Title: Discount Carpet & Rug Cleaner Orlando 321-216-1442
2Royal Blue Carpet Cleanerswill clean your
carpets, remove spots and stains.
3We deodorize, disinfect and sanitize your carpet,
leaving it fresh and clean.
4Step 1 Deep Vacuum carpet and around
base boardsStep 2 Pre-spot for stains and
pet urine.Step 3 Rotary Shampoo Carpet
(low moisture for fast dry).Step 4 Rake
your carpet fibers for that lush
beautiful look.
5Our fast dry time is only 1 ½ hours!Quick Dry
Shampoo System!
6Call today for your FREE no-obligation ESTIMATE!
(321) 216-1442
Mark McCain Owner Royal Blue Services of
Seminole County and the GreaterOrlando Area
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