Title: Highway Dollars
1Highway Dollars enseOCFOs Issues and
Federal Highway Administration Office of the CFO
- Mr. Joe Dailey
- Southern States Federal Transportation Finance
Conference - May 13, 2008
- Status of Highway Trust Fund
- Financial Integrity Review Evaluation (FIRE)
Update - Federal Funding Accountability Transparency Act
(FFATA) - Grant Management Line of Business
- Implementing New Accounting Systems
- Use of Consultants
- Single Audit Quality
- Indirect Cost Allocation
- Settlements
3Status of Highway Trust Fund
- Receipt levels are higher than ever but
- SAFETEA-LU funding levels were intended to spend
down HTF balances - FHWA taking steps to protect GOE funding during
reauthorization - FHWA intends to use reauthorization to address
4Financial Integrity Review Evaluation (FIRE)
Whats New?
- FHWA Clean Audit Opinion no significant
deficiencies noted in 2007 - FY 2008 Integrating HQ Program Offices and
Resource Center into FIRE Program - Implication will be more grant management and
oversight involvement by Program Offices - Local Public Agency compliance emerging key issue
- Improper Payment Improvement Act (IPIA) schedule
similar to last year, Quality Control efforts
expanded to cover IPIA and FIRE samples
5Inactive Project Status
- Thank you for your efforts to manage Inactive
Obligationsas you can see we are making progress
As of 31 March 2008
6Grant Management Line of Business
- OMB requiring Departments to assess ability of
chosen providers to replace current systems (i.e.
SOAR, TEAM, FMIS) - Office of Secretary of Transportation and
Operating Administrations are currently
conducting Fit Gap analysis for these systems
with Health and Human Services Administration for
Children and Families - While in progress development funding for
Department systems continues to be frozen.
7Federal Funding Accountability Transparency Act
- FFATA requires the Office of Management and
Budget to disclose all federal funding contracts,
grants, and loans in a public searchable database
available on the internet - FFATA implementation is complete for primary
award data (available at http//www.federalspendin
g.gov/) - Details of sub award implementation are under
development -- could cause large workload
depending on definition of sub award
8State Accounting Systems
- Several system implementations were beset by
problems - FHWA responded by
- RC FST members trained in Oracle Financial
Systems in 2007 - Created State DOT Financial Systems Community of
Practice - Internal State DOT Financial System Group
- External State DOT Financial System Group
- State DOT Financial Systems Status
- Documenting Best Practices
- http//knowledge.fhwa.dot.gov/cops/finsys.nsf/home
9Community of Practice
10FHWA Involvement in New Accounting Systems, cont
- Contacts
- Robert Clark, Finance TST, Team Leader
- Dana Hafenstine, Finance TST
- Gina Laney, Finance TST
11Use of Consultants
- Signs of increasing risk within FHWA and States
DOTs - Pending USDOT Office of Inspector General Audit
on Executive Compensation Overhead - National Program Review of Consultant Procurement
and Agreement Administration - Multiple State level reviews
12Use of Consultants Some Recent Concerns
- Growing use of consultants nation-wide
- Lack of consistent audit quality
- Ambiguity in cognizant audit agency roles and
responsibilities - Unallowable costs reimbursed on contracts
- Accounting treatment related to use of
consultants in administrative services and to
manage programs
13Consultant Issues Mitigation Strategies
- Proposed Outcomes from Mitigation Efforts
- Achieving a standard level of audit quality
- Establishing and assigning cognizant audit agency
responsibilities - Improving oversight to ensure compliance with
laws and regulations - Updating Federal regulations and developing
national standards to achieve these outcomes - Raising awareness and building capacity within
industry and Federal, State and local government - Developing the toolbox (e.g., guidance, training,
outreach material) and providing other resources
(e.g., technical assistance)
14Consultant Issues Mitigation Strategies Under
- AASHTO Uniform Audit Accounting Guide update
- General topics for update process include
- National policy,
- Audit engagement procedures, and
- Audit cognizance issues.
- First product is CPA work paper review program
15Consultant Issues Mitigation Strategies, cont
- Assisting the Office of Infrastructure in the
update 23 CFR 172 Proposed Rule Making - Procurement
- Management
- Financial management and audit
16Single Audit Quality
- National Single Audit Sampling Project
- Conducted by Presidents Council on Integrity and
Efficiency - Only 48.6 of audits for test year (2003-04) were
found to be acceptable - 16 were of limited reliability
- 35.5 were found to be unacceptable
- Large programs (such as FAHP) were covered better
than small ones - FHWA cannot rely on Single Audit to ensure
effective oversight
17Single Audit Mitigation Strategies
- FHWA plans to revise the A-133 Compliance
Supplement - Based on risk assessment program offices asked to
provide additional details to ensure that single
auditors can assist FHWA in oversight of FAHP
funding - FHWA Division Offices encouraged to work more
closely with Single Auditors to ensure greater
understanding of program - Opportunity exists to increase oversight of
program by leveraging grantee financial statement
auditors efforts
18Indirect Cost Allocation
- Recent issues with unallowable costs charged to
FHWA programs - Divisions not adhering to indirect cost projects
prohibition - FHWA is cognizant Federal agency for State DOT
indirect cost allocation plans - Annual review, negotiation, and approval required
- Many States use various service centers, such as
fleet, payroll benefit, materials laboratory,
etc. - Key goal is to ensure equitable allocation of
indirect costs to all benefiting cost objectives
State, FHWA, and other Federal and non-Federal
19Indirect Cost Mitigation Strategies
- New Internal guidance to be developed for use by
FHWA Division Offices - Continued training of FHWA, State DOT staff on 2
CFR 225 (formerly OMB Circular A-87)
- Standard procedures
- Notification from Dept. of Justice, et al
- Language in settlement agreement identifies
treatment of proceeds (punitive, compensatory) - All appropriate damages credited back to affected
projects - FHWA Division Offices work with State to identify
project numbers and to ensure appropriate credits
applied correctly in billing system and agree to
State DOT accounting system
21FHWA Future
- Administrator's call to action
- FHWAs mission is to fulfill President
Eisenhowers original charge - To move people and goods from place to place in a
safe, efficient and reliable manner. - Were Not Done Yet!