Title: Train the Trainer
1Train the Trainer
- The purpose of this
- training program is
- to provide tips and suggestions to help you train
other people.
2Module Objectives
- Identify uses formats for this training program
- Discuss the use of electronic media for training
delivery - Explain how to customize materials to the
audience - Discuss effective instruction techniques
- Practice presentation skills
3Presentation Options
For Using the Program
- PowerPoint software viewed with video projector
- Go to a PowerPoint tutorial at http//www.fgcu.edu
/onlinedesign/manage.html for hints on revisions
to the basic program - Viewed as transparencies on an overhead projector
- Shown on a PC and viewed by an individual or a
small group gathered around a work space
4E-learning Definitions
- CAI - Computer Assisted Instruction
- WBT - Web Based Training
- Blended Learning combination of methods
- Teleconference
- Virtual meetings
- Discussion boards
5Web Tools Terms
- Web user guide
- http//www.fgcu.edu/support/newuser.html
- Web terms glossary
- http//www.dc.peachnet.edu/drobinso/webcourseintr
Choose wisely It may not be the answer
- Benefits
- Large audience
- Distance learning option
- Use public access computers such as libraries
- Can be posted as web site links for easy viewing
- Use on own schedule
- Limitations Risks
- Technology limitations
- Computer access
- Knowledge
- Comfort intimidation factors
- Transportation limitations
- Isolates learner
- Limits interaction
- Takes discipline to schedule use
- Increased material preparation time
7Presentation Options
Low Tech.Just Talk Interact.
- If an overhead or video projector is not
available, use a copy of the slides as talking
points for a presentation - Provide participants with a copy of the slides
8To Print from PowerPoint
Photocopies or Transparencies
- Hold down Ctrl P
- The print window will pop up
- All slides will be printed unless you choose
certain pages in the print range window - At the print what window, scroll choose
slides, handouts, or notes - If you are printing a handout choose how many
slides you want - Hint the more slides printed on the page the
smaller the letters. If your audience has
limited vision, print no more that two slides per
page - Click on the windows for black and white or
9Consider the Audience
- What is the size of your audience?
- What are their needs?
- What equipment is available?
- What would be the best use of their time?
- What documents should be revised or updated
before your presentation?
10Customizing Materials
Revising the Master PowerPoint Presentation
- Customize to your audience
- Revise to fit a schedule
- Focus on a specific area
- Do not revise the master work from a copy
- Periodically save the document
- Hint Email a saved copy to yourself
- Locate and schedule a room provide tables to
write on, if possible - Due to peoples busy lives and conflicting
priorities, schedule a site at least two weeks
before a presentation - Create a simple flyer mail, email or fax
- Room set up
- Enough chairs for each participant
- Tables, if available
- Set up in conference table or U shape when
possible - Equipment
- Power strip with several outlets, if available
- Sufficient outlets for equipment
- Sign-in, registration sheet, or roster to
document participation in your training sessions - What information do you want to keep about your
participants? - For what purpose? (mailing lists, email address
lists?) - Paper
- Pencils
13Training Facilitation Techniques
14Ground Rules
- Start end on time
- Return promptly from breaks/lunch
- Turn pagers to vibrate cell phones off
- Show respect and courtesy
15Effective Instruction
- State the goal of instruction
- Introduce the skill(s) and why important
- Tell them what you are going to tell them
- Learning Objectives
- Content/Discussion
- Tell them what you told them Review/Summarize
16Dos Donts
Effective Training Techniques
- Dont
- Cross your arms
- Frown or scowl
- Look away or stare
- Point with one finger
- Slouch
- Appear tense/anxious
- Clench fists
- Hands in pockets
- Hand hidden
- Chew a pencil
- Do
- Open posture
- Smile
- Eye Contact
- Sit forward, if seated
- Relaxed appearance
- Open palms
- Hands at your sides
- Arms outspread with open palms
- Legs uncrossed
- Review what they have learned by asking them
- What one thing did you learn?
- What do you want to evaluate?
- Achievement of learning objectives
- What format to use?
- Questions What was the most useful thing about
this training? What was the least useful? - Checklist such as Met goals objectives,
information was was organized, and other areas - What type of scale to use?
- Rate using standard Likert Scale of 1-5
- 1-4
- 1-10
19Training Theory
- Your goal is to not provide good training. it
is to provide others an opportunity to learn!
20Training Learning
- Training
- To coach in or accustom to a mode of behavior or
thoughts - To make or become proficient with specialized
instruction and practice
- Learning
- Acquire knowledge or skill
- To gain comprehension or mastery of through
experience and practice
21What Do People Want?
- Practical and relevant content to what they do
- Bottom line What do I really need to know
- To be entertained Adults are just kids in big
bodies - Bob Pike - People stay tuned to WIFM - Whats in it for Me?
22How Do Adults Learn?
- Dont all learn the same so training must
flexible enough to adjust to different learning
styles - Need repetition
- Need concrete examples
- Need a variety of methods to experience knowledge
skills - Hands on practice
- Visual observation practice
- Job Aids checklists handouts manuals
- Given these factors, typical classroom training
is not always the answer
23Adult Learning Principles
- Focus on how the learning can by applied in the
real world - Relate the learning to learners expectations
- Relate the information to real situations and
experiences - Allow discussion and difference of opinion
- Listen to and respect the opinions of others
- Encourage people to be resources to each other
- Treat people like adults
24Learning Styles
- Everyone has a unique learning style that affects
how they learn and perform - What is Your Learning Style?
25Listening Reading
- Learn by researching listening to those who
know how to perform the skill (Subject Matter
Experts SMEs) - Traditional classroom settings where students
read, take notes, work problems take pencil and
paper tests - Example Learn computer skills by reading the
manual and following demonstrations
26Observing Imitating
- Learn by watching someone else and then
imitates/duplicates what they observe - Example Learn computer skills by sitting by
someone and duplicating what they see - What are some of the problems with imitating
someone else?
- Learn primarily by trial and error
- Try new things and then modify what they do as
they go along - Example Sailing - continuously setting and
adjusting the sails to stay on course
28Receiving Feedback
- Learn by having someone who has observed their
behavior give them feedback or advice on what to
change - Example Learn computer skills by having others
observe what they do and coach them - Will this learner always take the initiative to
ask about how to learn something?
29Processing Information Impact on
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic
30Learners as Trainers
- What learning style will someone training others
most likely use? - How can that style impact the learner(s)?
- What are the implications about training others?
31Training Techniques Tools
32Accelerated Learning
Research shows that adults learn the most
effectively when all of their senses are
involved, especially what they see. They also
learn more effectively when they are relaxed.
Weave humor and use creativity into your
presentations to create an environment that
encourages people to learn
- During breaks play music
- humor
- Use humor
- When people answer questions throw candy
33Games Ice Breakers
- Effective Training Techniques
34Introductions toys
- Gather several toys raiding the bottom of a
childs toy box, yard sales, dollar stores - most
- clay, legos, blocks, keyrings, deck of cards,
clocks, slinkies, spark plugs, fake money - Place toys on tables at the training site
- Post a flip chart with these instructions
- Choose a toy from those you see that represents
what it is like - finding information for someone who needs it
- living in a community
- being part of a team
- Be prepared to tell the group what you chose and
why - (Can add other parts to this such as My name is
What I expect today is)
- Pair off with someone you do not know, dont know
very well, and/or dont work with - Ask your partner any of these questions and be
prepared to introduce them and what they said - What do most people not know about you?
- What one place do you hope to visit?
- Remembering a time when someone taught you how to
do something, what did that individual do that
helped you learn?
- Pair up
- Think about the last time that you could not do
something or do it well (hobby, game, sports) - Talk with your partner how did that make you
feel? - Identify your expectations for this workshop
Always start a class asking participants what
they expect
- Ask participants what they expect from the class
- Write these expectations on a flip chart
- Cross off those that are not part of this
training class and refer to other classes where
the skills will be learned - Post the expectations
- At the end of the class review the list
- Decide how the expectations can be met that were
38Getting to Know You
- Have each person fill out a short questionnaire
about the person on the left - favorite color
- car driven before their present car
- does the person like broccoli
- where was this person born
- does this person like to fly, etc.
- Tell the group to pass the questionnaires to the
person on the left to see how many answers were
39Three Truths A Lie
- Ask participants to think of three "facts" about
themselves but two were true and one is a lie - Go around the group and each person will tell
their three facts - The group will try to guess which is the lie
- You can have people write down what they think is
the lie and then give a prize to the person who
gets identified the most lies - Good ice-breaker and opens up dialogue about
making assumptions and stereotyping other people
- Watch for appropriate cartoons in daily and
weekend newspapers - Ask colleagues and peers to be on the lookout for
them - Make transparencies from photocopies or scan into
your computer and cut and paste into into Power
Point and other presentations
41Experiential Learning
- Everyone stands in a circle
- Give instructions
- I will throw in this ball of yarn
- Once you receive it throw the ball to the next
person in the circle who you provide services or
information to or you get services or information
in order to do your job
- Continue throwing the yarn until you have thrown
the yarn to everyone who either supplies you with
services or information or you provide to them - Once group is finished, ask Lets look at this
activity and see what it has to do with helping
people find resources? - Identified gaps
- Interdependence
42Experiential Learning
- Collect several items
- balls
- toys
- Give Instructions
- I will throw in an item
- Toss it to someone else
- The object of this activity is to keep the item
moving without dropping it - Once the one item is being tossed throw in
additional items - Debrief to include statements and observations
about - Importance of communication including non verbal
- Interdependence
- Multi-tasking and complexity
- Teamwork
43Drawing Metaphors
- Ask group to draw a map or mural
- Vision of the future
- How they feel about a new change of some kind or
it could be capturing a "career journey" or
learning journey of some sort where you represent
past, present, future - Encourage people to use symbols and metaphors and
colors to communicate their message--not just
words. - Use a weather analogy or sports analogy to get
the group going--then leave it to their
imagination - Create a motto or coat of arms
- Use crayons or scented markers with colored paper
or flip charts - Allow 15-20 minutes for discussion and drawing
- Ask group to post and have a spokesperson share
their picture
44Group Activities
- A group cheer!
- Create team names
- Making up parody skits of what "not to do" not
to say - Play Jeopardy, Family Feud or Wheel of Fortune
45Difficult Participants
- Stay calm and relaxed
- Listen carefully, let him/her know you heard them
- Use challenge as a learning opportunity
- Ask the person to discuss it privately after
class or during break
Yada Yada
46Difficult Participants
- Call on him/her by name cautiously
- Use humor (tell an experience of your own where
you were embarrassed, etc) - Ask for a show of hands
47Difficult Participants
- Ask closed-ended questions
- After his/her comment, ask what the rest of the
group thinks - Ask him/her to link the comment with the subject
- Columbo - Summarize the subject and move on
48Advantages Drawbacks
of Training Methods
- Case Study
- Demonstration
- Group Discussion
- Role Play
- Structured Exercise
- Trainer Presentation
49Practice Feedback
- Now it is your turn to practice
your presentation skills - 30 minutes to prepare
- 5 minute presentation
- What worked?
- What improvements?
50Improving Performance
- Based on self assessment and the feedback you
received from others, how will you improve your
ability as a trainer and facilitator? - 1
- 2
- 3
Materials adapted from the following sources
- The ABCs of I R, Alliance for Information and
Referral Systems, Seattle, Washington. - Overview of 2-1-1, United Way of Metropolitan
Tarrant County First Call, 2001. - Extraordinary Information Referral, Community
Council of Greater Dallas, 2001. - People First training program, 2001, Zanda
Hilger, M. Ed., LPC for the Area Agency on
Aging of North Central Texas. - Train the Trainer materials developed by Zanda
52End Train the Trainer Module