Title: Blue Semiconductor Lasers
1Blue Semiconductor Lasers
Guest Lecture for ScIT
- Leo J. Schowalter
- Physics, Applied Physics Astronomy Department
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Why the Interest?
- What is a semiconductor?
- Metals, insulators and semiconductors
- How big a band gap energy?
- How does a semiconductor laser work?
- Other Applications for Wide band gaps
- What is the Future?
3Why the Interest?
4Importance of new semiconductor materials and
devices for modern civilization
Paul Romer (1990s) The wealth is created by
innovations and inventions, such as computer
106 - 107 MOSFETs per person in Western World
Electronics industry is now the largest industry
in the US
Avionics and defense
Automotive industry
Information technology
Solid state lighting
Traffic lights
Wireless communications
Electric power industry
Health care
6The Market for GaN Devices
After Strategies Unlimited (1997)
of Compound Semiconductor market
Nichia estimates that the LD market alone will be
worth 10B.
7Laser Diode Market
- Optical Data Storage Market will use over 300M
LDs in 1999 (Compound Semicond., March 1999) - HD-DVD will use GaN or SHG laser will dominate
future market with 15GB capacity or greater - Market expects laser cost to be approx. 10.
8What is a semiconductor?
- Metals
- Many free electrons not tied up in chemical bonds
- Insulators
- All electrons (in intrinsic material) tied up in
chemical bonds
9Crystal (Perfect)
10Crystal (Excited)
11Crystal (Excited)
12Band Gap
Conduction Band
Band Gap Energy Eg (Minimum Energy needed
to break the chemical bonds)
Valence Band
13Band Gap
Conduction Band
photon in
Valence Band
14Band Gap
Conduction Band
Valence Band
15Band Gap
Conduction Band
Valence Band
16Crystal (Doped n-type)
Plus a little energy, ?d.
17Crystal (Doped p-type)
18Crystal (Doped p-type)
19Doped Semiconductors
donor level
acceptor level
20p-n junction
depleted region (electric field)
21p-n junction
depleted region (electric field)
22What happens if a bias is applied?
23Biased junction
Negative bias
positive bias
depleted region (electric field)
24Biased junction
Negative bias
depleted region (electric field)
25a Philips Lighting and Agilent
Technologies joint venture that's
changing the future of light. In the next
century, LED-based lighting will quickly
replace conventional lighting in a wealth of
commercial, industrial and consumer
applications. LumiLeds LED-based solutions will
bring irresistible value to lighting solutions of
all kinds, earning us a leadership position in a
fast-growing and lucrative marketplace. Our
long-lasting, energy-efficient products will also
improve the planet, by reducing waste and power
26How does a semiconductor laser work?
27Absorption and Emission
photon in
photon out
28Stimulated vs. Spontaneous Emission
- We can now derive the ratio of the emission rate
versus the absorption rate using the equilibrium
concentrations of photons and excited atoms
- Derived in 1917 by Einstein. Required stimulated
emission. However, a real understanding of
this was not achieved until the 1950s.
29Laser needs a Population Inversion
30Biased junction
Negative bias
depleted region (electric field)
31History of Lasers
- First operating Laser in 1960 (Maser in 1958)
- Simulated emission concept from Einstein in 1905
- Townes (1964) and Schawlow (1981)
- First semiconductor injection Laser in 1962
- First was Robert Hall (GE) but many competing
groups - Year before he had argued it was impossible
32Violet Laser Diode
Currently costs about 2000 apiece!
33Nichia Laser Diode
10,000 hours operation!
10 mW CW 405 nm
Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth material
34Substrate Comparison
- Sapphire poor crystal structure match, large
thermal expansion mismatch, poor thermal
conductivity. - SiC has high thermal conductivity and close
lattice match in the c-plane. - But, also has a different c-axis, relatively
large thermal expansion mismatch and chemical
mismatch at the interface. - GaN and AlN bulk crystals have the same crystal
structure, excellent chemical match, high thermal
conductivity, and the same thermal expansion but
are difficult to produce presently (but this will
change!) - LEO and HVPE GaN films allow fabrication of
quasi-bulk substrates. Temporary solution
until bulk substrates become available?
3515 mm Diameter AlN Boule
36(No Transcript)
37How information is stored on a DVD disc
38Other Applications for Wide band gaps
- High Power devices
- Large band gap allows semiconductor to be used at
high voltages - Generally larger band gap means stronger bonds so
material can withstand higher currents and
temperatures - High Temperature devices
- Much smaller effect of thermal excitation of
carriers - Tougher material
- Very intense and fast moving field
- Physicists are making major contributions
- Lots more to do
- Very broad applications but information storage
is one of the biggest.
- 1. We all know that lasers, such as semiconductor
lasers, are initially developed for more
scientific needs than we are privy to. However,
what practical applications might we see from a
newly developed semiconductor in devices that we
would be able to relate to, such as CD players,
DVD players, and the like? What about the
coveted "blue laser"? - 2. What is an area where semiconductor lasers
aren't being used at the moment, but could be
employed in the future? - 3. I would like to know if Dr. Schowalter thinks
the semiconductor use of lasers will ever replace
magnetic storage devices as our primary source of
permanent storage. - 4. What do you believe that next step will be
in semiconductor laser development? What other
possible uses are being considered? - 5. I would like you to ask the guest lecturer
Dr. Schowalter, if there is an eventual limit to
the power the lasers will be able to have in the
future. - Meaning how far they will go and with what
41Questions (cont.)
6. How feasible is it to have a CD-ROM or DVD
drive the can read from the top and bottom of the
disk at the same time? how would new laser
technology affect the answer? 7. Is there any
problem or difficulty in making wave lengths
smaller to put more data into DVD or CD? 8. What
is the next innovation for lasers in the world of
entertainment? 9. What is the next innovation
that lasers will bring into our homes? 10. What
do you see as the next technology that will
surpass the laser and CD/DVD technology in data
storage in the near future? 11. Do you think
there will ever be a push for ultraviolet lasers
to use in storage?
42Stimulated vs. Spontaneous Emission
- Time invariant laws of Physics imply that the
rate of absorption must be equal to the rate of
spontaneous emission. - Thus, if there was no stimulated emission,
population levels of the two energies would be
equal. - Principal of detailed balance says
- Minimum packet of energy (photon) that light can
have at a particular frequency ? is h? (Planks
constant, 1901).
43Substrate Alternatives for Nitride Epitaxy
- Sapphire poor crystal structure match, large
thermal expansion mismatch, poor thermal
conductivity. - SiC has high thermal conductivity and close
lattice match in the c-plane. - But, also has a different c-axis, relatively
large thermal expansion mismatch and chemical
mismatch at the interface. - GaN and AlN bulk crystals have the same crystal
structure, excellent chemical match, high thermal
conductivity, and the same thermal expansion but
are difficult to produce presently (will this
change?). - LEO and free-standing GaN films more expensive
than bulk crystal substrates.