Title: Megaliths in the Czech Republic
1Megaliths in the Czech Republic
2What are megalithic constructions
- Types
- menhirs free-standing stones
- dolmens - stone tables or corridors
- cromlechs arched stone structures
- alignments stone rows, alleys and stone circles.
3Megalithic civilisation
- presence of megalithic construction monuments
is the basic feature of this civilisation.
4Locations of monuments
- Some hypotheses say that the megalithic
constructions are located on energetic lines of
the Earth.
- The localities, distant even tens of kilometres,
show certain connections, given by geometrical or
astronomical relations.
5Map of icosaedro-dodekaedric system of the Earth
6Megaliths in the Czech Republic
- Many of them were destroyed, only local names and
legends remained after them
- Others were relocated
- Regions with higher numbers of preserved
- - northwest from Praha (districts Louny,
Rakovník, etc.)
- - South Bohemia (district Strakonice)
7Some preserved monuments
Kounovské rady
8Map of regions with megaliths (northwest from
- 1. Drahomyl
- 2. Slavetín
- 3. Dolní Chabry
- 4. Horomerice
- 5. Klobuky
- 6. Kamenný most
- 7. Ledce
- 8. Rakovník
- 9. Klucek
- 10. Hrivcice
- 11. Slaný
- 12. Smecno
- 13. Kounovské rady
- 14. Necemické rady
- 15. Certuv kámen
- 16. Hredle
9Materials of megalithic monuments
- Materials of the megaliths is mostly different
from materials of the bottom layers
- The materials mostly include quartz, pudding
stone, gneiss
- This does not include sandstone, granite
10Stones with panes
- According to our archaeologists, these stones
show natural origin
- Such stones could be used for fortune-telling
water form them were considered healing or used
for other rituals
- Illustration Cerné Voderady, ihle, and others.
11Balanced boulders
- Kadov (okr. Strakonice)
- Pleivec (okr. Príbram)
12Natural stones
- Various rock formation, glacier boulders, etc.
- These stones are named in the legends as
so-called Devils stones, etc.
13Natural stonesConventional natural quarrying of
granite creates an impression of artificial
constructions (ihle, PS)
14Lines between megalithic monuments
15Line length 22 kmCharacteristic distance 22km
15 x
16Lines of megalithsCharacteristic distance 29.3km
16 x
17Solstice lines
(see purek, M. A needle in a haystack, 1990
18Line of sunset on the summer solstice day (21
19Megaliths in circles (diameter 29.3km)
20Hypotheses on megalith monuments
- Astronomical construction (prehistoric
calendars), corridor graves, overdimensioned
dolmens as shelters against flood or ion
radiation. - Mythology connects all megalithic constructions
with supernatural creatures (gods or giants).
- Megaliths orientation points for
extraterrestrial visitors (frequent occurrence of
- Enter into other states of mind (visions,
apparitions), drawing of mental energy (shamans,
Druids or priests in the past).
- Influence human behaviour of e.g. artists and
- Certain places have certain effects to men
megaliths are marks of these place.
- The legends say that the stones whisper, heal.
Scientific researches shows that ultrasound
waves, acoustic vibrations and changes of
magnetic field appear in the megaliths before
sunrise in solstice days.
21Destroying of megaliths
- It began with coming of Christianity
- Symbols of a cross protected some stones
(Zbuzany, Smecno, etc.)
- Other destroying continued, if the stones
hindered from agricultural or forestry works
- Traces of some stones are preserved only in
legends and local names
22New megaliths (pseudo-megaliths)
- These are erected by different groups of
enthusiasts, however without any system
- Constructions on private lands of individuals
(Jilem, Sedletín, Morinka, etc.)
23New set of stones in Northern Bohemia (Jiretín p.
J., district Decín)
24Projects of protection
- Protection of stone rows at Kounov against
forestry works cleaning of the rows from big
trees, promotion
- Cooperation with local authorities,
- Cooperation with other NNO (educational paths,
25Project Kounov goals
- cutting down of the ground cover and
- consolidation of slopes
- bordering by hedges, construction of lookout
26Approach of the official archaeology
- No artefacts are found with megaliths however,
necessary funds are not available for any
detailed exploration
- This means that conventional dating is not
- This leads to lack of interest in these
- Disputes were conducted on authenticity or
natural origin from the beginning of exploration
- This resulted in lack of interest of people in
their fate and opened a scope to their destroying
27International cooperation
- Support of tourism
- Looking for purposes and causes of the
- Exchange of experience among the researchers
28Psychotronics and UFO Club
- Created an Album of megalithic monuments
- The album does not represent any finished work
it includes numerous white spots and certainly
false beliefs as well. We will be pleased if you
warn us of these mistakes and contribute with
your pieces of knowledge and experience. - We welcome any information on any possible
findings, investigations and results of your
visits of these localities.
- Send your knowledge, comments and findings to our
address Klub psychotroniky a UFO,o.s. Borská 19,
320 22, Plzen, megalit_at_kpufo.cz