Title: Mr. Light - Rechargeable & Battery Operated Candles
1Solar Christmas Led String Lights, Rechargeable
Battery Operated Candles, Indoor Garden Stakes
Grow Lights
2About Us MrLight.com is owned by Mr. Light, Inc.,
located in suburban Philadelphia, PA, is a family
owned business with decades of experience in
lighting manufacturing and distribution.We take
pride in our products, whether we make them
ourselves, or design them and contract with other
manufacturers to build them.Our current
emphasis is on LED and Electroluminescent
products, although we also work with neon,
fluorescent, and incandescent lighting
products.If you are looking for state of the
art, unique lighting, and you don't see it on our
site, just ask.
3Some of our products
4Some of our products
5Some of our products
6Some of our products
7Some of our products
8Contact us Please fill in your contact
information on below link, We will contact you
very shortly. http//www.mrlight.com/pages/contac
9Thank you