Title: CTV FALL 2006
1CTV FALL 2006
Here we go..
2Film Screenings
Fridays, 7pm
- September 29th
- Screening Room A
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988)
October 6th Screening Room A Tiny Toons How I
Spent My Summer Vacation (1992)
3Film Screenings
Fridays, 7pm
- October 13th
- Screening Room A
- Walt Disneys Pocahontas (1995)
October 20th Screening Room A The Prince of
Egypt (1998)
4Virginia Production Alliance
- Producers Forum
- Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006
- Panelists Michelle LeDeaux-New Dominion
Pictures - Larry Silverman-New Dominion Pictures
- John Forte-Coastal Training Technologies
- Jeff Frizzell-Producer- Dismal Swamp
- Social Time 630P-7P
- Panel 700P
5Jerry Rose
- Sept. 26th, Tuesday, 10am
- Screening Room A
Come meet and talk with a Christian Television
Pioneer, Jerry Rose of Total Living Network.
6Ralph Singleton
- Friday, November 10th, Regent Main Theater
Because of Winn-Dixie (2005) (executive
producer) Juwanna Mann (2002) (executive
producer) Supernova (2000/I) (executive
producer) Murder at 1600 (1997) (co-producer)
Last Man Standing (1996) (co-producer) Clear
and Present Danger (1994) (co-producer) Leap of
Faith (1992) (executive producer) Pet Sematary
II (1992) (producer) Graveyard Shift (1990)
(producer) ... aka Stephen King's Graveyard
Shift Another 48 Hrs. (1990) (executive
producer) Harlem Nights (1989) (co-producer)
Pet Sematary (1989)
Emmy Award winning Producer and Director
7Volunteers needed to work at
w w w . r e e l g o o d . t v
Regents online television station.
Contact Richard Helsby, richhel_at_regent.edu or
David Marmanillo, davima1_at_regent.edu Look for
announcements about a pitching session for any
new show ideas.
8Pitching Sessions
- Looking for scripts to produce in this academic
Dates Times will be announced soon
9Fall Film The Noble Lie
- Written by Tommy Brandon
- Director Mitch Lusas
- Producer David Marmanillo
Shoots Oct. 30th Nov. 4 Modular Week
A romantic comedy about the obstacles we set up
out of fear.
Crew applications online at www.regent.edu/schco
10The CTV Film Club
- Next Meeting Date TBA
- Room 131, Camera Acting Lab
11Producers Unit
- 11 Producers, needing scripts and directors for
5 minute films and 30-60 second virals. - Check the listserv, bulletin boards, film club.
12Demo Reel Workstation
- Housed in the Music Library suite, soon to be
called the dub room. - Has iDVD.
- Come in w/external drive, construct demo reel,
burn DVD. - Reserve w/Rick Hall (dub rack does not require
13Spring 2007 Naro and OTIS
- New Guidelines for the Regent Student Film
Festival and the OTIS. - All projects are to be submitted to the dept. of
CTV by April 1, 2007. - A faculty panel with 2 student representatives
will vote on films. - Chosen films, suitable for a family audience will
premiere at the Naro Theater in Ghent. - Chosen films, suitable for mature audiences will
premiere at the OTIS. - The remainder of the submissions will be
considered for the OTIS, and possibly included
based on a panel of student judges and one
faculty judge. - DATES TBA