Title: Web Design 1: Designing the Complete User Experience
1Web Design 1 Designing the Complete User
Adaptive Path www.adaptivepath.com/presentations/u
e2001/ jeff_at_adaptivepath.com, janice_at_adaptivepath.
2Defining Web Design
- Mastering applications
- Understanding technologies
- Techniques and methodologies for creating more
effective design solutions
3Defining Web Design
- Functional Design
- The design of systems that support end-users'
tasks and goals - User research
- Information Architecture
- Interaction Design
- Communication Design
- The design of how these systems are expressed to
the user - Interface design
- Visual design
- Content strategy
4The Adaptive Path Perspective
- There is no One True Way or Four-Step Process
- The separation between functional design and
communication design is messy at best - The Web may have best practices for user
experience design, but it is too early to depend
on them exclusively
5Three Places Web Design Shows Up
- Operating a site day to day
- Adding features weekly/monthly development
process - Big projects significant redesigns, yearly
7About the Project
- iRemodel.com leading home improvement portal
- Features
- Tutorial Content for users new to home
improvement - Idea File
- Product database with comparison engiine
- Contractor/architect locator
- Budget estimator
- New features
- Kitchen design center
- Contractors management application
8Internal Discovery
9What Is Discovery?
- Useful and often overlooked tool for
understanding business needs and context (rather
than user needs and context) - An early opportunity to head off problems before
they happen - Answer important questions about the project
- Why do it? (Business/Marketing purpose)
- What does it do? (Scope/Definition)
- Who cares about it? (Stakeholders/Decision
10If you dont do discovery youll regret it.
- Its like starting the movie without finishing
the script, the casting, hiring a caterer
1110 Ways Projects Can Bite Back
- Project gets bogged down in approvals
- Your assumptions about the goals of the project
are way off base - You discover half-way through that the scope is
much greater than you imagined - Feature creep
- Disenfranchised people become obstacles
- Nobody listens to youeven though youre
supposedly in charge - Nobody understands what youre saying (maybe
because you dont have the same understanding of
the project) - Someone important and powerful (e.g., the CEO)
hates the final solution a week before launch - Your final solution, though cool, doesnt solve
the original problem - Your proposed solution cant be implemented
12Purpose of Discovery (Soft)
- Understand the context in which you are working
- Political landscape
- Stakeholders
- Decision structures (who/how/when)
- Business mandates
- Technologies
- Build relationships
- Introduce yourself
- Explain what you do
- Get to know everyone involved (listen)
- Communicate your goals internally as well as
13Purpose of Discovery (Concrete)
- Define project criteria
- Stakeholders
- Definitions
- Scope
- Business mandate
- Formulate strategies
- Resources
- Methods
- Process
- Schedule
- Budget
14How this Affects You
- Overcoming denial
- Explicit acknowledgement explicit approach
- Your project can fail from the outset if you
ignore or avoid these questions - What is your relationship with your organization?
- How effectively do you communicate your value to
the key stakeholders on your project? - Develop valuable skills
- Learn the company language (jargon not buzzwords)
- Understand the decision-making environment you're
working in - Play the game (it is a game -- ironic
15Potential Roadblocks to Doing Discovery
- Schedule pressure
- Stakeholders dont see the value
- Lack of access to key players (distance,
vacation, schedule conflicts, etc.)
16Method Kickoff Meeting
- Purpose
- Introduce yourself, team, and the stakeholders
- Explain the project
- Let stakeholders know how they will be involved
- Establish working relationships get the team on
board - Form Presentation and discussion
- Timing Beginning of discovery
- Content Goals, team, process, schedule, and
deliverables - Leave-behinds Project plan (draft only),
presentation slides
17Method Project Sponsor Interviews
- Who The most senior person (people) who had to
approve the project (whos signing the check?)
and possibly their peers - Purpose
- Understand political context
- Define decision process
- Understand business imperative and goals
- Learn what other departments should be included
and how - Form One-on-one conversations
- Timing After kickoff
- Leave-behinds Project plan (draft only)
18Method Stakeholder Group Sessions
- Who Key stakeholders
- Purpose
- Discover expectations for the project
- Discuss pain points, features
- Make people feel involved
- Establish cross-departmental communication among
stakeholders - Form Similar to focus groups
- Timing After kickoff
- Leave-behinds None
19Method Stakeholder One-on-Ones
- Who All kinds of stakeholders
- Purpose
- Learn details about the project
- Let people know that they can talk to you (i.e.,
listen!) - Venting
- Talk through definitions, goals, methods,
processes - Solidify requirements and discover potential
roadblocks - Identify existing documentation
- Form Informal conversations
- Timing After kickoff
- Leave-behinds None
20Method Review of Existing Documentation
- Gather and review previous materials any
documentation that seems relevant. It might be - Server logs
- Previous product specs
- Usability or other research
- Explanation of key technologies
- Even if theres nothing to review, showing
interest will go a long way toward establishing
21Discovery Deliverables Vary
- Summarize your findings for distribution to the
stakeholders and/or project sponsor - Lets people review what theyve said and correct
as necessary - Review of docs will show that youre leveraging
prior investments - Contents include business goals, any mandatory
features, assumptions, definitions - Formal documentation MRD, PRD, Project Brief,
22User Research
23You Are Not Your Audience
- You do not
- see things like they do
- know what they know
- want what they want
- work how they work
- This is critical information when designing a
So how do you figure out all of these things?
24User Research!
- The study of what makes peoples lives difficult
and how to make them easier - NeedsWhat people need to make their life easier
- DesiresWhat they want (does not equate to what
they need) - AbilitiesWhat they can understand and do
- MethodsHow they do things now
25Three Types of User Research for Design
- Conceptual what users need
- Preference what users want
- Ability what users can do
26Conceptual Research (need)
- Timing Early in the design process
- Purpose Investigates needs and methods
- Techniques
- Task Analysis/Contextual Inquiry
- Surveys
- Ethnography
- Outcome Raises the ceiling on design by
encouraging innovative thought at the very outset
of design
27Preference Research (like)
- Timing Mid-process
- Purpose Investigates desires, expectations,
priorities - Techniques
- Surveys
- Focus Groups
- Interviews
- Card sorting
- Outcome Raises the floor by ensuring that
design solutions appeals to the desired audience
28Ability Research (do)
- Timing End of the process (and the beginning of
the next iteration). - Purpose Investigates abilities and reactions
- Pre-Launch Techniques
- Prototypes (paper and mockup)
- Usability Testing
- Post-Launch Techniques
- Log analysis
- Customer feedback analysis
- Outcome Raises the floor by ensuring that
design solutions are usable for the desired
29User Research Tips
- Test often
- No matter what stage your product is in, there's
always some research you can do - Test whats testable
- Time the research for the needs of the product
and the abilities of the development team - Example Don't research label wording before you
know whether the audience wants the function it's
naming - Avoid research paralysis
- It's OK to make decisions without first asking
people, just dont make all your decisions that
way - Dont get distracted by research and forget the
product - Be open-minded
30User Research in the Design Process - Ideal
- Highly iterative
- Many small steps, rather than a few giant ones
- Research at every step
31User Research in the Design Process Practical
- Linear process
- One big step for each type of user research
(conceptual, preference, ability) - Handed off at the end, as opposed to beginning
the cycle again
32Personas and Scenarios
33What Is a Persona?
- A fictitious person for whom you are designing
- Represents the archetypal qualities of your
audience - Plural personas not personae
- Its ... well ... less pretentious
34Why Personas?
- Provides focus for the design
- Talk about Lori not the user
- Humanizes the design
- Remarkably effective for bringing user-centered
design into an organization
35Researching Personas
- Along with mental model, an output of the task
analysis research - Market research and segmentation
- User interviews and observation
36Developing Personas
- Instead of building up tasks into mental models,
build up various personal attributes into
personas - Demographic
- Age, Gender, Occupation
- Psychographic
- Goals, tasks, motivation
- Webographic
- Net usage and experience, gear, usage habits,
favorite sites
37Personalizing Personas
- Name them
- Have photos of them
- Stock images, images.google.com
38Personas Are Not
- Demographic ranges
- 18-34 year old college educated females making
50K - Job Descriptions
- IT managers in Fortune 1000 with purchasing
power for routers - Your CEO
- Mr. Burns wants to be able to use his WebTV on
the site
39Personas Are
- Stereotypes
- This isnt an exercise in politically correct
thinking - Edge cases can lead you off track, e.g. male
nurses, private pilots - Design targets, not sales targets
- Tools for thinking about features and functions,
not character studies
40Persona Chart
41How Many Personas?
- 3 or 4 usually suffice
- Focus on one primary persona
- Not necessarily the primary business target
- The persona whom, if satisfied, means others will
more likely be satisfied
42Personas in the Organization
- Turn personas into big posters, place throughout
organization - Encourage people to think about specific
personas, not users
- Stories of personas engaged in tasks or achieving
goals - Narrative structure enforces making sense
- The flow of writing feels more real than the
discrete collections of tasks and attributes
44Writing Scenarios
- Keep the task focused 4 to 5 paragraphs
- Incorporate the personas environment
- Make them messy
- Try not to design while writing
- Write three or four scenarios per persona
45Benefits of Scenarios
- Allows for a holistic description of the users
experience - Context, context, context
- From inside the users head to the environment
surrounding them - Excellent communication tool all humans
understand stories - Works well across multi-disciplinary teams
- Fleshes out personas existence
46Potential Pitfalls
- The Scenario Where Everything Works Like Magic
- Digressing too much
- Too much response from a designed system
47Using Scenarios
- Help others understand users needs and desires
- Continually referenced throughout the design
process - Keep your designs honest
- Provide a personal context to task analysis
48Information Architecture
49What Is Information Architecture?
- A structure based on the patterns
- inherent in data that allows users
- to accomplish their goals.
50An Architecture is a Structure Based on Patterns
- IA is the means by which we get from a pile of
stuff to a structured experience.
51That Allows Users To Accomplish Goals
- Intuitive access means meeting user expectations.
52Common Information Architecture Problems
- Information structures that resemble a companys
org chart - Your users dont care what department youre in
- Information structures that reflect a designers
bias - Jargon, industry standards
- Structures that are not extensible
- Making changes requires starting from scratch
53Nobody cares how youre organized
54Vocabulary doesnt come from users
55Structure doesnt scale
56Structure doesnt scale
57Structure doesnt scale
58How Do You Create an Information Architecture
that Users Can Understand?
- Figure out what users need develop a mental
model - Figure out what you have develop a content model
- Match them up
- Use it to create your IA
- Make a high-level structure based on mental model
- Make the detailed structure based on the content
59The Two Parts of IA, Diagrammed
Surface architecturecomes from Mental Model
Deep architecture comes from the Content Model
60What is a Mental Model?
- How the user thinks about and approaches
- their tasks and goals
- (separate from a Web experience)
61What is a Mental Model?
Talk to spouse
Look in fridge
How much time do I have?
Does the car need gas?
Look for discounts
Clip coupons
Plan meals
Prepare shopping list
Walk the store aisles
Grocery Shopping
62What Does a Mental Model Look Like?
- Our Mental Model Diagram looks like this, with
tasks arranged into ever-broader groupings
63Ultimate IA Design Goal
- An information architecture that corresponds to
your users mental models
64Ultimate IA Design Goal
- An information architecture that corresponds to
your users mental models - that also meets your business needs
65The Process Two Tracks
66What Is Task Analysis?
- Conceptual research that produces a Mental Model
Diagram - A deep analysis of user tasks and goals
- Break it down, then build it up
67Why Perform Task Analysis?
- Helps you figure out what features are important
to your users, and what they would call those
features - Ensures that the design meets those user
requirements as well as the business requirements - Provides a way to trace back all aspects of the
interface to the users task flow - So that you can create a Mental Model Diagram,
which is really cool
68Gathering User Task Data
69Gather Task Data Define the Audience
- Examine target market data and personas
- Gather and review data from previous research
- competitive analysis, usability studies, log data
- Form groups of target audiences with descriptions
and priorities - Revisit groups after task analysis
- possibly redefine as users have defined themselves
70Gather Task Data Prepare for the Interview
- Recruit participants
- Screener
- Recruiter or friends and family
- Select a workflow to explore
- Prepare the discussion guide
- Focus on exploring all the tasks in the workflow
- The key verb is do not feel
- Dont assume the Web or other technological
71Gather Task Data Conduct Interviews
- Use ethnographic inquiry techniques
- Encourage open answers, rather than to lead the
interviewee in any preconceived direction - Use predefined questions as prompts in a
conversation, not a verbatim script - Allow the interviewee to direct the flow of
conversation - Interview about 5 people per audience type
- Prepare verbatim transcripts
- End Result Detailed notes from a series of
72Next We Analyze the Transcripts
73Transcript Analysis What Is It?
- An extremely detailed analysis of what your users
said they do to accomplish their goals - A depersonalized way to understand your target
audience - All users within a particular audience set are
lumped together - Less concerned with sequential order of tasks
than with sensible grouping of tasks
74Transcript Analysis How Do You Do It?
- Scan interview transcripts for tasks
- Copy each task to the atomic task table
- Notice patterns across users. Group similar
atomic tasks together under one task name - Adjust these groups as the patterns grow and
shift - Estimate 4 hours per interview
75Transcript Analysis Develop Conceptual Groups
- Arrange the tasks into conceptual groups based
on - Steps the users described
- Similarity of tasks
- Do this for each audience, if there are multiple
audiences - Compare results between audiences and combine if
appropriate - Alphabetize conceptual groups for easy reference
76Transcript Analysis End Result
- A set of conceptual groups and their constituent
tasks for each audience - An appreciation for which tasks are common and
more important
77Leading To a Diagram of the Users Understanding
78A Portion of a Mental Model Diagram
79Mental Model Diagram What Is It?
- A simple visualization of how users think about
the workflow you explored in the interviews - With transcript analysis, you broke activities
down into their most basic elements - With the mental model diagram, you build them
back up into meaningful groups - Meaningful groups are presented left-to-right,
across a landscape
80Diagram Mental Model How Do You Build It?
- Copy all the tasks and conceptual groups into a
drawing tool (we use Visio) - Gather these groups into increasingly general
super-groups - Arrange the super-groups into a meaningful order,
if possible - Name your super-groups with verbs, not nouns
- Make it a team effort one person makes a first
draft, but team members and clients should
participate in refining it
81MeanwhileSomeone Soaks in the Content
82The Content Audit
- A content audit is an analysis and inventory of
all the content and functionality on the current
site, or otherwise available to the project - Doesnt need to be detailed, but does need to be
thorough - This inventory is crucial for the next step in
the process - Ideally developed by another member of your team
- (We will review this in detail tomorrow)
83So We Can Compare What We Have To What Users
84Comparison of Mental Model to Available Material
- This is where it begins to come together
- Slot content, functionality, and business goals
where it supports audiences mental model - Make sure to address every significant content
area - If the project is from scratch and there are
not many explicit features, etc., use the mental
model to drive product requirements
85Comparison Very Much a Team Effort
- Clients and stakeholders are essential in this
process - Need domain expertise to ensure completeness
86Comparison Gap Analysis
- Ideal Every task in the audiences mental model
is served by content and functionality - Practical That is never the case
87Gap Type 1 User Needs Not Supported by Content
- Could be an important oversight in the content of
the site - Could be be an activity not appropriate for web
88Gap Type 2 Content Available But No User Need
- Could be extraneous content not worth maintaining
(R.O.T.) - Could be an important way to empower the user
89Lets Look at What We Have
- A diagram depicting the audiences mental model
across the top, and the companys supporting
material beneath it - Fuzzy user data has developed into a solid,
rigorous model - A foundation from which to build the information
90And Now We Can Put It All Together
91Q So how do we get from the pile of content and
features to a meaningful structured experience?
92A Let the mental model guide the way.
- How To Develop a High-Level IA In 2 E-Z Steps
- Organize information according to user
expectations - Label content areas using familiar language
93Task-based Information Architecture Step 1
- Mental model super-groups become highest level of
94Task-based Information Architecture Step 2
- Conceptual groups become the second level
95Task-based Information Architecture Step 3
- Slotted content and functionality from the
Comparison is placed in appropriate area
96Task-Based Information Architecture Why Do It?
- Makes certain that your sites architecture
responds to your visitors goals and tasks - Helps achieve business goals by presenting
marketing-oriented content (e.g., cross-sells,
up-sells) in a meaningful context
97Task-Based Information Architecture - Caveats
- Its a first-pass at the information
architecture - Deep structures must come from content analysis
(Tomorrow) - All of it will need refinement
- Some tasks dont directly translate to navigation
nodes - Limited in its depth
98Things To Remember And Forget
- Remember
- Everything needs to have a place in the
architecture but not necessarily only one way
to get to it. - Formality of this process is up to you
- Forget for now
- How content is produced
- How your company is structured
- Designing the deep structures
- Competitive analysis, content inventory,
low-level IA - Prioritizing features
- Interaction design
- With notes on visual design
- Prototyping, process, patterns in design
- Usability testing
- Design in the organization