Title: O-Line Progression
1Offensive Line Progression for the Single Wing
- Presented at the Single Wing Conclave
- February 27, 2010
- By Coach Walter Siryk
2Walt-Tzus The Art of Training the Death Squad
O-Line for Face Melter Results
3Presentation Agenda
- O-Line requirements for the SW offense
- Our Philosophy of O-Line Play
- O-line Teaching Progression
- Basic Blocks and schemes
- Its not what you know, but what you teach
4Ode of the O-Line Coach
- Work with the least athletic talent and ability
on your team - to contact, engage and force movement on a
defender - who is the Best player on their team and
possesses quickness, great speed, excellent
reaction-time and agility - For No glory or recognition!
5The Greatest Rewards
- You can develop a player in this position more
than any other. - Work with great kids that are dedicated, loyal,
hard workers. - Great blocking has a profound impact on the game.
- For the kids Free license to commit assault and
6The Objective
- Given that we
- Teach blocking in a Part-Whole progression,
- Use blocking rules that put each player in a
position to succeed, and - Equip each player with a Tool Box for any
situation - We can expect 100 success with our blocks.
7The Challenge
- Unnatural to assume a 3 point stance.
- Requires flexibility to fire off low and sprint
with a line of force. - Takes hard work, repetition, knowledge, and
8Single Wing Characteristics
- Physical, power football
- Ball control offense, requiring 2.5 yards per
carry - Tight line splits
- Pulling required
- To bring overwhelming numbers to the point of
attack - To execute Traps
- 3 level blocking On, LBs, Down Field
9Theory of SW O-Line Play
- Change the LOS get off on the snap count with
Sprint Action - Dominate the 2x4 yard box
- 4-6 second Concept
- Block on 3 Levels
104 Advantages of the Blocker
- Everything we do is designed to capitalize on the
4 Advantages the blocker has - Cadence 1st mover advantage
- Direction 1st chance to initiate proper angle
of departure and attack - Impact greater chance to generate great
explosion and force on the defender - Blocking Scheme knows the play
11Changing the LOS
- We teach our lineman to play fast
- Ball is 12 long, get on other side of it
- Foot Work is Sprint Action like a sprinter
- Stance and Starts are repped every day
- In warm-ups, Indy time, conditioning
- Indy time is heavily based on competitive
contests, including races - Bag Race
- Bag Drive Race
12Bag Race Drills
Player/ Coach
Player/ Coach
Player/ Coach
Player/ Coach
4, 7, or 10 yds
Last player there, does push ups
13Bag Race Clip
14Bag Drive Race Drills
10 yards
15Dominate the 2x4 yard box
- Anyone can be a sound fundamental player in this
short contact space. - Game of Leverage We stress shoulder blocking
form to create a line of force from contact to
finish - Angular Advantage Our blocking rules put
players into a position to succeed - No base blocking, just angles and double teams
- Attitude If your man is still standing after
the whistle blows, there is room for improvement
16Dominate with the Tool Box
- We expect our players to block defenders 1 on 1.
- Before Game 1, our players are taught a blocking
progression strategy with 3 base blocks Tool
Box - Gap/Down
- Crab or Scramble
- Cut
- If they are having difficulty handling a
defender, they are taught to go through the
progression - Base block doesnt work, so crab him, if that
doesnt work, Cut him, if that doesnt work well
get you some help - They understand that we have eliminated all
excuses, but that they are not on an island
17A Word on Shoulder vs Hands
- Why we shoulder block
- Player size and strength favors shoulder blocking
- Larger blocking area Elbow to Earhole
- leverage factor as younger players tend to work
too high or miss target point - Due to our Tight Splits and Quick Hitting nature
of our plays - Shoulder blocking is more explosive
- Tight Splits enable us to explode and unload into
the defender without having to worry about
missing the defender or being O-layed.
18A Word on Angular Advantage
- We use a version of SAB, GDB (Gap-Down-Backer)
because we believe it - Gives our players an Angular Advantage
- Puts more bodies on 2nd level defenders than GOD
blocking - Whatever blocking rules you use,
- IMPORTANT to note that different blocking rules
create different play dynamics - Whos pulling and puller timing,
- How quickly back hits POA,
- Angle of attack at the POA,
- Blocking emphasis
- Example Moving from GOD to GDB, we have
de-emphasized the Double Team Block and
emphasized the Gap and LB Block.
19Blocking Rule Comparison
204-6 Second Concept
- We DEMAND all out effort for 6 seconds
- We play a Double Whistle in practice
- After play is over, we delay 1-2 seconds with a
second whistle - All lineman must continue to be engaged with a
defender, if not we do push ups - Game simulated drills like the
- Zig-Zag Drill
- Funnel Drill
21Zig Zag Drills
Stay with Shield until whistle blows Variation
Keep Defender off of Coach until whistle blows
22Zig Zag Drill
23Funnel Drill
Coach walks through Funnel, Blocker must hold
blocks or Youre Fired. Use Starting Defenders,
Best on Best.
24Funnel Drill
253 Level Blocking
- We Teach players to block at 3 levels
- Down Lineman DLM
- Linebacker LB
- Down Field DF
- The main differences in the blocks are
- The Direction of the 1st Step
- Aiming Point of Contact
- Blocking Surface
- Stance, Take-offs, and Contact Fit are
essentially the same
26Teaching Progression Philosophy
- Teach BIG PICTURE, the PARTS, then the WHOLE
- Start with the Finish
- Ensure the Blocker feels and experiences the
perfect block FIRST, so they can train and
discipline themselves in the proper mechanics to
get there.
27Start with Base Drive Block
- Every blocking technique in our system
encompasses the fundamentals of the Base Drive
Block - Once the lineman learns the basic fundamentals
and mechanics, he has a solid basis to execute
every block in our system.
28Elements of Good Blocking
- Good Stance
- Stay lower than defender, maintain leverage, Low
Man Wins - Back in leverage position w/Ram-Rod angle Line of
Force - Power Angles in the legs
- Block with your Feet
- Follow Through
29Ram Rod Line of Force
30Teaching Progression
- 3 Phase Progression
- Stance Takeoffs
- Fit Position
- Specific Blocks
- Gap/Down
- Crab/Scramble
- Cut block
- Power Climb to 2nd level
- Pull
Tool Box
31Phase 1 Stance Takeoffs
- A correct disciplined Stance will provide for
excellent take-off mechanics and allow for a
quick transition in all 4 directions
- Feet under arm pits
- Toe to In-Step Stagger
- Tripod arm inside of knee, 6 in front of
shoulder - Weight distributed and balanced
(trick 4 pt then raise hand) - Power Z in knees, ankles. Be a knee bender, not a
hip bender - Back Flat with a line of force thru defender
- Head Up
- Air under heels
33Stance Clip
34Takeoff Goals
- Take-offs must
- Change the LOS (Sprint Action),
- Stop Penetration,
- Allow blocker to get into position for Angular
Force Advantage, and - Get movement on the defender
- Emphasize Sprint Action Speed!
- Get off the ball!
35Takeoffs 3 Step Progression
- Player who gets their 2nd step down first Wins
- First Step (6 Power Step)
- Establishes direction
- Movement forward, not up
- Eyes on target
- Second Step (6)
- To split the crotch of defender
- Unload forearms into the defender
- Third Step
- Accelerate upfield
- Acronyms used
- B.E.E.F. (Murphy) Blast off, Explode, Elevate,
Finish - L.E.G. (Lawson) Load, Explode, Go
36How we teach it
- Load 6 power step with near foot
- Roll over the front step
- Knee of drive leg points to ground
- Stay Low numbers to knees
- Initial movement forward, not up
- Thrust arms in sprint motions
- First step should never be further than the down
hand - Explode Power Step, Unload forearm and
shoulder into defender - Go Short step and accelerate
- If your man is still standing at the whistle,
there is room for improvement
37Takeoffs Clip
38Takeoff Mechanics
- Blocking Surface Elbows to Ear-hole
- Target Far or Armpit before contact so we get
into the hips of the defender - Down hand swings back hard (Sprint Action)
- Replace down hand with foot
- Coaching Point
- Have players slap hand of player behind them to
emphasize sprint action. - Progress to walking with pumping arms then to
393 Step Drills
- We drill the first 3 steps hard at the beginning
of the season, then we review it 1x per week
after with fun drills. - Tennis Ball Drill catch tennis ball on 1
step, then 2nd step - Splatter Drill 2nd Step into bag holder
standing in front of landing pad
40Tennis Ball Drill
41Splatter Block Drill
42Directional Drills
Next we introduce directional footwork and
emphasizing forward movement, not upward movement
43Boards Drill
44Phase 2 Fit Position
- Objective To show the Blocker the ideal blocking
position at initial contact. - Drill 1 Fit Position
- Ex. Right Shoulder
- Right foot in crotch of partner
- Ear hole to elbow contact
- Back Flat
- Power Z in knees ankles
- Opposite hand down
- Partner holds head up
45Fit Position
46Fit Position Demo
47Drill 2 Follow Through
- Objective Develop experience to accelerate and
finish block while maintaining proper mechanics
and body position - Assume Fit Position against bag over board.
- 4 Short steps to the whistle while maintaining
fit, power z, feet underneath. - Do both shoulders
- Progress to 5 yard sprints while maintaining fit,
power z, feet underneath.
48Drill 2 continued
- Coach checks for following
- Straight back
- Power Z in knees, ankles
- Maintained contact with bag
- Head Up
- Common Problems
- Head down
- Back humped
- Lose of power angles
- Laziness
49Drill 2 Follow Through
50Drill 3 Fire to Fit
- Objective To train explosion into the proper fit
position - Line up on blocking shield over board
- Hit Freeze on Hand Shield
- Hit and freeze with knee and same side shoulder
up - Progress from 6pt , 4 pt, to 3 pt stance
- Progress to Hit, 4 short steps, freeze
- Coaching Point always make sure arms are flying
51Drill 3 Fire to Fit
52Drill 4 Fire to Finish
- Objective To bring together all the previous
blocking progressions into the total block. - Line up on blocking shield over board
- From Stance, Fire Out, Hit, sprint drive
- bag 5-10 yards (or 4-6 seconds) to the whistle
while maintaining contact and proper fit.
53Drill 4 Fire to Finish
54Phase 3 Individual Blocks
- Once a player learns the Base Drive Block
fundamentals, they have a foundation to execute
the other blocks. - The differences are in the
- Direction of 1st step
- Aiming point of contact, and
- Blocking surface
55A Word about Line Depth
- The depth of the O-line has an impact on Aiming
points, leverage angles, and speed of blocks. - Tight helmet on back tip of ball
- Allows for quicker contact for movement
- Greater Angle of Leverage
- Loose helmet on centers waist
- Greater momentum at contact
- More time for pullers
- Combination Pullers in Loose, others in tight
56Reminder Which foot?
- Gap or Down Step with nearest foot
- Man On/Over Step with Back Foot, drive with up
57Gap/Down Block
- Purpose Prevent Penetration, move defender down
LOS - Aiming Point
- Tight Defender inside
- Loose defender near
- 1st Step Near foot at DLMs far instep, head in
front of DLM - 2nd Step To crotch of DLM
- Contact Backside shoulder forearm explode into
DLMs side/hips. - Finish Drive DLM down LOS.
58Gap/Down Block
59Crab/Scramble Block
- Purpose Seal a hard charging DLM, helps weaker
O- Lineman handle stronger DLM. - Aiming Point Play-side number or gap
- 1st Step Near foot to far arm pit
- 2nd Step Step while ripping backside arm and
shoulder in front of defender. - Finish Assume 4 pt stance and accelerate
sideways into defender - Can also use Squeeze Seal technique
60Crab/Scramble Block
61Cut Block
- Purpose Cut-off a hard charging DLM, helps
smaller O- lineman vs bigger DLM - Aiming Point Play-side thigh
- 1st Step Near foot at DLMs far instep
- 2nd Step Crotch of defender, helmet in front of
thigh. - Contact Drive Backside shoulder thru thigh,
backside arm thru crotch, defenders thigh is
between V of head and shoulder - Finish 4 pt stance and accelerate to take
defender to the ground.
62Cut Block
63Blocking 2nd/3rd level
- Power Climb
- Square up between defender and ball carrier.
- Strike with Closed Fists under LBs shoulder pads
into breast plate, pad under pad - Long part of forearm is the blocking surface
- Run hips under LB, keep running feet
- Do not lean forward during attack
- Striking with fists first enables lineman to keep
his feet and adjust to defenders evasive moves.
- Leading with shoulder can cause you to whiff.
64Power Climb
- Use Loop Pull, do not run to sideline
- Step for the back tip of the football
- Aiming point is the near thigh board
- Pull Right Right shoulder contact
- Pull Left Left shoulder contact
66Loop Pull for Traps/Power
- Not the traditional Rip arm back while stepping
parallel to LOS and facing sideline - Keeps Shoulder square to LOS, ready to take on
blitzing backers. - Pullers eyes are upfield on-target, not the
sideline. - Easier to log a squeezing defender
- Puller hugs line movement
67Loop Pull
- Key Points for Left Guard Pulling Right
- Drop left foot behind right foot,
- Right foot step toward back of ball
68Loop Pull Demonstration
69Traditional Pull
70Loop Pull
71Traditional Pull - Trap
72Loop Pull - Trap
73Traditional Pull - Power
74Loop Pull - Power
75Loop Pull - Clips
76Key Take-Aways for Success
- Show them how a block feels, the FIT
- Teach them how to block
- Use a structured progression
- Start at the Finish
- Put them in a position to succeed with angular
advantage blocking rules - Give them a Tool Box
- A progression to use when having a challenging
opponent - Rep each block in practice
- Drills should simulate game conditions