Title: Tuberculosis: The Provincial Picture
1Tuberculosis The Provincial Picture
- Update from Provincial Tuberculosis Program
- Geetika Verma, MD, MPH
- Review of Alberta s tuberculosis epidemiology
- Tuberculosis in Alberta in recent years
- Future directions
- Program transition
- Areas for growth
- Performance indicators
- Quantiferon roll-out
- Education
3Rates of TB in Alberta and Canada, 1992-2002
Source Health Canada, Public Health Agency of
Canada. Tuberculosis in Canada 2002. 2004. 31
Jan. 2005. 26 May 2005. lthttp//www.phac-aspc.gc.c
4Number of cases in AB, 1989-2004
Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
5Cases by former health regions
First Nations have been included in the nine
Health Regions Source Alberta Tuberculosis
Registry, Alberta Health and Wellness
6Cases by ethnicity
Includes Canadian-born Registered and
Non-Registered Treaty Indians, Métis, and Inuit
Includes three Treaty Indians born in the USA
Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
7Top ten countries of origin
8Cases by disease site
CNS 1.7
Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
9 Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
10Drug Resistance 2000-2004
- Only 4 Canadian-born patients had resistance to
one or more first line drugs, with one case of
MDRTB during this time period - Among FB, there were 54 patients with drug
resistance, and 2 cases of MDRTB - Drug resistance rates among culture positive
patients were - 5.7- Canadian-born nonaboriginal
- 2.1 - Canadian-born Aboriginal
- 17.9- foreign-born
11Tuberculosis in Alberta The Current Picture
- 2007 was our nadir year with a rate of
3.28/100,000- successfully halving our 1994 rate - Total cases 112
- Pediatric cases 6
- Resistance 6 (no MDR)
- 12 deaths (3 attributable to TB)
- 10 HIV co-infected
- resistance to one or more drugs including
132007 Cases by ethnicity
Eleven (of fifteen) patients lived on reserve
most of the time
14Top five countries of origin, 2007
Philippines 15
India 12
Vietnam 9
China 6
Ethiopia 6
15Cases by site, 2007
- Total cases 168
- Pediatric cases 7 (4.2)
- 64 respiratory smear positive (38.1)
- Drug resistance 20 (11.9)
- HIV coinfection 10 (6.0)
- Deaths 13 (4 attributable to TB)
- Resistance to any first line drug, excluding
172008 Cases by ethnicity
eight (of fifteen) patients lived on reserve
most of the time
18Top five countries of origin, 2008
India 23
Philippines 19
China 14
Ethiopia 14
Pakistan 8
192009 Preliminary Count
- Total cases 179
- Calgary 66
- Edmonton 72
- Rural 41
- Numbers not finalized
Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
22 Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
23Number of people completing preventative therapy
Source Alberta Tuberculosis Registry, Alberta
Health and Wellness
24Preventative Therapy- 2009
- Total number of recommendations for preventative
therapy in the province was 1328 - Calgary 239
- Edmonton 552
- Provincial TB control 537
- First Nations- 92
- Includes corrections - 97
25Program Performance and Initiatives
26Performance indicators
- Active disease
- Bacteriologic confirmation
- Initiation of multiple drug therapy
- Timeliness of treatment onset
- HIV screening among active cases
- Prophylactic therapy
- Proportion of those offered PT who accept and
complete treatment
272007-2008 Performance Indicators for Active
2007 2008 2000-2004 Target
Bacteriologic confirmation 100/112 (89.3) 138/167 (82.6) 88.5 90
HIV testing 107/112 (95.5) 160/167 (95.8) Increased from lt50 2000 to 87 2004 88.7
Initiation of a Multiple Drug Regimen 103/112 (92.0) 159/167 (95.2) 93.0 100
28Quantiferon in the province
- Centres offered Calgary, Edmonton
- Pilot sites Red Deer, Standoff
Positive Negative Total
Calgary 95 98 194
Edmonton 227 664 898
Other 36 71 107
Total 358 833 1199
29Quantiferon roll-out
- Supported by Alberta Health and Wellness
- Make QFT available to multiple hospital
laboratories across the province - All QFT assays will be performed through the
provincial laboratory - All QFT will be ordered by a TB physician in the
30Looking ahead
- Lessons to be learned from complex outbreaks
- Education for primary care physicians in the
province - Tuberculosis among recent immigrants