Title: Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs) General Awareness. BGSU ..
1Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs) General
- Environmental Health and Safety Department
- Importance of the PIT Program and Procedures
- OSHAs PIT Standard
- BGSUs PIT Program
- EHS Assistance
3PIT Definition
- An industrial vehicle that carries, pushes,
pulls, stacks or tiers loads. - Include fork trucks, platform lift trucks,
motorized hand trucks, and other specialized
industrial trucks powered by electric motors or
internal combustion engines. - Excludes vehicles that are used for earth-moving
or over the road hauling and compressed air or
nonflammable compressed gas-operated industrial
4Importance of PIT Program Procedures
- PIT accidents cause approximately 100 fatalities
and 36,340 serious injuries in general industry
and construction annually. - Approximately 20-25 of the accidents are caused
by inadequate training. - Reference http//www.osha.gov
5Importance of a PIT Program Procedures
June 4, 2003 A man died from injuries suffered in
an accident involving the forklift he was
operating. He leaned out of the front of a
"Bobcat" type of loader to retrieve an item off
the ground and the tool belt he was wearing got
caught on a lever, activating it. This caused the
front forks of the vehicle to lower, pinning him
between the forks and the body of the forklift.
Reference www.safteng.net
6OSHAs PIT Standard29CFR1910.178
- Design requirements
- Safe operation requirements
- Fire protection requirements
- Maintenance requirements including daily
7OSHAs PIT Standard29CFR1910.178
- Operator training program including classroom and
hands-on training - Refresher training as needed
- Operator evaluations every three years
- Operator certification
- Appendix A Stability information
8BGSUs PIT Program
- Initial classroom and hands-on training was
offered in 1999. - The training was provided by an outside
consultant who has since gone out of business. - In order to provide a more cost effective, easily
accessible training program, EHS will work with
departments on campus to develop department
specific PIT training sessions consisting of a
combination of classroom and hands-on training.
9BGSUs PIT ProgramIntroduction
- Occupational Safety and Health Specialist
Responsibilities include - coordinating the PIT program
- assisting departments with implementation and
training and - updating and evaluating BGSUs PIT Program.
10BGSUs PIT ProgramIntroduction
- Supervisor Responsibilities include
- attending training offered by EHS
- designating an employee in each department that
has the knowledge, training, and experience to
provide hands-on training for PIT operators - locating and keeping PIT instruction manuals
- completeing required documentation for each PIT
- ensuring all employees under their supervision
have received training and comply with
requirements and - providing hands-on training for PIT operators.
11BGSUs PIT ProgramIntroduction
- PIT Operator Responsibilities include
- attending required training and completely
adhering to the requirements of this program and - performing powered industrial truck inspections
for every eight-hour shift.
12BGSUs PIT ProgramWorksite Specific Info
- Work site specific information will be gathered
by the Occupational Safety and Health Specialist
in conjunction with the area supervisor using the
following forms found in Appendix B. - Site Specific Operating Environment
- Site Specific Load Information
- Site Specific Controls and Instrumentation List
- Examples Located in Tab 2.
13BGSUs PIT ProgramOperating Procedures
- Operation
- Traveling
- Load Lifting and Carrying
- Fuel Handling and Storage
- Battery Charging
- Carbon Monoxide Awareness
- Pedestrians
- Trucks
- Vehicle Inspection (Sample form found in Appendix
D) - Maintenance
14BGSUs PIT ProgramTraining
- PIT Part 1 (This Session)
- PIT Part 2
- Classroom Training
- To be developed in conjunction with individual
departments and provided by EHS and will be more
specific. - Hands-on Training
- Provided by a designated employee in each
department that has the knowledge, training, and
experience to train operators and evaluate their
competency using the sample obstacle courses and
on-truck checklists located in Appendix E. - Certification
- A complete list of licensed operators and a copy
of the BGSU license is located in Appendix E.
15BGSUs PIT ProgramRefresher Training
- An operator has been observed to operate the
vehicle in an unsafe manner or - the operator has been involved in an accident or
near miss or - the operator is assigned to a different truck or
- the conditions change in an area where the PIT is
operated or - a new truck is brought into use or
- the operator has received an evaluation that
reveals he/she is not operating the PIT safely.
16BGSUs PIT ProgramTraining
- Operator Evaluations
- Must be completed once every three years.
- A sample form is located in Appendix G.
- Accident Reporting
- Accident reporting must be completed using the
BGSU Accident Investigation form and if needed
the BGSU Injury/Illness Report if an operator is
involved in PIT accident or near miss.
17BGSUs PIT ProgramAppendices
- A Definitions
- B Site Specific Information Forms
- C PIT Inventory
- D PIT Pre-Operation Checklist Forms
- E Obstacle Courses and On-Truck Checklist
- F PIT Licensed Operators and Certification
Card - G PIT Operator Evaluation Forms
18EHSs Assistance
- Environmental Health and Safety will assist
departments with - Worksite Specific Information
- Training
- Contact Environmental Health and Safety at
372-2171 for a department consultation.