Title: Motivational Interviewing
1Motivational Interviewing
November 16, 2009 Nurse Practitioners
Roundtable The Homestead, Hot Springs,VA Cecilia
van Zyl-Knab, LCSW, MINT Motivation4Change
2You would think . . .
- that having had a heart attack would be enough to
persuade a man to quit smoking, change his diet,
exercise more, and take his medication - that hangovers, damaged relationships, an auto
crash, and memory blackouts would be enough to
convince a woman to stop drinking
3And yet so often it is not enough What is the
4Client Motivation is a Key to Change
- Substance abuse treatment outcomes are predicted
by - Pretreatment motivation measures
- Treatment attendance
- Treatment adherence/compliance
- Counselor ratings of motivation and prognosis
- That is, more motivated clients do better
5And Client Motivation is Greatly Influenced by
the Counselor
- Clients motivation, retention and outcome vary
with the particular counselor to whom they are
assigned - Counselor style strongly drives client resistance
(confrontation drives it up, empathic listening
brings it down) - That is, the counselor is one of the biggest
determinants of client motivation and change
6Readiness for What?
- Rather than asking Why isnt this person
motivated? - Ask What is this person motivated for?
- Potential Pitfall Assuming you know.
- Research specifically has not found overuse of
denial, or any other typical patterns of
defensive styles among people with SUDs
8If its not personality, then what behaviors
cause counselors to perceive clients as being in
- Disagreeing with the counselor
- Resisting a diagnosis/label
- Declining help
- Showing little distress
- Disavowing a need for counseling or change
- Being non-compliant with treatment prescriptions
- Not changing
9In contrast, counselors tend to perceive clients
as being motivated when they
- Agree with the counselor
- Accept the counselors diagnosis/label
- Express a desire for help
- Show distress
- Voice a need for the counselor/counseling
- Comply with the counselors treatment plan
- Change
10In other words, client motivation is evident in
- Low resistance
- Openness and collaboration
- Expressing emotion
- Adhering to a change plan
- Changing
- All of which are strongly influenced, for better
or worse, by what the counselor does
12Stages of ChangeProchaska DiClemente
13Contemplation Stage
- It is easy to think that someone in this stage is
ready to make a change. - Work place smokers survey 70-80 contemplation,
but only 3-5 attracted to programs for change - Some studies Relationship between contemplation
higher levels of depression
14Cognitive Behavioral Change
- Seems that cognitive and experiential processes
of change more important in earlier stages
(consciousness raising, self evaluation,
environmental re-evaluation) - Behavioral processes more important in later
stages of change (efficacy)
15The Righting Reflex
16You take one side I another
- When you strong argue one side, the ambivalent
naturally argue the other - The stronger the argument the less likely
change occurs
17Common Human Reactions to the Righting Reflex
- Angry, agitated
- Oppositional
- Discounting
- Defensive
- Justifying
- Not understood
- Not heard
- Procrastinate
- ? Afraid
- ? Helpless, overwhelmed
- ? Ashamed
- ? Trapped
- ? Disengaged
- ? Dont come back avoid
- ? Uncomfortable
- ? Resistant
18Common Human Reactions to Being Listened to
- Safe
- Empowered
- Hopeful
- Comfortable
- Interested
- Want to come back
- Cooperative
- Understood
- Want to talk more
- Liking the counselor
- Open
- Accepted
- Respected
- Engaged
- Able to change
19A Change of Role
- You dont have to make change happen
- You cant
- You dont have to come up with all the answers
- You probably dont have the best ones
- Youre not wrestling
- Youre dancing
20Motivational Interviewing Definition
- Motivational interviewing is
- a person-centered,
- directive
- method of communication
- for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by
exploring and resolving ambivalence.
21The Spirit of Motivational Interviewing
- Collaboration
- Evocation
- Docere and Ducere
- Autonomy
22Docere and Ducere
- Two Latin verbs regarding education
- Evoking vs. Imparting information
- Docere - lead / impart knowledge or info
- Ducere - to draw forth or evoke from within
- Spirit of MI Ability to draw forth rather than
- pulling the client toward the goal
23Thank You!
- Upcoming 2 Day Training Richmond, VA
- January 14 15, 2010 for more info visit
- Motivation4change.com
24Reference List
- Miller, W. R., Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational
Interviewing, Preparing People for Change. 2nd
Ed. Guilford Press.