Title: Laser Resurfacing - Dr. Kris Reddy FACS
1Laser Resurfacing
Dr. Kris Reddy, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon,
Utilizes Laser Resurfacing to Address wrinkles
epidermal nevi acne scars solar
lentigines actinic keratosis hypertrophic
scars surgical scars
2Three Laser Resurfacing Techniques
Dr. Kris Reddy Has Three Laser Resurfacing
Techniques Erbium Laser Resurfacing Profractio
nal (Fractional Ablative Skin Resurfacing) Fraxel
3Laser Resurfacing
Most Popular Areas for Laser Resurfacing to
Treat Face Neck Chest Hands
4Profractional Modalities
Profractional (Fractional ablative skin
resurfacing) is a single treatment procedure
offering three modalities short pulse for more
ablation, long pulse for adjustable thermal
damage, and a dual pulse for a combination of
5Profractional How does it Work
Fractional ablative skin resurfacing allows
control of depth and the level of heating around
the microbeam columns. With a single treatment,
Dr. Kris Reddy, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon,
can perform a two-day downtime procedure or a
deeper treatment. The procedure is efficient at
removing damaged skin. Unique micro-fractional
technology preserves portions of healthy tissue
surrounding the treatment zone, fostering tissue
regrowth and lower patient downtime, with
significantly less pain than traditional ablative
laser procedures.
6Profractional and Fraxel Conditions Treated
Areas for Profractional To Treat Texture and
Tone of the skin acne scars Facial Lines Sun
damaged skin (e.g. Brown Spots)
7Profractional Treatment Regimen
Profractional Laser is a deeper laser (although
not as aggressive as erbium laser resurfacing)
and you will have some downtime for approximately
2-3 days while you heal. Profractional laser
provides significant improvement after one
treatment. However, it may need to be repeated to
address deeper acne scars or wrinkles.
8Fraxel Treatment Regimen
Fraxel Laser usually derives its benefits over
the course of 5 to 6 treatments spaced one month
apart. It is a more superficial laser than
Profractional, and generally creates redness
similar to a bad sunburn after each treatment.
This redness subsides over 1 week, but does not
require downtime.
9About Dr. Kris Reddy, FACS
For over 30 years as a board certified plastic
surgeon, Dr. Kris Reddy, a widely respected
plastic surgeon in Palm Beach County, Florida,
has been highly honored throughout the country
and internationally. Dr. Kris Reddy is the only
board certified plastic surgeon to be a Fellow of
American College of Surgeons (FACS) and Fellow of
International College of Surgeons (FICS) in South
Florida. Dr. Reddy is also a member of the
prestigious American Society for Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery. During his 30 years practicing
in South Florida, Dr. Reddy has continually
received high ratings and great reviews from his
patients. For more information about Age Spots
Treatments and About Dr. Kris Reddy, visit
www.drkrisreddy.com or call (561) 304-0001. Dr.
Reddy offers free, private consultations.