Title: Population, Poverty and Development: Review and Research Gaps
1Population, Poverty and Development Review and
Research Gaps
- Aniceto C. Orbeta, Jr.
- Philippine Institute for Development Studies
- Population and Development A comparison of
Philippines and Thailand - Population and Poverty
- Philippine demographic trends
- Philippine poverty alleviation record
- Links
- Evidence
- Implications for Policy
- Research Gaps
3- Population Development Philippines Thailand
- 1/2
4- Population Development Philippines Thailand
- 2/2
5Population and Sustainable Development Framework
6Review of demographic developments
- Slow fertility decline slower than most
countries in the region (Table 1) - Average performer in mortality (Table 2)
- Continued high population growth higher than
most countries in the region - Implications
- Expect extended years of high youth dependency
- Demographic onus rather than demographic
bonus like East Asia Countries
7- Fertility and Mortality in Selected ASEAN
8Review of poverty alleviation record
- Modest gains from 44.2 in 1985 to 33.7 in 2000
or about 0.7 annually - Number of poor people increased from 4.6 million
in 1985 to 5.14 million in 2000 - Gains are only clear in urban areas (declined by
14 compared to only 4 percentage points in rural
areas between 1985-2000) - Inequality has not improved
- Share of poorest quintile 4.8 (1985) 4.7
(2000) - Share of richest quintile 51.2 (1985) 54.8
(2000) - Gini coefficient 0.47 (1985) 0.51 (2000)
9- Poverty and Inequality, 1985-2000
10Family Size and Poverty
- An empirical regularity that poverty incidence is
higher the larger the family size
11Population and poverty links
- Growth Channel (Size of the Pie) Does
demographic change (change in population growth,
fertility, mortality, age structure, etc.)
affects changes in the level and growth of
average attainable well-being per person? - Distribution Channel (Sharing of the Pie) Does
demographic change affects the distribution of
income given attainable well-being per person? - Conversion Channel (Enjoyment from Share of the
Pie) Does demographic change affects the
conversion of attainable well-being per person
into actual well-being per person?
12Evidence on the growth channel (Size of the pie)
- Demographic changes (decline in population
growth, fertility, mortality and changing age
distribution) have sizeable impacts on economic
growth account for about half of recorded
economic growth in Southeast Asia, one third in
East Asia - Fertility and mortality effects are offsetting
mortality decline stimulates growth, rise in
fertility attenuates growth this is the primary
reason for the limited effect in earlier analysis
that focus on population growth - In the Philippines, decomposition analysis show
that economic growth contributes bigger
proportion in reduction of poverty in
cross-country analysis it contributes about one
13Evidence on the distribution channel (Sharing of
the pie)
- High fertility skews the distribution of income
against the poor in cross-country analysis in
the Philippines, there is still no direct
evidence but indications are pointing to the same
direction given the limited employment
opportunities generated and the rapidly growing
labor force - The dilution effect appears to be not very strong
- On the acquisition effect, there are mixed
results on the impact of an additional child on
labor force participation of fathers but this
leads to a decline of mothers labor time and an
increase in her home time
14Evidence on the conversion channel (Enjoyment
from share of the pie)
- Doubts on whether poor families can freely choose
their family size given poorer access to FP
services, particularly for the Philippines - There are evidence on both sides of the economies
of scale argument - Clear deleterious effects of large family on
investments in human capital - Clear increase in vulnerability with larger
family size
15Family planning practice by socioeconomic class
16Population Growth and Human Capital Accumulation
Household Level 1/2
- Survey of developing country evidence
- King (1987)
- Children in large families perform less well in
school - Children in large families have poorer health,
lower survival probabilities, and are less
developed physically - Lloyd (1994)
- Resource dilution with each child getting smaller
share of family resources including income, time
and maternal nutrition - Diminished access to public resources, such as
health and education - Unequal distribution of resources among siblings
17Population Growth and Human Capital Accumulation
Household Level 2/2
- Evidence from Philippine data
- High fertility negatively affects school
participation of older children (13-17 years old)
although it does not affect school participation
of younger children (7-12 years old) (Herrin
1983, Bauer and Racelis, 1992) - Large negative impact on boys (DeGraff et al.,
1993) - Expenditure per child is also negatively affected
(Bankosta and Evenson, 1978)
18Family Size and Vulnerability
- Using the 1997 FIES and the 1998 and 1999 APIS,
it was found that 46 of the family remained to
be non-poor (N) while 22 remained to be poor (P)
throughout the period. Interestingly, as one goes
from households who remained to be poor to
households who remained to be non-poor, the
family size declines (Reyes, 2002).
19Implications for policy 1/2
- Demographics play an important role in poverty
alleviation better control of fertility should
be an important component of poverty alleviation - While there maybe reasons why the poor have large
families, it will be difficult, particularly for
the Philippines, to sort which ones are due to
lack of control over fertility and which ones are
due to preferences better control of fertility
is needed to clarify this - There are intergenerational impact of current
fertility choices primarily via lower investments
in human capital this is the main avenue of
intergenerational transmission of poverty need
for pro-active subsidy and better targeting of
public services, e.g. education and health, which
are in themselves investments with high social
returns apart from indirect returns through
demographic changes
20Implications for policy 2/2
- Importance of consistent economic growth
well-established still the primary strategy of
development for the Philippines a conducive
economic environment is needed to translate
potential benefits from demographic changes - With globalization, lower fertility is needed to
benefit from opportunities at the aggregate and
household levels, and to lessen the vulnerability
of households to economic shocks - The question to ask Is there enough reasons for
government to intervene in fertility decisions?
for poor households, should the with persuasion
case in Herrin (2002) be pursued?
21Research Agenda Population, Poverty and
- Improve upon the current broad brush attribution
of the interaction between population and poverty
for the Philippines. There is a need to continue
to clarify the interactions, at the macro,
community and household levels in the Philippine
context. The objective is to find more effective
policy handles - Poverty, fertility management and preferences and
its implications at the household level