Title: C and CC
2Now for a short Video
3(No Transcript)
4- Why use a Creative Commons Licence?
- If I have seen further, it is by standing on the
shoulders of giants. - Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
- Some people may be attracted to a cc licence by
the notion of others building upon their work, or
by the prospect of contributing to an
intellectual commons. As the Creative Commons
community grows, licensors will play an important
role in providing the foundational resources for
commons-based peer production. - Others might license their creations purely out
of self-interest. A scholar might want her
writings to be copied and shared so that her
ideas spread around the world. An upstart
designer may want to encourage the unfettered
dissemination of his sketches to help build a
reputation. An established commercial musician
might post samples to whet the public's appetite
for his other, pay-for-play songs. A political
activist may want her message to reach the widest
possible audience through unlimited copying. The
cc licence allows creators to publicize their
works without relinquishing undue control of
their copyright. Read more exampleson the
Creative Commons website.
Legal Code
5What I teach my students.
-Understand copy right licensing C or CC -All
media is covered under copyright laws (music,
videos, text, images, ideas) -appropriately
using copying, modifying, and sharing digital
media. -It is important to site work no mater
the licensing type. -Effectively using a
creative commons search
6Searching for CC content
7So what's happing now ?
8lta rel"license" href"http//creativecommons.org/
licenses/by/2.5/ca/"gtltimg alt"Creative Commons
License" style"border-width0"
1.png" /gtlt/agtltbr /gtltspan xmlnsdc"http//purl.org
/dc/elements/1.1/" property"dctitle"gtCC and
Clt/spangt is licensed under a lta rel"license"
a/"gtCreative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada