Title: Lomov,the beggar
1Friends my name is Karan. Today I am going to
tell you a story about a beggar, Lomov.
2In a city lived a beggar named Lomov. He never
worked and liked begging to fill his stomach.
Feeling very hungry. What to do? Let me knock at
doors of people.
3Lomov saw the old man who always advised him to
work hard, so he turned to go as soon as possible
Good grandfather I am hungry and sick. If I dont
beg, I have to die of starvation.
Hey Lomov I am talking to you dear son. Havent
you given up the habit of begging still?
4As usual the old man started giving Lomov pieces
of advices and Lomov listened silently but said
Ok good man, first let me fill my stomach by
begging food, then I will think upon it.
See you are healthy and young. You can cut wood
and get money by selling them in market.
5Lomov was fed up of his life as he had no
possession and nothing to be called his own.
How happy are these people! A home to live in and
food to eat but I have nothing.
6Lomov decided to start working and earn money.
He was determined to do something to improve his
ways and life.
The old man says rightly that I should work, it
may be my life change for better. I become a man
of any worth.
7It so happened Lomov met Mr. Johnson who was in
look for a man who could chop wood for his fire
Hello, can you chop wood for me? I would give you
wages and food.
Oh good Sir, I shall be obliged if handsomely
8Lomov changed a lot, he shaved daily,wore clean
clothes and had enough food. He built a hut of
his own and all people praised him for his
quality of working hard.
Its better to earn money through own labour.
Today I can walk with some dignity at least.