Title: Energy Savings in Estonian Municipalities'
1Energy Savings in Estonian Municipalities.
- Aare Vabamägi
- Association of Municipalities of Estonia.
- Introduction
- Legislative background (www.legaltext.ee)
- Long-term Public Fuel and Energy Sector
Development Plan until 2015 - Energy saving program
- Reality
- Association of Municipalities of Estonia is a
national association of local authorities.
www.emovl.ee - Founded on November 20, 1921
- 176 members as of April 15, 2004
- The objectives of the association are, through
the joint activity of the local governments - to foster the development of local government in
general - to represent its members
- to protect the common interests of its members
- to promote co-operation between its members and,
- to create possibilities for improved performance
of the functions prescribed by law for its
4 Provisions of Local Government Organization Act
- The functions of a local government include the
organization, in the rural municipality or city,
of social assistance and services, welfare
services for the elderly, youth work, housing and
utilities, the supply of water and sewerage, the
provision of public services and amenities,
physical planning, public transportation within
the rural municipality or city, and the
maintenance of rural municipality roads and city
streets unless such functions are assigned by law
to other institution.
5Provisions of District Heating Act (1)
- District Heating Region
- Municipality has a right to determine region,
where only district heating network can be used
for heating purposes. - Before making regions, municipality has to
analyze alternative solutions of heating (Energy
master plan). - For the purposes of customer protection, system
effectiveness and environmental protection
municipality has to set requirements for the
district heating companies active in the district
heating region.
6Provisions of District Heating Act (2)
- Energy Market Inspectorate will regulate prices
for - Companies, whose sales in their area is over 50
000 MWh - Companies belonging to concern, if the total
sales of the concern in Estonia is exceeding 50
000 MWh - Companies using CHP-s.
- Other companies heat prices are regulated by the
7Provisions of District Heating Act (3)
- 5 District heating region .
- A district heating region is an area determined
by a comprehensive plan within which consumer
installations are provided with heat by way of
district heating in order to ensure a secure,
reliable and effective heat supply at a justified
price in compliance with environmental
requirements and the needs of the final customer
8Comprehensive plan based on energy master plan
- The objective of energy master planning is to
maximize the benefits available to a community
through the optimum use of energy resources. The
energy plan itself is a forward-looking document
that helps to focus attention on the most
important priorities and to create a framework
for energy-related projects to be agreed and
9Long-term Public Fuel and Energy Sector
Development Plan until 2015 (1)
- The strategic objectives of the Estonian fuel and
energy sector are among others to (full text -
www.mkm.ee) - ensure fuel and energy supply with the required
quality and at optimal prices - ensure that by 2010 renewable electricity forms
5,1 per cent of the gross consumption - ensure that by 2020 electricity produced in
combined heat and power production stations forms
20 per cent of the gross consumption
10Long-term Public Fuel and Energy Sector
Development Plan until 2015 (2)
- ensure compliance with the environmental
requirements established by the state - increase the efficiency of the energy consumption
in the heat, energy and fuel sector - until 2010, maintain the volume of primary energy
consumption at the level of the year 2003
11Long-term Public Fuel and Energy Sector
Development Plan until 2015 (3)
12Energy saving program 1992
- The Principe's were
- decrease use of import fuels compared with 1991
by 50 during 5 years (target was filled) - Solve DH companies ownership problems
(municipality took ownership) - Finances for program (5,2 milj EUR from state
budget during 1992 1998, loans guaranteed by
state) - End of gross subsidies for energy and fuel
prices. - Awareness campaigns for energy saving and
rational use.
13Energy saving program 2000 2005.
14Energy saving program 2000 2005.
- The Principe's are
- Support growth of economy
- Security of supply, optimal energy price
- Decrease environmental impact from energy use and
production side - Energy end-users well-being and effective job
surroundings - Energy investments to the rural areas
15Energy saving program 2000 2005.
- Energy effective targets are
- To keep change of energy use, generated by
economical growth, at least two times lower than
growth of GDP. - On the period 2008 2012 decrease 8 CO2
emissions from 1990 level.
16Energy saving program 2000 2005.
- Last three years state support to energy saving
investments in municipalities has been annually
173 000 EUR and for energy planning (Energy
master plan) activities 42 400 EUR. - All kind of loans are available for energy
investment - Still many rural municipalities have difficulties
to finance energy saving project from own budget
and loan capabilities are low.
- Energy master plan methodology exist from 1999
project Energy Planning in Estonia AEA
Technology, UK. - Energy audits methodology is not officially
agreed. Exist Danish, Finnish and home made
methodology problematic, because there is
demand on the market for the audits, hard to
compare results. - No statistics about the results of the audits.
- Energy auditors professional level should improve
and quality control mechanism is needed.
- Energy saving should start from the planning of
energy saving activities. - Effective implemented activities will increase
energy saving. - After the activity has made - results should be
analyzed. This part is missing in most Estonian
municipalities and even in state level.
- Awareness raising about energy saving
possibilities and responsibility for the most
efficient use of local budget (tax payers money!)
foreseen for energy cost those are key factors
in municipal level. - Awareness raising possible to solve,
- Responsibility in public sector ? In many
places and officials.