Title: DecalGirl - Cellphone, Laptop, MP3 Skins
2- About DecalGirl
- DecalGirl is your online hub of skins for
gadgets. - DecalGirl is located in Delaware.
- Our products are sold worldwide.
- DecalGirl skins offer protection, yet are thin
enough to work with most third-party cases and
accessories. - Each design is digitally printed in vibrant,
art-quality resolutions onto cast vinyl and
covered with a glossy clear laminate layer.
3Our Products
Laptop Skins
Cellphone Skins
iPod Skins
Game Skins
MP3 skins
Netbook Skins
4 Contact Us Address 17517 Nassau Commons
Blvd Lewes, Delaware 19958 Toll-Free (866)
841-0922 E-mail support_at_decalgirl.com Websit
e www.decalgirl.com
5 Thank you