Title: Nelson Kraucak - Prolotherapy Physician
1PROLOTHERAPYBy Dr. Nelson Kraucak
2What is Prolotherapy? Prolotherapy is a simple,
natural technique that stimulates the body to
repair the painful area when the natural healing
process needs a little assistance. Prolotherapy
runs on a simple mechanism a substance is
injected into the affected ligaments or tendons,
which leads to local inflammation.
3The localized inflammation triggers a wound
healing cascade, resulting in the deposition of
new collagen, the material that ligament and
tendons are made of. New collagen shrinks as it
matures. The shrinking collagen tightens the
ligament and makes it stronger.
4As the most important aspect of prolotherapy is
injecting solution into the injured and weakened
area, it is recommended that prolotherapy should
be performed by a skilled prolotherapy physician
in order to get excellent results in the
5Nelson Kraucak is an Expert Prolotherapy
Physician Nelson Kraucak is a Board Certified
Family Physician who has been helping patients'
live a healthy life by offering holistic medical
care to them. He makes use of both traditional
and complementary holistic approach to return the
body to its natural balance.
6Nelson Kraucak also offers prolotherapy treatment
to heal the patient's body. Nelson Kraucak has
been performing prolotherapy for almost two
decades now. He offers prolotherapy treatment to
all areas of body like knees, neck, back,
shoulders, wrists, feet, joints, hips, etc.
7Nelson Kraucak performs Prolotherapy at Life
Family Practice Center Life Family Practice
Center is a Holistic Medical Practice located in
the heart of The Villages in sunny Florida. It is
a convenient location to patients coming from US
continent and other foreign countries.
8Life Family Practice Center was founded in 1995
by Nelson Kraucak. Nelson Kraucak performs
prolotherapy at the Center. The center makes use
of both natural approaches coupled with
innovative and cutting-edge technology to find
the body's innate mechanisms to heal itself.
9In order to get more information on prolotherapy
offered by Nelson Kraucak, please visit