Title: Angeline Bakkila Designs her Own Clothes
1Angeline Bakkila Designs her Own Clothes
2Angeline Bakkila is a young lady with an amazing
dynamic nature who has a vision to live life in a
different way enjoying every moment to the
fullest. Angeline Bakkila has a lively nature and
is a perfect combination of beauty and brain. She
has experienced different colors of life in
various fields.
3Besides being good at school and college,
Angeline has a great interest in pursuing her
hobbies. She always tries to devote some time
regularly for her hobbies. Angeline Bakkila is
multi talented with god-gifted brilliance, who is
always geared up to discover something out of the
ordinary revelations.
4Angeline has a knack to make something creative
from ordinary things. Angeline Bakkila loves
designing her own clothes out of unused clothes.
She sometimes also buys fabric and experiments
with different designs. Angeline designs her own
clothes with such excellence that no one can
differentiate whether the designing is done by a
professional or an amateur.
5Angeline Bakkilas instinct of doing things
differently helps her to achieve a level of
expertise in everything she does. She believes
that one should be busy with some thing, rather
than killing time in doing work, which is
unfruitful as she thinks that a hobby maintains
balance in both our personal and professional
lives and gives a happiness that inspires a
person to work with a new zeal.
6As an incredibly creative hobby, Angeline Bakkila
suggests everyone to develop such hobbies, which
can reinvigorate ones mind and soul from ones
hassled life.
7About Angeline Bakkila
Angeline Bakkila is full of life. She has a great
passion for dancing, reading, and fashion
designing. She is also a proficient Mary Kay
beauty consultant. Angeline loves to explore
nature through strolling and globetrotting. She
has travelled to places far and wide and has
gathered some of the most beautiful memories of
her life.
8Thank You