Title: Federal Investments Seminar
1Federal Investments Seminar
- MAY 17, 2005
- Subcommittee set up to address intragovernmental
differences for the following Reciprocal
Categories (RCPs) - Investments
- FMS developed this plan to sufficiently identify
and track intragovernmental material differences
reported to FMS by the Federal Program Agencies
3Background (continued)
4Background (continued)
- Current members include
- Ella Hughes-Bailey - Treasury FMS
- Richard Bennett - EPA
- Stephanie Brown - Treasury - BPD
- Susan.Chapman - Treasury - BPD
- Scott Chayette - DOE
- Trina Cook - Treasury - BPD
- Dan Decena Treasury/ office of the fiscal
assistant secretary - William Fleming - Education
- Veronica Freeman - DOL
- Jeanne Johnson-Education OCFO
- Gail Matthews - Education OCFO
- Eileen Parlow - FASAB
- Sheldonna Proctor - EPA
- Keith Rake - Treasury - BPD
- Wendy Stover-HUD
- Hayward Trapps -Treasury FMS
- Kristina Kaminski - SSA
- Letha, Holliday - SSA
5Future Actions
- Recruit additional members from agencies affected
by investment/borrowing issues - Review Intragovernmental Fiduciary Confirmation
System (IFCS) reports for agencies with
differences below current studies threshold to
determine source of differences. - Classify into groups already defined
- Discuss specific agency situations with BPD/FFB
and agency personnel - Produce narrative explaining differences by
6Future Actions (continued)
- Detail current and future corrective actions
- Government-wide
- Individual agency
7Current Conclusions
- Bring Accounting Methodologies into Agreement
- Accounting for Premiums and Discounts (Effective
Interest, Level Yield, Straight Line, Etc.) - Zero Coupon Bonds Amortization Methodology
(Effective Interest vs. Mark-to-Market) - BPD staff reviewed the problem and issued a
recommendation - Treasury is currently reviewing the paper
- OMB Mediation Process for Unresolved Differences
8Current Conclusions (continued)
- Timing Differences
- Quarterly Borrowing Differences - Encourage
agencies to accrue interest expense/payables at
least quarterly (possibly using BPD accruals as
the basis of the entry) - Need to examine year-end cutoffs
9Current Conclusions (continued)
- Deposit Funds
- Researching Accounting Guidance
- Recommend changes to allow such investments to be
coded as non-federal - Recommend that additional Deposit Fund guidance
be added to the Fiduciary Business Rules
10Current Conclusions (continued)
- Alleviating Accounting/Coding Errors
- Largest class of differences
- Probably the easiest to materially reduce
- For most agencies, federal balances for the
subject SGL accounts are almost exclusively
Treasury (TP 20). - Adequate information exists through IFCS and
FedInvest.com and other BPD reports available to
trading partners - FACTS I file is simple and can be edited manually
if necessary - IFCS/FACTS I/Quarterly F file assistance is
readily available from Treasury - Need to address quality control issues at
individual agencies
11Current Conclusions (continued)
- Alleviating Accounting/Coding Errors (continued)
- Send special report to FACTS I/ F/GFRS preparer
before transmission showing expected balances by
SGL, Fund, and trading partner. - IRAS provides feedback on IRAS/IFCS differences
after the fact - Close BPD/FFB IFCS window before quarterly F
file windows to allow for additional oversight
before reporting (IFCS window does close before
the FACTS I window at year end.