Title: The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948
4The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948
- First comprehensive statement of federal interest
in clean water programs - Provided state and local governments with
technical assistance funds to address water
pollution problems, including research - Water pollution was viewed as primarily a state
and local problem - When it came to enforcement, federal involvement
was strictly limited to matters involving
interstate waters and only with the consent of
the state in which the pollution originated.
5Water Quality Act of 1965
- Required states to set standards for interstate
waters that would be used to determine actual
pollution levels and control requirements - By the late 1960s, there was a widespread
perception that existing enforcement procedures
were too time consuming and that the water
quality standards approach was flawed because of
difficulties in linking a particular discharger
to violations of stream quality standards - Mounting frustration over the slow pace of
pollution cleanup efforts and a suspicion that
control technologies were being developed but not
applied to the problems.
7The Clean Water Act of 1972
- The cornerstone of surface water quality
protection in the United States - The Act does not deal directly with ground water
- Employs a variety of regulatory and
non-regulatory tools to sharply reduce direct
pollutant discharges into waterways, finance
municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and
manage polluted runoff
8Changes Brought by the 1972 Act
- Brought about the most significant change in the
law - Instituted a shift
- From reliance on violations of water and quality
standards as the primary enforcement tool, - To establishment of specific technology-based
effluent limitations that are enforceable as
permit conditions
9Under the 72 Clean Water Act,
- All discharges into the nations waters are
unlawful, unless specifically authorized by a
permit. - More than 65,000 industrial and municipal
dischargers must obtain permits from EPA or
qualified states - Industries were given until July 1, 1977 to
install best practicable control technology
(BPT) to clean up waste discharges. - Municipal wastewater treatment plants were
required to meet an equivalent goal, termed
secondary treatment, by July 1, 1977 - According to EPA, 86 of all cities met the 1988
extended deadline - The remainder were put under administrative or
court-ordered schedules requiring compliance as
soon as possible.
- Permits specify the control technology applicable
to each pollutant, the effluent limitations a
discharger must meet, and the deadline for
compliance. - Sources are required to maintain records and to
carry out effluent monitoring activities. - Permits are issued for five-year periods and must
be renewed to allow continued discharge
11Best Practicable Technology (BPT)
- The primary focus of BPT was on controlling
discharges of conventional pollutants, such as
suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demanding
materials, fecal coliform and bacteria, and pH - These pollutants are substances which are
biodegradable (i.e., bacteria can break them
down), occur naturally in the aquatic
environment, and deplete the dissolved oxygen
concentration in water which is necessary for
fish and other aquatic life
12From BPT to Best Available Technology (BAT) by
March 31, 1989
- Industry use the best available technology
(BAT) that is economically achievable - BAT level controls generally focus on toxic
131972 Clean Water Act
- Its objective was the restoration and maintenance
of the chemical, physical, and biological
integrity of the nations waters - Two goals were established
- Zero discharge of pollutants by 1985
- Water quality that is both fishable and
swimmable by mid-1983 - Goals not yet reached
14Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
- Defined Amount of a specific pollutant that a
water body can receive and still meet water
quality standards - States are required to develop TMDLs for waters
on their 303(d) lists - EPA approves or disapproves state TMDLs
- If disapproved, EPA sets the TMDL
- EPA estimates that nearly 34,000 U.S. waters are
impaired and require preparations of TMDLs.
15Control of Toxic Pollutant Discharges
- A key focus of water quality programs
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues
regulations containing the BPT and BAT effluent
standards applicable to categories of industrial
sources - In addition to the BPT and BAT national standards
- States are required to implement control
strategies for waters expected to remain polluted
by toxic chemicals even after industrial
dischargers have installed the best available
cleanup technologies required under the law
16In Addition to BPT and BAT,
- EPA has issued water quality criteria for more
than 115 pollutants, including 65 named classes
or categories of toxic chemicals, or priority
pollutants - These criteria recommend ambient, or overall,
concentration levels for the pollutants and
provide guidance to states for establishing water
quality standards that will achieve the goals of
the act
17Before 1987.and After 1987
- Before 1987 Programs aimed at point sources
of water pollution - After the 1987 Amendments to the CWA New focus
of programs was non-point source water
pollution - Storm water runoff from farm lands, forests,
construction sites, and urban areas
18NPDES Permits for Point Sources
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Permits - Must be applied for and obtained by anyone
discharging pollutants into U.S. waters (from any
point source) - Specify the discharge standards and monitoring
and reporting requirements that a facility must
achieve for each point source or outfall
19NPDES Permits for Point Sources
- Require more stringent controls when toxic
pollutants are discharged - Regulations for toxics are based on best
available and economically achievable technology
(Section 307)
20NPDES Permits for Point Sources
- Can be made more stringent if the specific water
body requires lower discharges to meet water
quality standards under Total Maximum Daily Load
(TMDL) regulations
21NPDES Permits for Non-Point Sources Section 319
- NPDES permit program expanded in 1992 to include
storm water and other non-point source
discharges, including - parking and storage lots
- agricultural storm water discharges
- As much as 50 of U.S. water pollution comes from
non-point sources (l987 estimate)
22Are Permits Required for Nonpoint Sources of
- Nonpoint sources of pollution are not subject to
CWA permits or other regulatory requirements
under federal law - They are covered by state programs for the
management of runoff, under Section 319
23NPDES Permits for Non-Point Sources
- Section 303(d) requires states to list waterways
that do not meet federal or state water quality
standards - These listed waterways are subject to TMDL
standards - Federal grants cover up to 60 of program
implementation costs
24Sanctions (Enforcement Options)
- EPA may issue a compliance order or bring a civil
suit in U.S. district court against persons who
violate the terms of a permit. - The penalty for such a violation can be as much
as 25,000 per day - Stiffer penalties are authorized for criminal
violations of the act for negligent or knowing
violations of as much as 50,000 per day, three
years imprisonment, or both. - A fine of as much as 250,000, 15 years in
prison, or both, is authorized for knowing
endangerment violations that knowingly place
another person in imminent danger of death or
serious bodily injury - In addition, EPA is authorized to assess civil
penalties administratively for certain
well-documented violations of the law
25States Do Most of the Enforcing
- The majority of actions taken to enforce the law
are undertaken by states - States issue the majority of permits to
dischargers - The federal government lacks the resources for
day-to-day monitoring and enforcement - EPA has oversight of state enforcement and
retains the right to bring a direct action where
it believes that a state has failed to take
timely and appropriate action or where a state or
local agency requests EPA involvement - The federal government acts to enforce against
criminal violations
26Controversies with the CWA
- EPA's approach Focuses on point-source
pollution, almost ignoring non-point source
pollution - Little state-level incentives to look at
non-point source pollution such as agricultural
pesticides - TMDLs States are required to set the maximum
amount of pollution that a water body can receive
without violating water quality standards.Â
27Controversies with the CWA
- Sewage Sludge EPA was slow to issue regs for
disposal of municipal sewage sludge (finally
proposed in l989, with final regs issued in late
l992). - Industrial Pretreatment Industries that
discharge wastes into city sewers must first
remove toxics that would interfere with operation
of the city's wastewater treatment plant. - Many cities fail to bring strong enforcement
actions against industries that violate
pretreatment standards.