Title: SiStrip Tracker of CBM
1 Si-Strip
Tracker of CBM
Valeri Saveliev, Obninsk State University for
Si-Strip STS Collaboration.
CBM Coordination Meeting, GSI, Russia, 10.03.2005
2 Si-Strip STS
CKBM, St.Petersburg Si-STS design, construction
aspects and technology Moscow Engineering and
Physics Institute (University) Front end
electronics and readout electronics Moscow State
University, Si sensors design and technology,
front end and readout electronics Obninsk
State University, Si-STS system design, Monte
Carlo simulation and analysis, Physics V.G.Khlopi
n Radium Institute, St.Petersburg, Si-STS design,
Construction aspects, Radiation hardness test.
3 CBM STS General Considerations
4 Si-Strip Tracker
5 Basic Technology of
Si-Strip STS
Sensors are 4 , 300 µ thick, double-sided, 70
40.1 mm2, 110 µ/208µ readout pitch A set of
strips are connected in serpentine thus strips
with following length 28 cm, 56 cm, 112 cm and
224 cm are tested (SiILC Collaboration).
6 Si
strip STS_4 Layout
20 cm
-20 cm
Read out
7 Si strip
STS_6 Layout
40 cm
- 4cm
-40 cm
Read out
8 Si-Sensores Development
- Experience in double side photolithography,
first prototype for ATLAS SCT - Good new mask aligner for double side
photolithography up to 6 - Fine pitch (up to 25 mm) sensors have been
designed and produced for SVD-2 experiment at
IHEP, Protvino - Radiation hard sensors designed, prototypes
produced and tested up to 8 MRad for D0 RunIIb - Almost all equipment for Si-sensors testing.
9 Si-Sensores Development
- Light protective box
- MKD light microscope
- Control and data acquisition electronic
- modules
- Software
10 Si-Sensors RD is
11 Si-Sensors RD
- Double side polished silicon wafers
- 300 µm 25 wafers (for tests only)
- 200 µm 50 wafers (for prototype
- 150 µm 50 wafers. production)
- Total Wafers Cost 4000 6000 Euro (Depends on
Resistivity and Suplier)
- Photomasks design and production. For Double Side
Sensors we need 14 or 15 photomasks. - Cost about 500 - 600 Euro/mask
- Total Masks Production 7000 9000 Euro
- Sensor production cost (prototypes)
- 300 µm 600 /wafer
- 200 µm 700 /wafer
- 150 µm 800 /wafer.
- This is not a sensor cost !!! It might be a lot
of sensors on wafer, total active area 36 cm2 - Cost of Production of Prototypes(50 wafers) 35
000 Euro
12 Si-Sensores RD Time
- Photomasks design and production - 3 months
- Sensor prototype production
- 300 µm 1015 wafers - 4 months
- 200 µm first 10 wafers - 4 months
- 200 µm second 10 wafers 2 months
- 150 µm first 10 wafers -3 months
- 150 µm second 10 wafers -2 months
In total according this optimistic schedule we
will have about 50 wafers with different sensors
in 12 14 months. Two last months
mainly for testing sensors. Radiation tests
could be started on the first batches of 10
13 Si-Strip
STS Readout
- The main aim of the ASIC to be developed for CBM
Si-Strip detectors is to provide both amplitude
and timing (event separation) measurements - Mechanical (dimensional) fit (face-to-face)
between strips and caseless ASICs - Space limitation at the detector forces to
provide reasonable multiplexing to save a number
of cables (communication lines) to be used - Data Driven Architecture (The Self-Triggering is
an important issue) - Accurate track reconstruction forces to have
- Massive parallelism of read-out
- High complexity (functionality) of mixed-signal
ASICs - Radiation hardness (tolerance)
- Si-Strip STS Readout is cant be unified with
other CBM Spectrometer System Readout
14 Si-Strip STS
Readout Status
MEPhI is Europractice full membership number
A47530 Access to modern technology development
- PCs and Sun Workstations
- Linux and Solaris environment
- Cadence tools
- Europractice Design Kits
15 Si-Strip
STS Frontend
- Minimal signal 7000 electrons per mip (100um
detector thickness) - Detector capacitance can be 30-300 pF depending
on thickness and length of the strip, as follows
from the simulation and design of tracker at a
suitable signal/noise ratio - Signal noise ratio better than 10 for 1 mip
- Dynamic range (?) 10 mips
- Input signals come at random time. Maximal
average frequency of the signal at the chip input
is 10 MHz - Radiation hardness 15-20 MRad
- Power consumption, as small as possible. The
maximal one few mW/channel - Supply voltages depend on the technology
- Number of channels on the chip is dictated by
tracker design (128, 256,.) - Minimal number of external components.
16 Si-Strip STS
Technology Choice
- Today 0.13-0.25 CMOS processes form the
mainstream industrial production technologies and
0.13 um processes are coming on-line as the next
industrial generation (P. Jarron. Trends in
microelectronics and nanoelectronics and their
impact on HEP instrumentation. Proc. of the 8th
Workshop on Electronics for LHC experiments, 9-13
Sept. 2002, Colmar, CERN/LHCC-2002-034, p.9-16) - Probably it is expedient to add 0.250.35 µm
Bi-CMOS processes. Bipolar is dictated by precise
analog blocks (like low-offset comparators,
erational amplifiers etc) -
- Radiation tolerant Deep Sub Micron (DSM) 0.13
(0.25??) mm CMOS process (0.25 - 0.35 mm Bi-CMOS
one) for prototyping and studying the
possibilities seems to be the best candidate and
recommended last meeting at CERN Oct.24-26
17 Si-Strip STS
Readout RD
Fabrication cost of prototype ASICs (given by
e.g. Europractice) It strongly depends on the
process. (Currently Europractice discounted
prices are 7500 /mm2 type.) The mass (more
correctly to say small volume) production cost
should be comparable with prototyping cost.
1.5106 channels ? 100 channels/chip
1000chips/wafer ? 15 wafers only! Designer
man-power cost. It is roughly 2..4 manyear per
each prototype ASIC Man power cost of test
electronics development is about 1..2 manyear
per each prototype ASIC On the way costs for
computing (hard and soft) are estimated as a few
k/year Other costs include mechanical design
(PCBs), assemblage and their tests
18 Si-Strip STS Mechanics
- Starting of the design on base preliminary
Si-Strip STS Layout - Actually technology is exists, but of course
should be taking to account CBM specific items.
19 Summary Si-Strip STS RD 2005
- Full Monte Carlo Analysis of Si-Strip STS in
common simulation frame of CBM Experiment for
optimisation of Design and Layout. Implementation
of the Si-Strip STS in Physics Simulation
Analysis. - Study and Development of the technology for
Double Sided Si-Strip Sensors with thickness up
to 100 mm. Study and Analysis of Long Lader
technology for outer part of the Si-Strip STS. - Radiation Hardness Study of Si Sensors Prototypes
- Analysis and Development of the Structure of the
Readout Chain of Si-Strip STS with emphasis of
Data Driven Architecture. Design of specific
Front end part for the thin Si-Strip sensors,
including the prototyping of electronics for the
test setup of Si-Strip Sensors. - Si-Strip Required Budgetfor 2005 RD Si-Sensors
and Readout 150 kEuro - GSI
visits at the level of 10 manmonths
Si-Strip Tracker budget for 2005
(approved by GSI) is 70 kEuro
20 Summary Si-Strip STS RD 2005
Si-Strip Required Budgetfor 2005
Si-Sensors and Readout 150 kEuro
GSI visits at the level
of 10 manmonths
Si-Strip Tracker budget for 2005
GSI (approved) is 70 kEuro MEPhI
specific Front End Grant 20 kEuro
Plan to submit the ISTC proposal for Sensor
Design and Radiation Hardness
Study (procedure of submitting is not fast 1