Title: A TOUR OF THE 1997 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
1A TOUR OF THE1997 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Commission Meeting
- December 8, 2004
2Land Use Regulation Law
- LURC Statute requires plan adoption
- Not later than January 1, 1975 the commission
shall adopt an official comprehensive land use
plan for the unorganized and deorganized
townships of the State.Such plan shall guide
the commission in developing specific land use
standards and delineating district boundaries and
guiding development and generally fulfilling the
purposes of this chapter.- 12 M.R.S.A. 685-C - Division of Powers
- Plan must be approved by Governor (versus LURC
rules must be approved by Legislature).
3Framework for Regulations
- Land Use Regulation Law
- Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Districts and Standards
- Land Use Guidance Maps
4A Road Map of the Plan
- Background Information
- Ch 1 - About the Commission
- Ch 2 - The Jurisdiction and its Residents
- Ch 3 - Natural and Cultural Resources
- Ch 4 - Development Trends
- Appendices
and lays the groundwork
Adjacency Principle (122, 127)
Development Guidelines (C-4)
Lake Concept Plans (C-5)
Principal Values (114)
- Chapter 5 Goals and Policies
- Vision for the Jurisdiction
- Goals and Policies
5Creating a Shared Vision
Why are we here? What are we committed to?
What kind of agency do we want to be? What kind
of place do we want the jurisdiction to be?
6Why is a Vision Important?
- A clarification of our values and commitments
- The foundation for all agency actions
- An image of the ideal future
- Provides a sense of meaning, direction and purpose
7Key Elements of a Vision
- Inspirational and optimistic A vision gives us
a sense of meaning and purpose, it feeds the
soul. - Ambitious A vision stretches us to imagine
exciting possibilities and revolutionary change. - Forward-looking A vision is characterized by a
dissatisfaction of the status quo, and a belief
that something better is attainable. - Unique A vision communicates what makes us
singular and unequaled, it makes us stand out in
the crowd. Such uniqueness fosters pride. - Simple A vision is a simple and to-the-point
statement, but it paints a vivid picture that
portrays its meaning. - Shared A vision is inclusive of everyones
aspirations, not just the leaderships view. It
is a statement of shared values.
An ideal and unique image of the future for the
common good.
8A Few Examples
Inspirational? Ambitious? Forward-looking?
Unique? Simple? Shared?
- My overall goal is nothing less than to preserve
our natural legacy, to undo past damage and to
build a truly sustainable Maine way of life - Baldaccis Vision on the Environment.
- create and maintain a safe, efficient and
economical transportation system that is cost
effective, energy efficient, environmentally
sound and responsive to the diverse needs and
values of the people of Maine. - - Maine DOT
- To be the worlds best in chemicals and
electronic imaging. - - Eastman KODAK
- The Bureau will be recognized as a leader in
developing and generating innovative approaches
to workplace health, safety and labor rights.
Emphasizing quality and professionalism, the
Bureau will be a catalyst in creating
partnerships and networks that maximize existing
resources and create avenues for change. - - Bureau of Labor Standards
9A Few Examples, continued
Inspirational? Ambitious? Forward-looking?
Unique? Simple? Shared?
- In carrying out our mission, we will work with
absolute integrity and an unwavering commitment
to excellence. We are committed to - Identifying and satisfying the requirements of
our customers and earning their respect by
communicating openly, clearly, courteously, and
promptly and by encouraging broad participation
in our proceedings - Being sensitive to the overall impact of our
actions and protecting ratepayers who lack
competitive alternatives - Encouraging teamwork while acknowledging the
importance of our individual talents and
expertise, and celebrating our different roles
and contributions - Fostering a professionally challenging,
creative, and healthful work environment that is
in harmony with our needs as individuals and
providing opportunities for professional and
personal development - Treating each other with respect and courtesy,
encouraging open dialog and communication, and
recognizing that the work of every employee is
important to the success of the Commission - Being considerate and taking into account the
impact of our actions on each other and - Continually evaluating the substance and process
of our work in order to increase our
effectiveness and efficiency and to improve the
regulatory process. - We believe the commitment of each and every
employee is vital to achieving our vision.
- - Maine Public Utilities Commission
10LURC Sources for Guidance
- Statutory Purpose and Scope Land Use Law
- Commissions Broad Goals 1997 CLUP
- Commissions Vision for the Future 1997 CLUP
11Our Statutory Purpose Scope
This is why LURC was created 12 M.R.S.A. 681
- Extend principles of sound planning, zoning and
subdivision control to the jurisdiction - Preserve public health, safety and general
welfare - Prevent inappropriate uses detrimental to the
proper use or value of the jurisdiction - Prevent the intermixing of incompatible
activities - Provide for appropriate residential,
recreational, commercial and industrial uses - Prevent the development of substandard structures
or structures located unduly close to waters or
roads - Prevent the despoliation, pollution and
inappropriate use of the waters of the
jurisdiction - Preserve ecological and natural values
- Encourage the well-planned and well-managed
multiple use of land and resources - Encourage the appropriate use of land by the
residents of Maine and visitors in pursuit of
outdoor recreation
12Commissions Broad Goals
A reiteration of our statutory purpose and scope
statement CLUP, p.134
- Support and promote management of all resources,
based on principles of sound planning and
multiple use, to enhance the living and working
conditions of the people of Maine, ton ensure
separation of incompatible uses, and to ensure
the continued availability of outstanding quality
water, air, forest, wildlife and other natural
resource values of the jurisdiction. - Conserve, protect and enhance the natural
resources of the jurisdiction primarily for fiber
and food production, non-intensive outdoor
recreation and fisheries and wildlife habitat. - Maintain the natural character of certain areas
within the jurisdiction having significant
natural values and primitive recreation
131997 CLUP Vision
Inspirational? Ambitious? Forward-looking?
Unique? Simple? Shared? CLUP, p. 133
- The jurisdiction should retain its extensive
forests, undeveloped shorelines, remote woodland
character, rural communities and unique
collection of natural and cultural resources.
Through wise management and protection, the
jurisdiction should achieve a balance of uses
that provide for a continuation of traditional
ways of life, sustainable economic opportunities
and outdoor recreation for the people of Maine
and its visitors. - The historical development pattern in which
most new development occurs where principal
values are least impacted should be reinforced
New economic development should be facilitated by
prospective zoning, and a streamlined review
process should exist from projects identified in
growth areas. Housing needs should be
accommodated, but without compromising the
jurisdictions principal values. - The vision for the jurisdiction, however,
should go beyond a simplistic treatment of all
fringe areas as suitable for intensive
development and all interior areas as
inappropriate for any development. In fringe
areas with high natural resource values, special
effort should be made to balance development and
conservation concerns - Excerpts from the CLUP - Vision for the Future
(p. 133-134)
14Whats Next
- Gather a group to create a shared vision for the
jurisdiction. - Will involve continued discussions with
Commissioners, staff, and our constituents - Volunteers?
- Begin discussions on specific issues of
significance - Nature-based recreation and eco-tourism
- Current and future status of Maines working
forest - Role of LURC in a changing conservation landscape
- Request for Outside Assistance Net Effects