Title: Dr Kris Reddy Reviews Juvederm Dermal Filler
Juvederm injectable gel is a dermal filler that
helps to restore your skin's volume and smooth
away facial wrinkles and folds, like your "smile
lines" or "parentheses" (nasolabial folds - the
creases that run from the bottom of your nose to
the corners of your mouth). Juvederm is a smooth
consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid - a
naturally occurring substance in your skin that
helps to add volume and hydration.
2Juvederm patients like the natural look and feel
that Juvederm provides. Friends and family
typically comment that a patient looks rested and
more youthful. However, they don't frequently
realize that a filler was utilized to achieve
that rejuvenation.
3About Kris M. Reddy, MD FACS
For over 30 years as a board certified plastic
surgeon, Dr. Kris Reddy, a widely respected
plastic surgeon in Palm Beach County, Florida,
has been highly honored throughout the country
and internationally. Dr. Kris Reddy is the only
board certified plastic surgeon to be a Fellow of
American College of Surgeons (FACS) and Fellow of
International College of Surgeons (FICS) in South
Florida. Dr. Reddy is also a member of the
prestigious American Society for Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery. During his 30 years practicing
in South Florida, Dr. Reddy has continually
received high ratings and great reviews from his
patients. For more information about the
Blepharoplasty and Dr. Kris Reddy, visit
www.DrKrisReddy.com or call (561) 304-0001. Dr.
Reddy offers free, private consultations.