan
40 Its all about peace
41 Its all about food
42 Its even about toilets!
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44Domo arigato!
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